
Information for British nationals detained or imprisoned in Albania

Updated 20 March 2025

Chapter 1: Key points


If you are a British national, and are arrested or detained in another country, consular staff will do what they can to help you. However, we cannot interfere with the local justice system, get you out of jail, or pay for services such as a lawyer. Information about who we can help, including the circumstances in which we can assist dual nationals, is in guidance on support for British nationals abroad.

This information pack aims to give you, and your family and friends, information about the local system in Albania and who can help. Consular staff can provide a printed copy to those in prison or in custody. We welcome feedback to help us improve the information we can provide.

Contacting us

If you are arrested or detained in Albania:

  • the authorities should ask whether you want them to contact the British embassy, high commission or consulate (and must do so if you want them to)
  • if they do not ask, you can make the request yourself. You should do this if you are charged with a serious offence or need any kind of assistance
  • friends or family can also contact the local British embassy, high commission or consulate or the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) in London on +44 (0)20 7008 5000

In some countries, the authorities might notify the British embassy, high commission or consulate even if you do not want anyone to know that you have been arrested. This is because there may be an agreement in place with the British government which requires a mandatory notification to be made.

Who we are

Consular staff work in the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office in the UK, and in British embassies, high commissions and consulates overseas.

British Embassy
Rr. Skenderbeg No.12
Telephone: (+00 355) 4 22 34973/4/5


You can also contact us by phone 24/7 for help or advice from anywhere in the world by calling the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office on +44 (0)20 7008 5000.

What we can do

The FCDO can offer you impartial and non-judgemental help. When we are notified of your arrest or detention, we will aim to contact you as soon as possible, so that we can assess how we can help you. We then aim to provide assistance according to your individual circumstances and local conditions. Our priority is to provide assistance to those British nationals overseas that need our help the most.

In Albania, notification by the authorities to the consulate normally takes place within several days after arrest. After we are notified, we aim to contact you as soon as possible.

We can also:

  • provide a list of local English-speaking lawyers and interpreters
  • provide general information about the country, detention conditions, and the local legal system (including if legal aid is available)
  • provide general information about the local prison or remand system, including visiting arrangements, mail and censorship, privileges, and welfare services
  • keep in regular contact with you, either by visiting or by telephone/letter. The frequency of contact will depend on local conditions and your personal circumstances
  • tell the police or prison doctor, with your permission, about any medical or dental problems including medication
  • put you, or your family, in touch with a prisoners’ welfare charity Prisoners Abroad
  • in some circumstances we may be able to help take up complaints with the police or prison authorities about ill treatment, personal safety, or discrimination, if you are not treated in line with internationally recognised standards
  • help to transfer money to you from your friends or family. In places where phone or postal services are not available we can also try to pass on messages and deliver letters to the prison (but generally we cannot arrange for delivery directly to you)
  • in some circumstances we may be able to help you apply for a transfer to a prison in the UK

What we cannot do:

  • get you out of prison or detention
  • help you get special treatment because you are British
  • offer legal advice, start legal proceedings or investigate a crime
  • pay for any costs because you have been arrested
  • forward you packages sent by friends or family
  • prevent authorities from deporting you after release

First steps

Informing family members

If you want us to, we can tell your family or friends that you have been detained and provide them with information about how to contact you. With your consent, we can also keep them updated on your wellbeing.

If you are not sure about informing your family, we can help you consider what the impact of not doing so might be. For example, it may cause them distress if they do not know where you are, or cannot contact you. It can also be a disadvantage to you if you need someone to send you money or act on your behalf while you are detained.

Informing the UK police

If you are accused of certain serious offences, such as sexual assault or drugs trafficking, we are obliged to share information about your arrest with UK police. Information about this may appear if a Criminal Records Bureau check were carried out by a prospective employer. There may be other circumstances when information about you may need to be shared with authorities in Albania.

We cannot give legal advice, start legal proceedings, or investigate a crime. However, we can provide information about the local legal system, including whether a legal aid scheme is available.

We can also give you a list of local interpreters and a list of local English-speaking lawyers.

You should consider the benefits of local legal representation and discuss all the costs beforehand with the legal representative. We cannot pay your legal or interpretation costs in any circumstance.

Consular assistance: fair treatment

We cannot get you out of prison or detention, or get you special treatment because you are British. If you are not treated in line with internationally accepted standards, we will consider whether to approach the local authorities. This may include if your trial does not follow internationally recognised standards or is unreasonably delayed compared to local cases.

