
Anglian Waterways boat registration and other charges: 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Updated 17 February 2025

Applies to England

The Environment Agency (Inland Waterways) Order 2010

Anglian Water Authority Act 1977 (Section 17)

The National navigation boat charging scheme 2022 to 2023 sets out the charges for all boats, kept, used or let for hire on the Anglian Waterways from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023, It is made under the powers of the Environment Agency to fix charges in section 17 of the Anglian Water Authority Act 1977, under Article 23 of The Environment Agency (Inland Waterways) Order 2010.

The scheme will increase charges by 4% in 2023 to 2024 and a further 2% in 2024 to 2025. Charges will then continue at the 2024 to 2025 values each year until the scheme is amended.

This requirement extends to Anglian Waterways including the Ancholme, Black Sluice, Glen, Welland, Nene, Great Ouse System and Stour, including backwaters, marinas and private moorings. Registration charges income contributes to the services, facilities and structures we maintain to make boating possible on our waterways. This includes maintenance of our locks and other navigation structures, which retain water levels, as well as activities such as lock keeping, compliance and the provision of safety advice.

All boats have to register and pay the appropriate charge unless they are exempt from charge (go to section 11).

If a powered or unpowered enclosed boat is registered for the first time part way through a registration year, then a pro rata (reduced) charge may apply in certain circumstances (go to section 15).

Visitor charges (monthly, weekly and daily) are due when coming onto the waterway and they expire after the defined period of the registration. They are valid from the date and time set when registering for the period. Boats kept on Environment Agency waterways are not eligible for visitor registrations.

Monthly visitor charges allow a boat to be on the waterway for consecutive 31 days.

Weekly visitor charges allow a boat to be on the waterway for 7 consecutive days.

Daily visitor charges allow a boat to be on the waterway for 24 hours. They are valid for 24 hours from the time of issue, or where issued in advance, valid for 24 hours from the date and time requested at application. Where tidal conditions prevent moving off the waterway within the valid time, the valid time shall be extended by 12 hours to allow passage on the next tide. Any extension will be managed by staff at our tidal locks.

Explorer charges allow a boat to be on the waterway for up to 15 non consecutive days in the annual registration period. The ‘explorer’ option is only available for privately owned unpowered open boats.

When registering a boat, the registered owner is responsible to pay the full charge.

Charges for powered boats, sailing boats with a powered engine and unpowered enclosed boats are subject to a minimum charge of £11.40.

Words or expressions used herein shall have the same meaning as defined in the Acts and the Order and the National navigation boat charging schemes from 2022.

1. Powered boats and sailing boats with an engine

“Powered boat” means a boat which is mechanically propelled by a combustion engine, steam engine or electric motor.

“Sailing boats with engine” means a boat where the main means of propulsion is by sail, that also has an engine for mechanical propulsion.

“Powered boats with engine of 4 horse power or less” means a boat that has one engine of 4 horse power or less.

A registration for the ‘Ouse waterways and River Nene’ also covers use of the ‘Lincolnshire Waterways’ and ‘River Stour’.

Table 1A - Ouse waterways and River Nene - Annual charges for powered boats with an engine(s) over 4 horse power

Length of boat Tariff No Charge
Under 3 metres in length 32 £188.65
3 metre up to and including 5 metres 33 £383.98
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres 34 £471.42
Over 7.5 metres up to and including 10 metres 35 £609.86
Over 10 metres up to and including 12.5 metres 36 £834.36
Over 12.5 metres up to and including 15 metres 37 £1,073.52
Over 15 metres up to and including 20 metres 38 £1,204.30
Over 20 metres 39 £1,321.03

Table 1B - Lincolnshire Waterways only - Annual charges for powered boats with an engine(s) over 4 horse power

