
Appeal a system leader or teaching school application decision

Process for how to appeal against an unsuccessful application to become a system leader or teaching school.



This information outlines the process for how to appeal against an unsuccessful application outcome for:

  • teaching schools
  • national leaders of education and national support schools
  • national leaders of governance

Unsuccessful applicants have the right to appeal. Please read the appeals process before submitting an appeals form.

If you are a system leader or lead a teaching school, and would like information on how teaching schools, national leaders of education and national leaders of governance designations are reviewed, the impact of a designation removal and how to appeal a decision, please visit System leader and teaching schools: review of designation.


Updates to this page

Published 21 March 2014
Last updated 21 February 2018 show all updates
  1. Updated application decision form to make it clearer that we're unable to accept new evidence at the appeals panel.

  2. First published.

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