Other organisations that can provide assistance

We can put you, or your family, in touch with Prisoners Abroad, a UK charity which supports British citizens detained overseas and their families.

Chapter 2: Detention conditions in Albania

Visits: friends and family

Who can visit and how to arrange visits

You should read FCDO travel advice before you travel to Albania for the latest information on safety and security, entry requirements and travel warnings.

If family members wish to visit you, they should arrange this directly with the prison administration or through your lawyer. Permission may be more difficult to obtain for partners and friends, and that, depending on the nature of the case, the authorities have the right to refuse permission for such visits altogether. You can notify the consular section at the British Embassy in case our assistance is needed in any way. Your lawyer can visit you at any time.

What to expect when you visit

You can have visit up to 4 times per month from members of your family. If you are under 18 years old, you can be visited up to 8 times per month by family. The visits can be scheduled every day from 9am to 2:30pm and can last for 30 minutes.

If you are married, you may be allowed one visit that lasts longer than the usual 30 minutes. Longer visits may be possible when a family member has travelled from abroad but it should be pre-arranged through your lawyer before travelling. Visitors will need to bring an identification document with a photograph, for example, a passport or a driving licence.

What you can take on your visit

Your visitors will not be able to give you anything directly during the visit. They will need to give any gifts to a prison officer, who will check the contents and give you the package after the visit.

Visitors are allowed to bring food and clothing 4 times a month. Prison regulations about permitted items may be subject to change, so families should consult their lawyer in advance of their visit to get the latest information.

Visits: consular staff

We aim to visit you once a year. However, we will also consider visiting in response to specific circumstances related to your welfare. During our routine visits you will have the opportunity to discuss any health issues, security concerns, your treatment in prison and any other general issues that you wish to raise with our Consular staff.

Consular staff will complete a visit report form during each visit. If there is any information that you would prefer not to disclose to a next of kin, you should let us know during the visit.

The consular team can make representations to the prison authorities about any discrimination or ill treatment reported by you, and help you receive medical or dental treatment if necessary. However, we cannot get better treatment for you than would be given to locals or other nationals.

In some circumstances, for example a pandemic, and if the facilities at the particular prison allow, we can arrange remote visits using online/video technology.

You can write to us at any time on matters that concern you. If it is urgent it may be quicker to ask the prison authorities to contact us on your behalf.

Our postal address:

British Embassy Tirana
Rr. Skenderbeg No. 12
Tirana 1000

Emergency trips outside of prison

You may be permitted to make a trip outside prison, for example, to attend funerals, medical treatment in local hospitals or a special event for your next-of-kin. The prison authorities or the case prosecutor will need to authorise these trips, depending on the need.

Police custody and initial arrival at prison

Arriving at the police station: your basic rights

You will be taken to a detention facility until the custody order is issued.

When you are arrested, you should be told your rights. These include the rights to:

  • appeal against the detention measure
  • have legal representation
  • access medical care
  • have one phone call to inform somebody of your detention
  • have your consulate informed
  • to use an interpreter

The arresting officer may require you to make a statement. This must be made with a translator or someone who can speak English or a language you are comfortable with. See Albania: translators and interpreters.

You will be prosecuted by representatives from the prosecutor’s office. The Albanian government will appoint a public defender if you are unable to afford a private lawyer.

You can hire a lawyer for yourself at any time after your arrest. A list of English-speaking lawyers will be given to you by a Consular Officer. When appointing a lawyer you should check the fees and how and when they must be paid. The British Embassy cannot pay legal fees or guarantee to a lawyer that you will pay them.

Alternatively, your case will be taken by a public defender. If you hire a lawyer later, the case will be transferred to the new lawyer.

Appearing at court

On the day of your trial you will be taken to the court where your case is being heard. There will be a judge in charge of your case, along with the public prosecutor and your lawyer or public defender. If you don’t speak Albanian the court will be responsible for hiring an interpreter to assist you during the trial.

Read more information about the Albanian judicial system.

Initial arrival at the prison

Any of your personal belongings that are not considered to be part of the investigation will be sent to the prison, if the prison has enough space to keep them. Unfortunately, it is not unusual for some belongings to go missing immediately after arrest or during prison transfers.

The British Embassy cannot store your personal belongings on your behalf. The only property we can keep for you is your passport and driver’s licence. However, these are usually retained by the courts until the end of your sentence. The courts may keep your passport as evidence of the alleged crime or as a condition for your bail or parole. This is to prevent you from skipping bail.