Length of boat Tariff No Charge
Under 3 metres in length 62 £94.31
3 metre up to and including 5 metres 63 £191.98
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres 64 £235.70
Over 7.5 metres up to and including 10 metres 65 £304.92
Over 10 metres up to and including 12.5 metres 66 £417.18
Over 12.5 metres up to and including 15 metres 67 £536.76
Over 15 metres up to and including 20 metres 68 £602.14
Over 20 metres 69 £660.51

Table 1C - River Stour only - Annual charges for powered boats with an engine(s) over 4 horse power

Length of boat Tariff No Charge
Under 3 metres in length 92 £47.15
3 metre up to and including 5 metres 93 £95.98
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres 94 £117.85
Over 7.5 metres up to and including 10 metres 95 £152.45
Over 10 metres up to and including 12.5 metres 96 £208.57
Over 12.5 metres up to and including 15 metres 97 £268.38
Over 15 metres up to and including 20 metres 98 £301.07
Over 20 metres 99 £330.25

Table 2A - Ouse waterways and River Nene - Annual charges for powered boats with an engine of 4 horse power or less

Length of boat Tariff No Charge
Up to and including 5 metres 30 £108.24
Over 5 metres 31 £199.23

Table 2B - Lincolnshire Waterways only - Annual charges for powered boats with an engine of 4 horse power or less

Length of boat Tariff No Charge
Up to and including 5 metres 60 £54.12
Over 5 metres 61 £99.61

Table 2C - River Stour only - Annual charges for powered boats with an engine of 4 horse power or less

Length of boat Tariff No Charge
Up to and including 5 metres 90 £27.06
Over 5 metres 91 £49.79

Table 3A - Ouse waterways and River Nene - Annual charges for sailing boats with engine

Length of boat Tariff No Charge
Under 3 metres in length 20 £39.36
3 metre up to and including 5 metre 21 £68.72
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres 22 £199.23
Over 7.5 metres 23 £286.21

Table 3B - Lincolnshire Waterways only - Annual charges for sailing boats with engine

Length of boat Tariff No Charge
Under 3 metres in length 50 £19.67
3 metre up to and including 5 metre 51 £34.35
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres 52 £99.61
Over 7.5 metres 53 £143.09

Table 3C - River Stour only - Annual charges for sailing boats with engine

Length of boat Tariff No Charge
Under 3 metres in length 80 £11.57
3 metre up to and including 5 metre 81 £17.16
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres 82 £49.79
Over 7.5 metres 83 £71.54

Annual charges for electrically powered boats

“Electrically powered” means the power to propel the boat is solely from an electric motor.

Electrically powered boats shall pay 75% of the appropriate annual powered boat charge set out in tables 1A to 1C, 2A to 2C and 3A to 3C.

How to calculate the charge for electric powered boats:

Step 1: find the appropriate annual powered charge from tables 1A to 1C, 2A to 2C or 3A to 3C.

Step 2: multiply the result by 0.75.

If a powered boat is registered for the first time part way through a registration year, then a pro rata (reduced) charge may apply in certain circumstances. Go to section 15 for more details.

Visitor charges

A registration for the ‘Ouse waterways and River Nene’ also covers use of the ‘Lincolnshire Waterways’ and ‘River Stour’.

Visitor charges for powered boats and sailing boats with engine

Table 4A - Ouse waterways and River Nene - Visitor charges for powered boats with an engine(s) over 4 horse power

Length of boat Monthly Weekly Daily
Under 3 metres in length £47.15 £11.78 £11.57
3 metre up to and including 5 metres £96.00 £23.99 £11.57
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres £117.85 £29.45 £11.57
Over 7.5 metres up to and including 10 metres £152.44 £38.10 £11.57
Over 10 metres up to and including 12.5 metres £208.57 £52.14 £13.03
Over 12.5 metres up to and including 15 metres £268.38 £66.95 £16.75
Over 15 metres up to and including 20 metres £301.06 £75.25 £18.80
Over 20 metres £330.25 £82.55 £20.62

Table 4B - Lincolnshire Waterways only - Visitor charges for powered boats with an engine(s) over 4 horse power

