Aim for UK ensuring promising therapies to be tested as fast as possible and for patients to access medicine as soon as possible, 16 April 2020
Paper on the UK government Therapeutics Taskforce.
Paper on the Therapeutics Taskforce and ensuring promising therapies in UK. It was considered at SAGE 26 on 16 April 2020.
It should be viewed in context: the paper was the best assessment of the evidence at the time of writing. The picture is developing rapidly and, as new evidence or data emerges, SAGE updates its advice accordingly.
Therefore, some of the information in this paper may have been superseded and the author’s opinion or conclusion may since have developed.
These documents are released as pre-print publications that have provided the government with rapid evidence during an emergency. These documents have not been peer-reviewed and there is no restriction on authors submitting and publishing this evidence in peer-reviewed journals.
Redactions within this document have been made to remove any personal details.