The prison health department will carry out medical checks to assess if you need any treatment for ongoing medical conditions, for example, blood pressure, diabetes, HIV.

Prison: conditions and daily life


Overcrowding, poor conditions and lack of infrastructure are problems in Albanian detention centres and prisons.

Most Albanian prisons will provide you with basic toiletries and standard clothing and linen. You can buy other items from the prison shopping list, which most of the prisons offer on a monthly basis. Non-smoking cells are not available in Albanian prisons.

Cells are usually shared and the number of inmates sharing a cell varies. Sanitary facilities are poor. A mattress, a blanket and bedding are usually provided.

Food and diet

Prison authorities state that they provide a balanced diet that gives the necessary daily nutritional requirements.

A special diet can only be provided on medical, for example, if you have diabetes or high blood pressure, or religious grounds. Vegetarian diets are not generally available.

You can supplement your diet by buying fruit and other items from the prison shop, when available.


Sanitary facilities are poor in Albanian prisons. You can buy hygiene items from the prison shopping list, which most prisons offer on a monthly basis.

Work and study

There may not be enough jobs available for you to have the opportunity to work. If you do work while in prison in Albania, you do not get paid. The prison authorities may consider a reduction to your sentence as a result of any work done during your sentence.

Learning and development opportunities vary from prison to prison.

Contact and languages

Contact with inmates is usually allowed.

Prison guards rarely speak English. Prisons do not provide specialised language classes for prisoners. UK nationals who are detained or serving a sentence in Albania can request language materials, including dictionaries and phrase books, from Prisoners Abroad.

Prisoners and detainees have limited access to internet and cannot use their own electronic devices.


You will be allowed to spend 2 hours a day outdoors. Some prisons have exercise facilities and a gym on their premises where you can exercise. Detention centres do not usually have exercise facilities and spending time outdoors may be more limited.


The climate in Albania is typically Mediterranean, characterised by mild but wet winters and very hot, dry summers. The western part of the country has more moderate temperatures than the rest of Albania. The eastern part of the country is mainly under the influence of continental air and is characterised by mild summers and cold winters.


You can take part in religious services if you wish. Most prisons have a small area where you can hold or attend services. The frequency of services varies in different prisons.

Rules and regulations including drugs

When you arrive in prison you will be told about the internal regulations and about your rights and duties in a language you understand. Prisons have a set system for rewarding and sanctioning good or bad behaviour.

If you are caught with any illegal drugs you will be punished accordingly. You may also lose your prison job and be sent to confinement.

You are allowed to smoke tobacco cigarettes inside Albanian prisons.

Prison: access to help and services

Receiving money

The British embassy does not provide financial support to British nationals in prison abroad.

There are 2 ways you may be able to receive financial assistance while in prison:

  • private funds: deposited to you by your family or friends
  • Prisoners Abroad may be able to send you a small grant every quarter for essentials (enough for one hot meal a day) if your family is unable to provide you with financial support

Money received from family or friends in the UK will be converted into local currency. Consular staff will then transfer your funds to prison authorities.

Money sent to you will be deposited in your prison account, where this facility is available, or the prison authorities will inform you how to access the money available to you. Consular staff cannot be responsible for the loss of funds by the prison authorities.

Private funds

While the FCDO does not provide financial assistance to prisoners, we may be able, within certain limits, to send you money from your family or friends. You cannot have cash sent to you in the post.

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office operates a service which allows you to pay funds to us in the UK which we will pay out in local currency. The various ways you can pay us are detailed below.

Under the Consular Fees Order of 2016 to 2017, we are obliged to charge for this service. The fee depends on the amount that you want to transfer:

Amount being sent Fee
One monthly payment up to £100 Free
Each additional payment or amount of £0.01 to £99.99 £10
Each additional payment or amount of £100 to £499.99 £25
Each additional payment or amount of £500 and above £50

When forwarding funds, you should add the above fee to the amount that you wish to transfer. For example, if you want the recipient to receive £150, you will need to send us £175 (£150 to forward plus £25 fee).

If other friends and family also plan to transfer funds in the same month, you should consider coordinating payments so you know what FCDO fees to expect. We retain the right to further deduct any local overseas charges we may incur in passing the fees to the recipient.

