Appendix 1: DE 1/10: Requested and Previous Procedure Codes of the Customs Declaration Service (CDS)
Find out the completion rules and instructions for each 4-digit Requested and Previous Procedure Code that can be used in Data Element (DE) 1/10 for Imports.
This Appendix contains the specific completion rules instructions for each 4-digit Requested and Previous Procedure Code that can be used in Data Element (DE) 1/10 for Imports.
This Appendix only contains the additional notes on specific declaration data elements in relation to each 4-digit Procedure Code and does not constitute full guidance on how the declaration should be completed.
The completion notes in this Appendix are a supplement to the main CDS Declaration Completion Instructions for Imports.
Where the DE 1/10 completion notes contain different instruction from the main Declaration Completion Guide or other Appendices, the completion instructions in Appendix 1 take precedence.
Updates to this page
Code 4053 has been amended at the section for 'Simplified Declaration/Previous Document (DE 2/1)' to remove an incorrect reference to 'IP' and replace it with 'TA'.
The list of Additional Procedure Codes (APCs) associated with 0100 has been updated in the Requested Procedure 01 document.
Code 6110, 6111 and 6123 and 7123 have been amended to add Additional Procedure Code 1RE to the list of National Additional Procedure Codes and note when this code must be declared. The Conditions for Use section for code 6131 has also been updated.
Procedure codes 4051 and 4071 have been updated with guidance for the use of additional information code PVA01 when performing a manual duty calculation and using Postponed VAT Accounting. Additional guidance for additional information code PVA01 has also been added to procedure codes 6121 and 6122.
Additional Information (AI) codes ABDIN and ABDOU have been introduced for the purposes of entering goods to a Special Procedure using Authorisation By Customs Declaration (ABD) or removing goods from a Special Procedure which they originally entered using ABD. Procedure codes which permit ABD for the requested and previous procedure code have been updated. All Import 51-Series Procedure Codes have also been updated to include the mandation of AI Code ‘NIPRO’ in Data Element (DE) 2/2 for all goods imported into Northern Ireland for commercial processing where the additional processing criteria are not met.
Import Procedure Codes 0151, 0153, 0751, 0753, 4051, 4053, 4251, 4253, 4451, 4453, 5151, 5153, 5351, 5353, 7151, 7153 have been updated with new completion requirements for the 'Location Type Identifier' under Data Element 5/23 Location of Goods where Authorisation is by Declaration.
Requested procedure 40 has been amended to permit Additional Procedure Code 1NP to be declared with Procedure Code 4053 for vehicles which were previously imported under Temporary Admission for sale to entitled personnel of US and other NATO forces.
Procedure Codes 4000, 4051, 4071 and 4078 in Requested procedure 40 have been amended to permit the use of National Additional Procedure Code 2CL for claiming partial relief or no relief of the Climate Change Levy.
'Requested Procedure 07' updated. F06 removed as a mandatory APC for procedure code 0751. Information on co-location of excise warehouse and inward processing premise added. APC 000 added as an allowed APC with 0751.
Notice links and titles have been updated to reflect code descriptions. Technical content remains unchanged.
An error for Document category Z under Code 4078 has been corrected to remove a reference to customs warehouse.
Incorrect text referring to IP VAT only in section 0751 has been removed.
Procedure Code 4000 updated to allow the use of F48 following the introduction of Import One Stop Shop (IOSS). Refer to the latest version of the Known Error List (KELs) for interim workarounds that apply to IOSS.
Declaration Completion Instructions for all the 53 series Procedure Codes have been updated to make it clear that one of the D series Additional Procedure Codes must always be declared in DE 1/11 when the 53 series Procedure Codes are being declared. Also, that it is not permitted to declare more than one D series Additional Procedure Code per item. The requirement to always include a D series Additional Procedure Code means that 000 is not an acceptable Additional Procedure Code when using a 53 series procedure Code.
Various hyperlinks to re-titled guidance pages have been updated to correctly reflect the new page names. Technical content is unchanged.
'Requested procedure 71: Entry to a Customs Warehouse' has been updated to replace outdated page names and links. The technical content remains unchanged.
In 'Requested Procedure 44: Release to free circulation with duty relief granted under the End Use Special Procedure' and 'Requested Procedure 61: Re-importation with simultaneous release to Free Circulation' terminology has been changed to reflect the creation of the ‘Department of Business and Trade’, formerly known as the ‘Department of International Trade’. Technical content remains unchanged.
Terminology has been updated to replace outdated page names and links. The technical content remains unchanged.
'Requested Procedure 61: Re-importation with simultaneous release to Free Circulation' has been updated. The List of Additional Procedure Codes permitted with Procedure Code 6110 includes F47. This is to correct a previous omission and does not represent a change in CDS system functionality.
Procedure code 5100 has been updated for imported goods that are subject to Anti-Dumping Duty in 'Requested Procedure 51: Entry to Inward Processing' guidance. Out of date page names and links have also been replaced in other guidance.
The 'Requested Procedure 61: Re-importation with simultaneous release to Free Circulation' guidance has been updated to show Union Additional Procedure Code F47 can be used with 6123.
We've amended the guidance to show compatibility of new Additional Procedure Codes 1SV and 1FV. 1SV can be used with 010, 0171, 0178, 4000, 4071, 4078, 4400, 4471, 4478. 1FV can be used with 0100, 0171, 0178, 4000, 4071, 4078, 4200, 4271, 4278, 4400, 4471, 4478.
Codes 1IL, 1LV and 2LV have been removed from the Requested procedure 40: Release to free circulation.
Updated attachment 'Requested Procedure 71: Entry to a Customs Warehouse (CW)'. Correction made to procedure code 7171 — conditions to reflect that the dispatching customs warehousekeeper's details are not required in DE 2/3 and DE 3/39.
Amendments to the CDS Import Tariff for the introduction of the new H7 Declaration Category (Super Reduced Data Set (SRDS)) and the introduction of new procedures for Grouping (declaring different products under a single commodity code).
Added 1PP as a National Additional Procedure Code for Requested Procedure Code 4000.
First published.