Announcement of Opportunity: Call for Ideas, UK Microgravity Experiments
The UK Space Agency announces an opportunity to propose ideas for experiments for flight on the International Space Station, to provide further flight opportunities to the growing UK microgravity science community.
The UK subscribes to the European Space Agency’s European Exploration Enveloped Programme (E3P). This allows UK scientists to apply for use of microgravity and space environment facilities made available through this programme, such as the International Space Station, parabolic flights, sounding rockets and drop towers.
The European Space Agency announced in December 2016 that they expect all of the astronauts that were selected in the 2009 class to be assigned a second mission.
The UK Space Agency would like to ensure that the UK microgravity and space environments community is properly placed to capitalise on the scientific opportunities that such a flight would offer by, subject to confirmation of budgets, funding the development of a number of experiments. These experiments would be proposed to ESA as UK National Experiments, an opportunity afforded to the UK through their participation in ESA’s European Exploration Enveloped Programme (E3P).