Prisoners can also receive money directly from family and friends by a bank transfer into the prison’s bank account. You should ask your family to get in touch with the British Embassy in Tirana for details. Alternatively you can ask your lawyer to get the prison’s bank details for you.

We can only advance funds to the person overseas after your payment has cleared in our account.

Electronic bank transfers

Payment by electronic bank transfer can be made either using online or telephone banking, or at your local bank or building society.

For all bank transfers, you will need to include:

Bank National Westminster Bank
Account Name: FCDO Multi Vote
Sort Code: 60-70-80
Account number: 10012362
Reference: FCDO case reference number surname and initials of the person you are sending the funds for. For example, CON-1234 Smith J or 11-THB-123456 Smith J
IBAN GB56NWBK60708010012362

You may also need our bank address:

Government Banking Cst
PO Box 2027
De Havilland Way

By post

Payments by postal order, bankers draft, building society cheque or personal cheque should be crossed and made payable to: ‘The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’ and sent to:

The Cashier
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
PO Box 7654
Milton Keynes
MK11 9NQ

We recommend that you use special delivery.

You should include a note briefly explaining who the money is for, why you are sending these funds and quoting the case reference number. You may wish to use the payment slip details below.

To: Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

CASEBOOK reference number:


Please find enclosed funds for:

Full Name:

Country/ place the above is in:

Account enclosed:

Fee to be deducted:

Payment method:

My name is:

My address is:

If you would like a receipt, include a stamped addressed envelope.

It can take approximately 15 days for personal cheques to clear and for payment to be received. Write the cheque guarantee number and expiry date, and the COMPASS reference number, on the back of the cheque.

We are unable to receive payment by credit or debit card or cash.

Prisoners Abroad

Prisoners Abroad, a UK charity, may be able to help you with funding for prison essentials and some medical care if you are not receiving regular funding from other sources. See the additional information section of this guidance for more details.

Medical and dental treatment

While you are detained, Albania is responsible for ensuring your basic medical needs are met.

If you need medical treatment, you should make an appointment to see the prison doctor. If the situation is urgent you should contact the prison officers and/or social worker, who may be able to refer you more quickly than through the normal channels.

Prison doctors are often the equivalent of GPs in the UK, so unusual or complex problems may be referred to a specialist outside the prison.

All medical treatment to detainees outside of prison is provided by the Albanian Public Hospital. The health system in Albania is poor compared to UK standards.

With your permission, we can make sure that any medical or dental problems you have are brought to the attention of any police or prison doctor. We can also contact your GP in the UK, if the police or prison doctor requests previous medical records.

Letters and parcels

There is usually no limit to the number of letters you may send or receive. You can buy postal stamps from the prison authorities if you wish to send mail to your family or friends.

You can receive parcels from your family. All parcels are subject to search and contents may be confiscated if the authorities find they contain prohibited items.

Parcels should be sent directly to the prison. Parcels sent to the British embassy will not be forwarded to you. Parcels must have the name and details of the sender.

Telephone calls

You are allowed to make phone calls using the prison phones. You will need to buy a phone card from the prison shop.

If you are caught trying to use a mobile phone inside the prison you will be punished according to the prison’s regulations. You may also lose your prison job and be sent to confinement.

Making a complaint about mistreatment

If you have been mistreated, you should inform consular staff as soon as it is safe for you to do so. We will do our best to visit you, to check on your welfare, discuss the allegations, and explain any local complaints procedures and supportive organisations that you may wish to consider.

With your permission, and where appropriate, we will consider approaching the local authorities if you have not been treated in line with internationally-accepted standards. If you have been mistreated, try to see a doctor, obtain a medical report and if possible take photos of your injuries. You should also aim to speak to your assigned social worker as soon as possible and consider reporting the incident to the prison administration.

Chapter 3: The Albanian judicial system


The FCDO cannot interfere with the judicial system. We cannot ask for your case to be judged more quickly just because you are British, or ask the authorities to waive any penalties.

The Justice system in Albania has 4 levels:

  • District Court
  • Appeal Court
  • Supreme Court
  • Constitutional Court

If a request to review a case has been through all these courts it can be sent to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Trials are usually public. However, it is possible for an entire trial or individual hearings to be held behind closed doors. This is usually done to protect state secrets, public morals or the identity of a protected witness.

The investigating authorities collect evidence which will prove or dismiss the alleged crime.