Length of boat Monthly Weekly Daily
Under 3 metres in length £23.57 £11.57 £11.57
3 metre up to and including 5 metres £48.00 £11.99 £11.57
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres £58.92 £14.71 £11.57
Over 7.5 metres up to and including 10 metres £76.22 £19.04 £11.57
Over 10 metres up to and including 12.5 metres £104.28 £26.07 £11.57
Over 12.5 metres up to and including 15 metres £134.19 £33.53 £11.57
Over 15 metres up to and including 20 metres £150.52 £37.61 £11.57
Over 20 metres £165.11 £41.26 £11.57

Table 4C - River Stour only - Visitor charges for powered boats with an engine(s) over 4 horse power

Length of boat Monthly Weekly Daily
Under 3 metres in length £11.57 £11.57 £11.57
3 metre up to and including 5 metres £23.99 £11.57 £11.57
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres £29.45 £11.57 £11.57
Over 7.5 metres up to and including 10 metres £38.10 £11.57 £11.57
Over 10 metres up to and including 12.5 metres £52.13 £13.03 £11.57
Over 12.5 metres up to and including 15 metres £67.09 £16.76 £11.57
Over 15 metres up to and including 20 metres £75.25 £18.79 £11.57
Over 20 metres £82.55 £20.62 £11.57

Table 5A - Ouse waterways and River Nene - Visitor charges for powered boats with an engine of 4 horse power or less

Length of boat Monthly Weekly Daily
Up to and including 5 metres £27.06 £11.57 £11.57
Over 5 metres £49.79 £12.44 £11.57

Table 5B - Lincolnshire Waterways only - Visitor charges for powered boats with an engine of 4 horse power or less

Length of boat Monthly Weekly Daily
Up to and including 5 metres £13.52 £11.57 £11.57
Over 5 metres £24.88 £11.57 £11.57

Table 5C - River Stour only - Visitor charges for powered boats with an engine of 4 horse power or less

Length of boat Monthly Weekly Daily
Up to and including 5 metres £11.57 £11.57 £11.57
Over 5 metres £12.43 £11.57 £11.57

Table 6A - Ouse waterways and River Nene - Visitor charges for sailing boats with engine

Length of boat Monthly Weekly Daily
Under 3 metres in length £11.57 £11.57 £11.57
3 metre up to and including 5 metre £17.16 £11.57 £11.57
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres £49.79 £12.44 £11.57
Over 7.5 metres £71.54 £17.88 £11.57

Table 6B - Lincolnshire waterways only - Visitor charges for sailing boats with engine

Length of boat Monthly Weekly Daily
Under 3 metres in length £11.57 £11.57 £11.57
3 metre up to and including 5 metre £11.57 £11.57 £11.57
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres £24.88 £11.57 £11.57
Over 7.5 metres £35.76 £11.57 £11.57

Table 6C - River Stour only - Visitor charges for sailing boats with engine

Length of boat Monthly Weekly Daily
Under 3 metres in length £11.57 £11.57 £11.57
3 metre up to and including 5 metre £11.57 £11.57 £11.57
Over 5 metres up to and including 7.5 metres £12.44 £11.57 £11.57
Over 7.5 metres £17.88 £11.57 £11.57

Charges for powered boats, sailing boats with an engine and unpowered enclosed boats are subject to a minimum charge of £11.40.

Electrically powered boats pay 75% of the visitor charges for powered boats.

Business boats pay these charges plus an additional business charge dependent on the business category. These charges and categories are outlined in section 6. Business charges do not apply to not-for-profit organisations or charities.

Charges for maintenance workboats and tugs are outlined in section 5.

Boats kept on Environment Agency waterways are not eligible for visitor registrations.

Privately owned powered boats, which have a current annual registration issued for an Environment Agency waterway, can visit the other Environment Agency waterways free of charge for two periods of 7 consecutive days.

2. Tenders

“Tender” means for Anglian Waterways, a vessel which is used solely as the only tender to a vessel in the same ownership as the tender.

