
Letter from the Home Secretary to Lady Elish: update on part 2 of the Angiolini Inquiry

Updated 19 July 2022

Lady Elish Angiolini LT DBE PC QC
Angiolini Inquiry Chair
via email

18 July 2022

Dear Elish,

Thank you your letter of 27 June concerning the progress you have made so far with Part 1 of the Angiolini Inquiry. I am pleased the Inquiry has received positive cooperation from many individuals and organisations so far. You advised that it will not be possible to finalise your Part 1 report until the related ongoing criminal and misconduct proceedings have concluded.

As you have observed, it may take some time for those proceedings to conclude, and I agree it is of vital importance that we are not prevented from making progress to address broader matters of public concern arising from this and other recent tragic cases. I, along with much of the public, have been appalled by the reports of sexist and misogynistic attitudes and wider cultural issues in policing that have been coming to light in recent times. The public must have full confidence that the police are there to protect them, and that they will be taken seriously and treated with respect when reporting crimes and interacting with the police.

It is for these reasons that I would like Part 2 of the Angiolini Inquiry to proceed as soon as practicable, without waiting for Part 1 to conclude. My officials have begun to consider the possible scope of Part 2, on which I would very much welcome your input, particularly in the context of your learning to date from Part 1.

I look forward to discussing with you further.

Rt Hon Priti Patel MP