
Time limits for appealing to the Court of Appeal (form 207)

Updated 7 June 2024

1. Time limits for appealing to the Court of Appeal

There are time limits, or deadlines, for filing an appellant’s notice in the Court of Appeal. The time limits vary depending upon the type of appeal that is being brought.

In most cases the time limit is 21 days from the date the lower court made the decision being appealed (not the date of the sealed order). There are exceptions, however, and these are set out below.

Court or tribunal decision being made Time limit for filing appellant’s notice
Decision of the Administrative Court made at an oral (in person) hearing refusing permission to apply for judicial review. 7 days after the date the decision was made.
Decision of Administrative Court made on paper refusing permission to apply for judicial review of a decision of the Upper Tribunal; or as totally without merit. 7 days after service of the order refusing permission to apply for judicial review.
Decision of any Chamber of the Upper Tribunal (other than decisions listed below). 28 days after the date on which the Upper Tribunal’s decision on permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal was sent to the appellant.
Decision of the Upper Tribunal refusing permission to apply for judicial review at an oral (in person) hearing and refusing permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal. 7 days after the decision of the Upper Tribunal refusing permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal was made. Or 7 days after service of the decision refusing permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal, if that decision was made on the papers at a later date.
Decision of the Upper Tribunal refusing permission to apply for judicial review on the papers as totally without merit and refusing permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal. 7 days after service of the decision refusing permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal.
Decision of the High Court refusing permission to apply for a planning statutory review at an oral (in person) hearing. 7 days after the date the decision was made.
Decision of the High Court refusing permission to apply for a planning statutory review on the papers as totally without merit. 7 days after the date of service of the order being appealed.
Substantive appeal decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal. 21 days after the seal date of the tribunal order being appealed.
Rule 3(10) decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal. 7 days after the seal date of the tribunal order being appealed.
Rule 3(7ZA) decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal. 7 days after service of the Rule 3(7) letter.
Decision of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC). 21 days after the date on which SIAC’s decision granting or refusing permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal is given.

1.1 Competition Appeal Tribunal

The time limit is 14 days after:

  • the date of the hearing if permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal was determined at the hearing
  • or receipt of the tribunal’s decision granting or refusing permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal, if made in writing to the Registrar
  • or 3 weeks after notification of the tribunal’s decision being appealed, if no application for permission to appeal has been made to the tribunal