Vessel means for Anglian waterways, any ship, lighter, keel, barge, boat, tug, hovercraft, hydrofoil and craft of any kind howsoever navigated, propelled or moved and any seaplane on the surface of the water.

Table 7. Charges for unpowered tenders

Registration charge type Charge
Annual £24.70
Monthly £17.80
Weekly £11.00
Daily £5.50

Table 8. Charges for powered tenders up to 3m in length

Registration charge type Powered Electrically powered
Annual £57.36 £40.81
Monthly £27.50 £20.20
Weekly £13.70 £10.00 (subject to minimum charge)
Daily £6.80 (subject to minimum charge) £4.50 (subject to minimum charge)

Table 9. Charges for tenders between 3m and less than 6m in length

Registration charge type Powered Electrically powered
Annual £75.01 £56.26
Monthly £37.40 £28.00
Weekly £18.60 £13.40
Daily £9.20 (subject to minimum charge) £6.70 (subject to minimum charge)

Charges for powered boats, sailing boats with an engine and unpowered enclosed boats are subject to a minimum charge of £11.40.

Powered tenders that are greater than 6m in length pay the relevant powered boat charge outlined in section 1.

Business boats pay these charges plus an additional business charge dependent on the business category. These charges and categories are outlined in section 6.

The parent boat must be registered and declared when registering the ‘Tender’ for these charges to apply. Only one ‘Tender’ will be registered for each parent boat.

Tenders registering for the Lincolnshire Waterways only, shall pay 50% of these charges.

Tenders registering for the River Stour only, shall pay 25% of these charges.

3. Unpowered open boats

“Unpowered open boat” means a boat that is not mechanically propelled; and is either open to the elements with no enclosed or decked accommodation space (including a rowing boat, dragon boat, punt, dinghy with or without sail, canoe, paddle board, light inflatable) or the occupants are only protected by a spray deck (including a kayak).

Table 10. Charges for unpowered open boats

Registration charge type Charge
Annual £48.60
Monthly £21.80
Weekly £11.50
Daily £5.50
Explorer (15 days) £19.00

The annual unpowered open boat registration or explorer registration for an unpowered open boat allows that boat to be used on any of the Environment Agency waterways.

Explorer registrations are only available for privately owned unpowered open boats. Explorer registration days do not have to be consecutive.

Business boats pay these charges plus an additional business charge dependent on the business category. These charges and categories are outlined in section 6.

4. Unpowered enclosed boats

“Unpowered enclosed boat” means a boat that is not mechanically propelled, or the machinery that propels the boat has been removed or permanently disabled and is fully or partially structurally covered with enclosed or decked accommodation space (including houseboats as defined below and butty boats).

“Houseboat” means any type of private domestic or commercial space, whether used for accommodation or not, built within or upon a navigable hull originally intended to be towed by a tug, whether or not it is still towed or is permanently moored (including a converted dumb barge, lighter or butty), or any type of private domestic or commercial space, whether used for accommodation or not, built within or upon a navigable hull but either not originally fitted with a means of propulsion or with the means of propulsion removed or permanently disabled (including a Dutch barge, Humber Keel barge, wide beam or narrowboat).

“Permanently disabled engine” means an engine that has been mechanically altered so that it cannot be started or operated.

The charge for an unpowered enclosed boat is 50% of the relevant powered boat with engines over 4 horsepower charge as outlined in tables 1A to 1C.

How to calculate the charge for unpowered enclosed boats

Step 1: find the appropriate annual powered boat (over 4 horsepower) charge from tables 1A to 1C.

Step 2: multiply the result by 0.5.

Charges for unpowered enclosed boats are subject to a minimum charge of £11.40.

Business boats pay these charges plus an additional business charge dependent on the business category. These charges and categories are outlined in section 6.

If an unpowered enclosed boat is registered for the first time part way through a registration year, then a pro rata (reduced) charge may apply in certain circumstances. Go to section 15 for more details.