You will be informed about the next stages of the pre-trail and court proceedings by the court secretary services. The trial will be conducted in Albanian, and an English- speaking interpreter can be appointed by court.

First steps

What happens when you are arrested

When you are arrested, you can be detained at a police station for up to 24 hours, and up to 72 hours if requested by a prosecutor.

When you are arrested you should be told your rights. You should tell the authorities if you want the British Embassy to be informed of your arrest.

After this initial period, an appointed case prosecutor will work to gather evidence. During this investigation, you can be remanded for an initial 3-month period. The Prosecutor can then ask for an extension. The maximum period of arrest without charge cannot exceed 2 years. The prosecutor assigned to the case may question you from time to time during the period before the trial.

The Albanian government will appoint a public defender if you are unable to afford a private lawyer.

If you have any questions on the legal aspects of your arrest, contact your lawyer. See the list of local English-speaking lawyers.

Length of remand

During the investigative phase, an arrested person can be kept in custody for:

  • up to 3 months for misdemeanours
  • up to 6 months for crimes punishable with imprisonment of up to 10 years
  • up to 12 months for crimes punishable with imprisonment of not less than 10 years

After the case has moved to the hearing phase in district court an arrested person can be kept in custody for:

  • up to 2 months for misdemeanours
  • up to 9 months for crimes punishable with imprisonment of up to 10 years
  • up to 12 months for crimes punishable with imprisonment of not less than 10 years

During the hearing phase in the court of appeals, an arrested person can be kept in custody for:

  • up to 2 months for misdemeanours
  • up to 6 months for crimes punishable with imprisonment of up to 10 years
  • up to 9 months for crimes punishable with imprisonment of not less than 10 years

However, the overall term of custody cannot exceed:

  • 10 months for misdemeanours
  • 2 years for crimes punishable with imprisonment of up to 10 years
  • 3 years for crimes punishable with imprisonment of not less than 10 years

After you are charged

After formal charges have been laid, detainees have the right to be informed of their rights. These include the rights to:

  • notify a third person
  • access a lawyer
  • challenge the lawfulness of detention
  • remain silent
  • notify the embassy of the country of their origin

If you do not understand the local language you are charged in, you should be provided with an authorised and licensed translator by the local police.

After the initial arrest, you can be detained for an initial period of 24 hours. The prosecutor has the power to extend the detention during this period to a maximum of 72 hours. After 72 hours, you must either be released, or taken to court, which will decide whether or not to extend your detention.

If a court orders detention for a longer period, you will be transferred to the nearest custodial facility, for example, a detention centre where you may remain until charge or trial. Depending on the seriousness of the charge, the competent court is the District or Regional Court in the town nearest to where the crime was committed and the you are usually detained in that town until trial.


The possibility of bail depends on the severity or nature of the crime. Bail can be paid by bank transfers directly to the bank account of the court offering bail. Your lawyer can advise you on how to pay.

The British Embassy can help you with contacting friends or family who may be willing to help you with securing funds for bail.

The FCDO cannot transfer bail funds.

If you want to hire a private lawyer, see the list of English-speaking lawyersPrisoners Abroad can also supply general (non-country specific) information on legal aid, court proceedings and can advise on appointing a lawyer.

You can hire a lawyer for yourself at any time after your arrest. A list of English-speaking lawyers will be given to you by a Consular Officer. When appointing a lawyer you should check the fees and how and when you will need to pay them. The British Embassy cannot pay legal fees or guarantee to a lawyer that you will pay them.

If you cannot afford a private lawyer, your case will be taken by a public defender. If you subsequently hire a lawyer, the case will be transferred to the new lawyer.


On the day of your trial you will be taken to the court where your case is being heard. There will be a judge in charge of your case along with the public prosecutor and your lawyer or public defender. If you don’t speak Albanian the court will be responsible for hiring an interpreter to assist you during the trial.

You will be informed about the next stages of the court proceedings by the court secretary services. The trial will be conducted in Albanian and an English-speaking interpreter can be appointed by court.

You are not required to be present at every court session. Your legal representative, if you decide to appoint one, will attend the court hearings on your behalf. If you are summoned to attend a trial in Albania, the local authorities will not be able to assist with travel or accommodation arrangements.


Sentences vary greatly in Albania and will depend on the seriousness of the crime. Your lawyer can advise you on length of sentences and on the appeals process. There is no death penalty or corporal punishment in Albania.


