Research and analysis

APHA animal disease surveillance focus articles

Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) monthly focus articles published in the Veterinary Record.



The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) publishes focus articles in the Veterinary Record in conjunction with its monthly disease surveillance report.

These focus articles cover seasonal disease threats and emerging disease trends and are accessible to everyone through toll-free links.

Go to the APHA animal disease surveillance reports collection for further reports.

Updates to this page

Published 21 January 2020
Last updated 10 April 2024 show all updates
  1. Added link to article 'Campylobacter species abortion in sheep'.

  2. Added link to article 'Wide-ranging programme for extensively managed livestock conference'.

  3. Added link to article 'Laboratory diagnosis of gastrointestinal nematodes in first-grazing-season cattle'.

  4. Added link to article 'reindeer health and welfare'.

  5. Added a link to the update on severe summer scour syndrome in cattle.

  6. Added link to article 'Haemonchus contortus: an overview'.

  7. Added 4 new links to 2022 focus articles list.

  8. Added Suckler calf diseases to the list of 2021 focus articles.

  9. Added links to APHA focus articles on Investigations associated with the 2020/21 highly pathogenic avian influenza epizootic in wild birds in Great Britain; Watery mouth disease in lambs; Looking out for avian influenza in smallholding poultry flock; and Pneumonia in adult cattle

  10. We have added a new focus article on Pestivirus infections of cattle.

  11. Added links to articles on congenital heart defects in calves, APHA thin ewe investigation project and testing for exclusion of avian notifiable disease: six-year review.

  12. Added a new focus article: Brachyspira hyodysenteriae isolate multilocus sequence type dashboard.

  13. Added link to article on extensively managed livestock event focuses on tickborne diseases.

  14. Added link to article on late grazing plant poisonings in cattle.

  15. Added Veterinary Record link to investigation of negated bluetongue cases in small ruminants 2019 focus article.

  16. Added link to focus article on rabbit haemorrhagic disease: a re-emerging threat to lagomorphs.

  17. Added link to disease considerations in smallholder and backyard poultry flocks article.

  18. Added link to the Veterinary Record cattle abortion update article.

  19. Added link to report - investigation of negated notifiable disease report cases in pigs.

  20. Added link to 'tickborne diseases of sheep' article.

  21. Added link to 'medium- to long-term endemic disease risks associated with flooding events' article.

  22. Added link to "Small ruminants: Investigating abortions in small ruminants" report.

  23. First published.

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