5. Maintenance workboats and tugs

“Tugs” means a powered boat principally kept or used on the waterway to push or pull other boats or floating equipment (including pontoons, floats, or rafts) and occasionally for carrying out maintenance work on the waterway and its banks and structures.

“Maintenance workboat” means a boat that is principally kept or used to undertake maintenance on, and about, the waterway and its banks and structures, and occasionally as a tug.

Table 11: Charges for powered maintenance workboats

Registration charge type Charge
Annual £220.64
Monthly £55.00
Weekly £27.50
Daily £13.70

Table 12: charges for unpowered maintenance workboats

Registration charge type Charge
Annual £132.29
Monthly £33.00
Weekly £16.50
Daily £8.20

Table 13: Charges for tugs

Charge type Charge
Annual £220.64
Monthly £55.00
Weekly £27.50
Daily £13.70

Charges for powered boats and unpowered enclosed boats are subject to a minimum charge of £11.40.

Business boats pay these charges plus an additional business charge dependent on the business category. These charges and categories are outlined in section 6.

Maintenance workboats and tugs registering for the Lincolnshire Waterways only, shall pay 50% of these charges.

Maintenance workboats and tugs registering for the River Stour only, shall pay 25% of these charges.

6. Business boats

“Business boat” means a boat kept or used on a waterway which is not kept or used solely as a private boat.

“Private boat” means any boat that is kept and used on a waterway solely for private leisure purposes, and not for the purposes of generating income for any organisation or business or for providing a service to others.

Business boats shall pay the relevant boat charge outlined in sections 1 to 5 plus the relevant business charge for each boat as outlined in table 14. For powered boats, sailing boats with an engine and unpowered enclosed boats, the combined charge is subject to the minimum charge of £11.40.

There are several categories of business boat covering the different business uses. These are outlined below table 14.

Table 14. Business charges

Business Boat Charge Category Annual Monthly Weekly Daily
Unpowered open business boat £5.50 £2.75 £1.37 £0.63
Unpowered enclosed business boat £137.90 £82.70 £41.80 £20.80
Unpowered business tender £5.50 £2.72 £1.37 £0.63
Unpowered maintenance business workboat £33.08 £16.50 £8.20 £4.08
Powered business boat, other than those covered elsewhere in this table (default) £220.64 £110.20 £55.00 £27.50
Powered self-drive day hire business boat £55.16 £27.50 £13.70 £6.80
Powered business tender £11.02 £5.50 £2.75 £1.37
Powered maintenance business workboat £55.16 £27.50 £13.70 £6.80
Powered business tug £55.16 £27.50 £13.70 £6.80

Where there is not a specific charge category for the business category, the default category shall apply.

Reductions for electric and unpowered enclosed boats do not apply to these additional business charges.

If a powered or unpowered enclosed boat is registered for the first time part way through a registration year, then a pro rata (reduced) charge may apply in certain circumstances. Go to section 17 for more details.

Categories of business boat and relevant charge category

Unpowered open hire boats

Unpowered open boats that are hired to members of the public without a skipper or crew, with or without sleeping accommodation. Charge category: Unpowered open business boat.

Self-drive day hire boats

Boats that are hired to members of the public without a skipper or crew, have no sleeping accommodation and are let out solely for periods up to 1 day, returning to the operating base each day. Charge category: Powered self-drive day hire business boat.

Self-drive holiday hire boats

Boats that are hired to members of the public without a skipper or crew, have sleeping accommodation and are normally let out for periods longer than 1 day. They include timeshare boats and shared ownership arrangements where one or more of the owners has a business interest in the boat. It also includes boats owned by a social club where members of that club are able to use the boat unsupervised and any privately owned boat this is offered out for hire to others even if only rarely or for short periods. Charge category: Powered business boat (default).

Skippered passenger boats (up to 12 passengers)

Boats operating scheduled trips, private charters, water taxi or water bus services with a skipper which can carry up to 12 passengers. Charge category: Powered business boat (default).