You have the right to appeal against your sentence in the higher courts, through your lawyer or public defenders. It is fairly common for the public defenders to appeal against your first sentence. However, the appeal process is usually very slow and can sometimes lead to your release being delayed until the appeal is decided. We recommend you review your options with your legal representative before deciding to appeal.

Reaching the end of your sentence

Reduction of sentence (remission)

You will have to make a formal request and address it to the court to reduce your sentence due to good behaviour. The remission will only be deducted from your sentence after the judge’s agreement. The prison authorities or your lawyer are best placed to advice on local procedures on the reduction of your sentence.

Early release

In Albania, you can be released on parole if your behaviour and work record show that the your time in prison has achieved its goal and if the following requirements are met:

  • you have served not less than half of the length of the sentence given for a misdemeanour
  • you have served not less than two thirds of the length of the sentence given for criminal offences that provide an imprisonment of up to five years
  • you have served not less than three quarters of the length of the sentence given for criminal offences that provide an imprisonment from 5 to 25 years

Early release or release on parole is not allowed if you are serving a sentence for intentional repeated offences.

Clemency or pardon

In Albania, pardon/clemency can only be given by the President of the Republic of Albania with the proposal of the Minister of Justice. A pardon/clemency means that although the prison sentence will end the person will still have a criminal record.

Financial penalties

Together with the a prison sentence, the court may impose fines. If you cannot afford to pay the fine, you may have property confiscated by the state.

Transfer to another prison within Albania

If you have been tried and convicted you will be sent to a prison where you can expect to serve your sentence. The General Prison Directorate will decide and inform you about where you will serve your sentence. You can make an official request to be transferred to another prison if there are concerns for security reasons.

Transfer to a prison in the UK

British nationals serving prison sentences in Albania can apply to transfer to a UK prison and serve their sentence in the UK. The transfer process can be very slow and bureaucratic.

To transfer to the UK, you must:

  • be a British citizen or have close family ties with the UK (normally through permanent residence in the UK)
  • not be awaiting trial
  • have exhausted all appeals against your conviction and/or the length of your sentence; or have waived your right to an appeal
  • have at least 6 months of your sentence left to serve when you apply for transfer
  • have no outstanding fines or other non-custodial penalties

The offence you were convicted for must also be a criminal offence in the part of the UK you wish to be transferred to: England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

The authorities in the sentencing country may refuse your request. Even if the sentencing country agrees to your transfer, the UK authorities may also refuse your request. Reasons for this might include if you have not lived in the UK for a number of years and you have no close family living there.

You should also send a copy of the prison transfer request to the British Embassy in Tirana. We will pass it on to the UK authorities.

Release and deportation

If you are released and you don’t have an expulsion order issued against them, they can leave the country at any time at their own expense.

Sometimes people find that they face difficulties adjusting to life in the UK once they have left prison. You may find yourself ready for life on the outside but not prepared for living in the UK. You may not have lived in the UK before and have no connections there, or perhaps you have lost touch with friends and family. You may want to talk to another person who understands what you have been through, to help you consider what to do next.

If you are registered with Prisoners Abroad, you can arrange an appointment with their Resettlement Team when you first arrive back in UK. They can help with for advice, temporary luggage store, make essential phone calls or use a computer. If you have no belongings Prisoners Abroad may be able to help with basic toiletries and finding suitable clothing.

If you know your release date in advance you should tell the Prisoner and Family Team when you are likely to arrive and what help you think you might need. If you have no money and nowhere to go, Prisoners Abroad’s Resettlement Service can help with:

  • advice on finding emergency accommodation in the London area
  • claiming welfare benefits, including emergency benefit payments if you are destitute
  • making appointments with doctors and dentists
  • putting you in touch with local agencies if you are not returning to the London area

Later on you may want advice on housing, looking for work, applying for training or getting counselling. Prisoners Abroad can refer you to the right agency.

Other sources of practical help back in the UK are:

The Salvation Army

UK Helpline +44 (0)20 7367 4888

Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm, or contact your local Salvation Army branch

The Prison Fellowship

UK Helpline +44 (0)20 7799 2500

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Your criminal record in the UK

We will not normally pass on information about your case to a third party without your consent. However, if you’re arrested for certain serious offences, such as child sex abuse or drugs crimes, our staff must tell other relevant UK authorities. It is possible that information about this may appear if a Criminal Records Bureau check were carried out by a prospective employer.

