ANPR infrastructure: development and review
Guidance on the consistent and proportionate deployment of ANPR infrastructure by the police and other law enforcement agencies.
The police and other Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) regularly review the extent of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) infrastructure to ensure that deployments remain appropriate and to identify circumstances where additional deployment of ANPR cameras is required. National ANPR Strategic requirements include provisions to support the development and review of infrastructure within the National ANPR Service (NAS) with specific objectives to:
- ensure that deployments are consistent between LEAs and that they are proportionate
- identify any potential duplication of capability arising as a consequence of integrating local systems into a single national system, with proposals for mitigation
- minimise the number of ANPR cameras that are required overall by sharing with, or using cameras owned by, local authorities and others where practical
- identify any gaps in infrastructure provision that may be mitigated by deployment of additional ANPR capability
The purpose of this document is to confirm procedures for the development and review of ANPR infrastructure for deployments lasting 12 months or more.
You can also read our guidance on national ANPR standards.