Skippered passenger boats (over 12 passengers)

Boats operating scheduled trips, private charters, water taxi or water bus services with a skipper and crew which are certified by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) can carry over 12 passengers. Charge category: Powered business boat (default).

Skippered hotel boats

Boats operating as serviced guest or hotel accommodation with a skipper and crew which can accommodate up to 12 guests. Charge category: Powered business boat (default) or Unpowered enclosed business boat.

Static letting boats

Boats let out for short or long stays as either overnight, holiday or residential accommodation. May include, but is not limited to, letting a cabin or room on a boat, letting a whole boat, or letting multiple cabins or rooms on a boat. Charge category: Powered business boat (default) or Unpowered enclosed business boat.

Fixed location trading boats

Boats selling goods or services from a permanent mooring location, or used for other commercial purposes. Examples include cafe, restaurant, office, hairdressers, gallery or shop. Charge category: Powered business boat (default) or Unpowered enclosed business boat.

Roving traders

Boats used to sell goods or services, moving between various locations on a waterway or waterways. Examples include fuel, chandlery, food or craft items. Charge category: Powered business boat (default) or Unpowered enclosed business boat.

Maintenance workboats

A boat that is principally kept or used to undertake maintenance on, and about, the waterway and its banks and structures, and occasionally as a tug. Charge category: Unpowered maintenance business workboat or Powered maintenance business workboat.

Safety boat

A boat owned and operated by an organisation or charity and used solely to carry out safety and rescue activity on the waterway for which it is registered. Charge category: Exempt from charge or Powered business boat (default) if not ‘solely’ used as a safety boat.

Coaching boat

A boat used solely for coaching and training during supervised boating activities aboard other registered boats. Charge category: Not-for-profit/charity – coaching boat charge.


A powered boat principally kept or used on the waterway to push or pull other boats or floating equipment (including pontoons, floats, or rafts) and occasionally for carrying out maintenance work on the waterway and its banks and structures. Charge category: Powered business tug.


For Anglian Waterways a vessel which is used solely as the only tender to a vessel in the same ownership as the tender. Charge category: Unpowered business tender or Powered business tender.

Details of the specific registration requirement for these business categories are on the business boats supplementary boat registration form.

7. Not-for-profit or charity boats

“Not-for-profit organisation or charity boat” means a boat owned or operated by not-for-profit organisations or charities solely used to encourage participation by providing access to the waterways for sport, recreation or education.

These can include:

  • junior unpowered open boats only to be used by people 18 years old or younger

  • unpowered open boats to be used by people of any ages

  • coaching boats used solely for coaching and training

  • other powered boats kept and used by the organisation

Table 15. Annual charges for boats own and operated by not-for-profit organisation or charities
Type of annual registration charge Charge per boat
Junior only unpowered open boats £11.57
Other unpowered open boats £34.06
Coaching boats £83.25
Powered boat 25% of the relevant annual charge

The charges are for each boat to be registered and are not subject to the additional business charges in section 6.

For charges for unpowered enclosed boats, please contact our Boat Registration team.

Coaching boats registering for the Lincolnshire Waterways only, shall pay 50% of these charges.

Coaching boats registering for the River Stour only, shall pay 25% of these charges.

The annual registration for an unpowered open boat allows that boat to be used on any of the Environment Agency waterways.

“Junior only boats” means unpowered open boats registered by a club or organisation to be solely used by people aged up to and including 18 years old.

“Coaching boat” means a boat owned and operated by a not-for-profit organisation or charity and used solely for coaching and training during supervised boating activities aboard other boats.

8. Event registration charges - unpowered open boats

For unpowered open boats competing in an organised event on the waterway (that otherwise would not be registered). The registration will cover the boats for the period of the event only.

