Analysis of trends in first time entrants to the youth justice system
A study to investigate the possible factors related to the rapid changes in the number of first time entrants to the youth justice system in England and Wales.
Over a 10 year period, there has been substantial changes in the number of young people entering the youth justice system for the first time (FTEs). This study aimed to address questions on the possible societal, policy or practice drivers and factors associated with the changes in the number of FTEs. Analysis also explored the changes to the FTE ‘case mix’ over time, and proven reoffending outcomes.
The research employed secondary analysis of administrative data held on the Police National Computer (PNC) relating to all FTEs between 2003/04 and 2012/13 and analysis of information on arrests and sentencing. To complement this analysis, a review of published literature and policy documents was undertaken to identify possible factors (at the societal, policy and practice levels) that might have affected the number of FTEs.