Appeal a social security benefits decision (Notice of appeal): Form SSCS1
Use this form to appeal against a decision made by the Department for Work and Pensions about social security benefits. You can appeal a benefit decision online. Details are provided below.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
If you live in England, Wales or Scotland you can appeal a benefit decision online. This means you do not have to post in an appeal form or your Mandatory Reconsideration Notice (MRN).
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Updates to this page
Uploaded new versions of the SSCS1 form
There is now one appeal form for all benefit appeal applications, SSCS1.
Phone number amended in the SSCS1 (PIP, ESA, UC) forms.
Revised SSCS1 forms uploaded - English, Welsh and large print.
Revised forms SSCS1 PIP/ESA/UC, large print and Welsh version uploaded.
Added in reference to Universal Credit appeals which can also be made online or via form SSCS1.
New form SSCS1 PE added for PIP and ESA appeals.
Add online link for ESA appeals.
Added Welsh form SSCS1 and a large print version of the same form.
Added details of a Welsh language helpline to form SSCS1 and SSCS1 large print.
Added revised Form SSCS1 and Form SSCS1 large print that include GDPR information.
Added revised Welsh version of Form SSCS1.
Added revised version of SSCS1 and SSCS1 in large print.
Added translation