Table 16 Event registration charges

Number of boats to be registered Total charge
1 to 10 £97.08
11 to 25 £123.19
26 to 50 £149.11
51-100 £173.49
101 to 200 £225.99
Over 200 £254.08

These charges are available to the organisation holding the event only, not to individual participants.

9. Tidal Welland and Glen

Boats permanently moored on the tidal part of the Rivers Welland and Glen will pay an annual registration charge of £11.57.

Business boats shall pay this charge plus the relevant business charge for each boat as outlined in table 14. For powered boats, sailing boats with and engine and unpowered enclosed boats the combined charge is subject to the minimum charge of £11.40.

10. Passenger boats out of service

Class V passenger boats (that are certificated by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency) which are kept on the waterway but ‘out of service’ pay a charge for each annual registration period or part of the annual registration period for keeping that passenger boat on the waterway.

Annual charge: £112.44

This charge shall be payable at the start of each annual registration period, or when a boat is taken ‘out of service’. It is an annual charge, there are no pro-rata charges.

For passenger boats declared ‘out of service’ they will not pay the additional business charge.

For details of which boats qualify for this charge, please contact the Boat Registration team.

11. Boats exempt from registration charges

There are certain categories of use of boat that are exempt from registration charges.

These include:

  • safety or rescue boats

  • emergency services boats

  • Highways Authority boats

  • boats owned or operated by, or operated on behalf of, the Environment Agency

All these boats are still required to register and meet appropriate registration requirements.

“Emergency services” means the police, fire, ambulance, Royal National Lifeboat Institution or Coastguard services.

“Safety or rescue boat” means a boat owned and operated by an organisation or charity and used solely to carry out safety and rescue activity on the waterway for which it is registered.

12. Temporary transit

“Temporary transit registration“ means a registration for boats moving on the waterway solely for winter storage, repair, delivery and trial trip/demonstration, including boats under tow, and not operating for private leisure or business purposes.

Temporary transit of a boat through a waterway shall pay the daily charge for that category of boat as outlined in these charges.

13. Trade charges

Trade plates

“Trade plates” means identification plates issued to a business operating on the waterway under a trade plate agreement with the Environment Agency for use on boats without a current boat registration and that are only being moved in the course of delivery after sale, during delivery to or from winter storage, for refitting or repair or on trials or demonstration runs by the boat business.

New trade plate application charge: £74.25

Trade plate annual charge: £212.16

These are for use on the Anglian Waterways only.

Trade exemption

“Trade exemption” means an exemption, that has been granted by the Environment Agency, to a business operating on the waterways undertaking a boat sales, brokerage or repair business. The exemption is for boats under the business’s sole control which are moored afloat as demonstrator models, as stock for sale, on brokerage or being restored, refitted or repaired.

New trade exemption application charge: £15.91

Annual charge for a trade exemption: £106.08

These are for the Anglian Waterways only.

14. Other charges

Replacement boat registration plate

When a replacement registration plate is requested by a boat owner the charge for supplying this replacement plate is £11.66.

Change of boat name

When a formal change of name of a boat is requested by a boat owner, outside of the registration or renewal process, the charge for recording this name change and supplying a replacement plate is £11.66.

15. New boats on the waterway

When a powered or unpowered enclosed boat is registered for the first time part way through a registration year, a pro rata (reduced) charge may apply in certain circumstances.

If a boat does not qualify then the full annual charge is applicable.

A ‘new part year registration’ will apply if the registration of a boat is:

  • for the first time on the waterway

  • by a new owner following the purchase of a previously registered boat

  • a boat which has not been kept or used on the waterway by the existing owner for the previous annual registration period

  • by the same owner following a period on ‘trade exemption’ for repair

Calculation of new part year charge

When a new part year registration occurs after the start of the annual charge period, the charge payable shall be calculated as follows;

Charge = Annual charge x (number of months remaining in annual registration period (including the current month)/12

The annual registration period ends on 31 March on the Anglian Waterways.

Full details are in the New part year registration guidance.