Chapter 4: Additional information

Prisoners Abroad

Since 1978 the charity Prisoners Abroad has offered practical support and advice to British citizens imprisoned abroad. It is the only UK charity providing this service. It is available to all, whether guilty or innocent, convicted or awaiting charge or trial.

Prisoners Abroad supports your health and welfare during your imprisonment. It can also provide support on your return to the UK, through their resettlement service (if you have registered whilst in prison). They can also provide support and advice to your family when you are in prison. To access any services, you must first register with Prisoners Abroad by signing and returning their authorisation form.

Once you seek help from Prisoners Abroad, the Prisoner & Family Support Service will be your point of contact for advice and information. The type of assistance they can offer varies from country to country, but generally they can provide you with information, in English, on:

  • your rights as a prisoner
  • issues that may affect you such as health or transfer to the UK
  • getting magazines, newspapers, books and the regular Prisoners Abroad newsletter
  • learning the language of your country of imprisonment
  • translating documents
  • grants for food if you are in a developing country and do not have funds from other sources
  • grants for essential medicines and toiletries if you do not have funds from other sources
  • preparing for release
  • help for your loved ones, including information, family support groups and, in a few cases, assistance with the cost of visiting
  • freepost envelopes to help you stay in touch with others

Prisoners Abroad

UK Helpline +44 (0)20 7561 6820 or 0808 172 0098
Mondays to Fridays 9:30am to 4:30pm (UK time)
89 to 93 Fonthill Road
London N4 3JH

