
Letter from Lady Elish to the Home Secretary: progress update on the Angiolini Inquiry (accessible version)

Updated 19 July 2022

The Angiolini Inquiry
via email
27 June 2022

Dear Home Secretary,

As you are aware from our recent conversation, the fresh criminal proceedings currently being brought against Wayne Couzens involve certain allegations which will also be discussed in my Part 1 report to you. Until those matters have been disposed of by the court and are no longer sub judice, and until all other relevant misconduct and criminal proceedings have concluded, I will be prevented from finalising and submitting my Part 1 report to you.

The Inquiry is nonetheless making considerable progress: to date we have benefited from positive cooperation from many individuals and organisations, which has greatly facilitated our task, and I am hopeful this will continue. In light of the above developments and as we discussed, I believe it would be appropriate to commence the preparations for Part 2 of the Inquiry before my report on Part 1 is finalised and submitted.

I look forward to discussing next steps with you at our next meeting, or sooner if you deem it necessary.

Warmest best wishes

Lady Elish Angiolini LT DBE PC QC
Chair of the Angiolini Inquiry