16. Refunds

We will offer a refund of the annual registration for:

  • permanent removal of a boat from the waterway

  • completion of the sale of a boat

  • moving a boat onto ‘trade exemption’ for sale or repair*

  • a boat that is stolen or destroyed by fire

  • an upgrade of a registration to a Gold Licence - in most cases we can refund your waterway registration fee in full

  • administrative errors - we will offer a full refund as appropriate

*repair does not include winter storage or general maintenance.

We make pro rata refunds for whole months only, and calculate the number of unexpired months from the date declared on the change of ownership form. There is an administration fee of £15.91.

“administration fee” means a fee payable when amendments to, or cancellations of, registrations are requested by the boat owner.

Full details are in the refund guidance.

17. Anglian Pass

The Anglian Pass is a joint arrangement between the Environment Agency, the Conservators of the River Cam and the Middle Level Commissioners to allow powered boaters, annual unrestricted access across the three authority’s navigations.

You will require one of the following valid annual vessel registrations when applying for the Pass.

  • Environment Agency annual powered boat registration covering the Ouse waterways & River Nene

  • Conservators of the River Cam annual powered boat registration

  • Middle Level Commissioners annual powered boat registration

  • Canal & River Trust Gold Licence

The Pass is a fixed price, based on vessel length, for the year starting 1 April and ending the following 31 March. The Pass can be purchased at any point during the year, but there are no reductions or refunds in the cost if obtained or used for only part of the year. However, boaters still have the option of purchasing short-term/visitor registrations/licences, from the respective navigation authorities, if they so choose.

Up to 5m inclusive = £30

Over 5m to 10m inclusive = £60

Over 10m to 15m inclusive = £90

Over 15m = £120

See Visit Anglian Waterways for further information on how to obtain an Anglian Pass.

18. Other registration options

Gold licence - You can buy a Gold Licence which lets you use all Environment Agency and Canal & River Trust waterways. Gold Licences are only available to buy through the Canal & River Trust.

British Canoeing or Canoe Wales - Members of British Canoeing or Canoe Wales can use our waterways as part of their yearly membership fee. They are required to carry their membership card with them as it acts as a registration too. Affiliated clubs through British Canoeing and Canoe Wales may purchase registrations for club owned boats through British Canoeing and Canoe Wales or can purchase registrations directly from us. Members of the Scottish Canoe Association and the Canoe Association of Northern Ireland must apply for registrations through us.

British Rowing - Members of a British Rowing affiliated club should register their boats with British Rowing at a reduced rate. This should be done through their club.

19. Local charges

Pump-out tokens

A token will be required to use our pump-outs on the River Nene at Northampton Marina and Wellingborough Embankment and on the Black Sluice navigation at Hubbert’s Bridge.

The charge for these is £15.

Certain pump-outs at other locations, such as on the Great Ouse, may also see a charge introduced in the future.

Boats navigating on our waterways will require a navigation key to use our locks and other facilities, such as slipways. These can be purchased with your registration or from various agents along our waterways.

If you have or are applying for an annual registration navigation keys will be charged at £15 each.

If you have or are applying for a short-term/visitor registration then a fully refundable deposit, on return of the key, of £25 will be required for each key.

20. Footnotes

Footnote 1: Applying multiple reductions

If more than one reduction applies, the value of each one is calculated on the declining net balance.

For example, if the full charge is £100 and the boat is eligible for the electric and not-for-profit or charity reductions, the net payable would be £100 – 25% = £75 – 75% = £18.75. Subject to the minimum charge for powered boats, sailing boats with an engine and unpowered enclosed boats after all discounts applied.

Footnote 2: Applying the increase

Percentages have been applied and the charges rounded down to the nearest 1p, apart from charges for registrations sold at locks which have been rounded down to the nearest 10p for operations reasons.


If you require any further information, please contact:

Environment Agency

Boat Registration

PO Box 544


S60 1BY

03708 506 506* (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm)

*Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and must count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls. These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobile, BT, other fixed line or payphone.

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