English Albanian
Access to file (by Lawyer) E drejta e informimit mbi dosjen (nga avokati)
Adjudication Vendim
Administration of justice Administrim i drejtësisë, i mbarëvajtjes së proçeseve gjyqësore, ekonomi gjyqësore
Appeal Apel, rekurs
Appeal for error Ankim për gabime proçedure
Appeal or complaint Apel ose ankimim
Application Aplikim
Application forms (prison) Formulare aplikimi (burgu)
Army Ushtria
Bar Association Dhoma Avokateve
Blood test Analize gjaku
Board of prison governors Bord drejtues i Drejtuesve te Burgjeve
Charge Akuze
Police Officer Oficer Policie
Chief Prosecutor Prokuror
Chief Public Prosecutor Prokuror
Civil party in criminal trial Pala civile ne ceshtje penale
Code of criminal procedure Kodi I Procedures Penale
Complaints system Sistemi I ankimimit
Completed file Dosje perfunduar
Compulsory prosecution Ndjekje penale e detyrueshme
Conjugal Visit Vizite intime
Court file reference Referenca e dosjes se gjyqit
Criminal code Kodi Penal
Criminal Court Gjykata Penale
Criminal prosecution by victim Ndjekja penale mbi bazën e ankimit të viktimës, palës së dëmtuar
Custody hearing Seanca e vleresimit te mases se arrestit
Custody order Vendimi i mases se arrestit
Danger of interfering with the course of justice Rreziku i nderhyrjes ne hetim/sistemin e drejtesise
Danger of repeated criminal offences Rrezik i vepres penale te perseritur
Deportation order Urdher Deportimi
Duty of obedience Detyrimi për bindje
Evaluation of evidence Vleresimi I provave
Expert Witness Deshmia e ekspertit
Extradition Ekstradim
Federal Border Police Policia Kufitare
Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution Gjykata Kushtetuese
Federal Police Policia
Federal Prosecutions Office Prokuroria e Pergjithshme
File Dosje
Final public trial Gjykimi përfundimtar
Greater Criminal Court Kolegji Penal i Gjykatës së Lartë
Guilty Fajtor
High Court Gjykata e Larte
Higher Regional Court Gjykata Rajonale te Apelit
Highest Chamber of greater Criminal Court Kolegji Penal i Gjykatës së Lartë
Imprisonment after conviction Burgosje pas denimit
Insubordination to officer Mosbindje ndaj Oficerit
Interpreter Përkthyes
Investigating Judge Hetues
Judge Gjykatës
Judgement Gjykim
Jurisdiction Juridiksion
Juvenile prison rules Rregullat e burgut te minoreneve
Law exam Provimi I avokatures
Lawyer Avokat
Lay Judges Ndërmjetës ose gjyqtarë për krimet e lehta ose kundërvajtjet
Lay Judges Court Gjykata për krimet e lehta ose kundërvajtjet ose Dhoma e Ndërmjetësve
Legal Aid Lawyer Avokat I Ndihmes Ligjore
Legal Clerk or candidate for law examination Ndihmës avokat, asistent avokat
Legal remedy Rregullim ligjor
Local Bar Association Dhoma e Avokatëve
Local prison rules Rregullat locale te burgjeve
Local State Court Gjykata e Rrethit
Major offence Krim i rende
Master of the pre-trial Drejtues i seancave paraprake
Minimal (culpability) Minimumi i nevojshëm për shpalljen fajtor
Minister of Justice Ministër I Drejtësisë
Minor offence Krime të lehta
Money earned in prison Para te fituara ne burg
Notary Noter
Officer of the Court Oficer Gjyqësor
Opposition Opozitë / kundërshtar
Penal order Urdhër (vendim) penal
Penal proceeding Procedim Penal
Permit, entitlement Leje
Personal money in prison Para personale ne burg
Physical examination Kontroll fizik
Plaintiff Paditësi
Police assisting Prosecutor Oficer I Policise Gjyqesore
Police Chief Inspector Krye Inspektor Policie
Police Commissariat Komisariat Policie
Police field office Polic I thjeshte
Police Inspector Inspektor Policie
Power of Attorney Prokurë
Preliminary detention Ndalim ose paraburgim
Presiding Judge Kryetar i trupit gjykues
Presumption of innocence Prezumimi i pafajësisë
Preventive detention Paraburgim
Prison Burg
Prison administration Administrata e Burgut
Prison Assessment Unit Njësia për vlerësimin e burgut
Prison court Oborr in burgut ose trupi që shqyrton shkelje të veçanta në burg
Prison Director Drejtor Burgu
Prison house rules Rregullat të burgut
Prison newspaper Gazeta e burgut
Prison rule book Rregullore e burgut
Prison rules regarding supervised visit Rregullore e burgut për vizitat e mbikëqyrura
Prison Warder Roje burgu
Prisoners i/e Burgosur
Private prosecution Ndjekje penale mbi bazën e ankimit vetjak
Procedural complaint against official Ankesë proçeduriale kundrejt zyrtarit
Proof of evidence Prova
Proportionality Përpjesëtueshmëri
Prosecutor Prokuror
Public Prosecutor’s Office Zyra e Prokurorit
Punishment cell Dhoma e Izolimit
Regional State Court Gjykatë rrethi (në Shqipëri)
Registered (in State) E rregjistruar / i rregjistruar (në rreth)
Rehabilitation Rehabilitim
Release Lirim
Release order Urdher Lirimi
Remand rules Rregullat për kthimin e çështjeve
Representative of the Local Authority Perfaqesues i Autoriteteve Lokale
Restriction on prosecution of minor offences Kufizime për procedimin e krimeve (shkeljeve) të lehta
Riot squad Forcat policore të burgjeve që ndërhyjnë n rastet e kryengritjeve / trazirave (skuadra e ndërhyrjes së shpejtë)
Secret Service Sherbimi Sekret
Security Siguria
Single Judge Gjyqtar i vetëm
Single Judge Court Gjyqtar i vetëm
Small Police Station Rajon Policie I vogel
Social Worker Punonjës Social
Special Lay Judges Court Gjykata e posaçme për krimet e lehta apo kundravajtjet / dhomat e ndërmjetësuesve
State officials including prison Warders Zyrtarë shtetërorë, përfshirë këtu rojet e burgut
Statute of Judicial Organisation Ligji për organizimin e drejtësisë
Sufficient suspicion Dyshim serioz, dyshim i fortë
Suspended sentence Vendim i pezulluar
Temporary detention Ndalim i perkohshëm
The accused i/e akuzuari
To buy blej
To change money Shkembim parash
To deport Deboj
To file an application Dorëzoj nje aplikim
Transfer to another prison Transferim ne burg tjetër
Treason Tradhti, tradhti e lartë, vrasje për motive të dobëta (ndaj familjarit, etj)
Valid or legal i/e vlefshme ose i/e ligjshem
Visit Vizitë
Visiting permit Leje per te vizituar
Warder Roje burgu


FCDO: Support for British nationals abroad: Summary

Albania: lawyers - GOV.UK

Albania: translators and interpreters - GOV.UK

FCDO leaflet: In Prison Abroad: Transfer to a UK Prison

Prisoners Abroad General Leaflet

Prisoners Abroad Authorisation Form

Prisoners Abroad Family Contact Form

Prisoners Abroad CFF Form