
Additional Procedure Code 1-Series: Other Codes: Applicable to more than one Procedure Code

Updated 4 June 2024

This Appendix contains the specific completion rules instructions for the 1-series Additional Procedure Codes for Data Element (DE) 1/11 for Inventories Exports.

Use the index list and the Additional Procedure Codes completion notes to help you identify the correct code to use and for guidance on how to complete the declaration.


The completion notes in this Appendix are a supplement to the main CDS Customs Clearance Request Completion Instructions for Inventory Exports.

This Appendix only contains any additional completion notes for each 3-digit Additional Procedure Code and does not constitute full guidance on how the declaration should be completed.

Only one 4-digit Procedure Code can be declared against each goods item in DE 1/10, however, this may be tailored to the specific circumstances for the goods treatment by the use of multiple Additional Procedure Codes in DE 1/11.

These completion notes are a supplement to the DE 1/10 Procedure Code Notes and therefore any instructions relating to the requested or previous procedure included against the relevant DE 1/10 Procedure Code (see Appendix 1: DE 1/10: Requested and Previous Procedure Codes) must also be followed.

The DE 1/10 completion notes, including conditions and restrictions, are not repeated within or superseded by the DE 1/11 completion notes.

10C: Items of Correspondence

Description of Procedure:

Customs Clearance Request (CCR) for items of correspondence deemed to be declared for export or re-export (Articles 137 and 141 Commission Delegated Regulation No. (EU) 2015/2446 (DA)).

Goods covered

This Additional Procedure Code may be used to request clearance for consignments of bulk correspondence and documentation, where required, from the inventory system.

Conditions for Use:

This Additional Procedure Code may be used for items of correspondence defined under Article 1(26) DA, as:

  • letters
  • postcards
  • braille letters
  • printed matter

Items of correspondence shall be deemed to be declared for export or re-export by their exit from the customs territory of the Union.

Restrictions on usage:

This Additional Procedure Code may not be used to request release of postal consignments carried under the Universal Postal Union Convention or items contained in a parcel or package that are not documentation or printed matter.


Additional Procedure Code 10C can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure code (DE 1/10): 0012; 0014.

11A: ATA Carnets (Non-Licensable Goods)

Description of Procedure:

Customs Clearance Request for goods exported or re-exported under an Admission Temporaire or Temporary Admission (ATA) carnet that are not subject to licensing or other export documentary controls.

Goods covered

Goods not liable to licensing or export documentary controls, exported or re-exported, on an ATA carnet where inventory clearance is requested.

Conditions for Use:

This Additional Procedure Code should only be used for declaration purposes where documentary controls are not required on licences or certificates for goods covered under an ATA Carnet (for example no live animals, prohibited or restricted goods).

The ATA Carnet reference number must be entered in DE 2/1 as a previous document, using document category ‘Z’ and previous document type ‘955’.

For non-EU issued ATA carnets, where the carnet holder is not established in the EU, an EORI number is not required in DE 3/2.

Restrictions on usage:

This Additional Procedure Code may not be used for goods exported or re-exported:

  • using a Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD) Carnet
  • using a Transport International Routier (TIR) Carnet
  • on an ATA Carnet that are subject to licencing or export documentary controls

For non-EU issued ATA carnets, where the carnet holder is established in the EU, the exporters EORI, where known should be declared in DE 3/2.


Apply for an ATA Carnet.
Apply for a CPD Carnet.

Specific fields in the declaration/notes on completion

Additional Information (DE 2/2)

Where the third country ATA Carnet holder is not the exporter declared in DE 3/2, enter:

Coverage AI statement code Details to be declared
Non-EU issued ATA carnets.
Note: this is only required where the Carnet holder is not the exporter declared in DE 3/2
NEATA Enter the non-EU country code of the exporter followed by their name and address.

Documents produced, certificates and authorisations, additional references (DE 2/3):

This document code is only required where the ATA carnet requires endorsement. Enter:

Document code Document identifier Document status
N955 Enter the reference number of the ATA carnet.
Where a sequentially numbered range of carnets cover the goods enter, the lowest to the highest reference numbers of the carnets concerned for example document code + 0054037-0054047: status code.
Where Carnets are not sequentially numbered, enter the reference number of each carnet concerned.
Use status code AC (see Appendix 5B: DE 2/3 Document Status Codes for harmonised declarations for definition).

Additional documents needed

The ATA Carnet must be presented.

Security needed

Security is provided for under the ATA carnet by the issuing association and international chain of Guaranteeing associations.

Post clearance action

Temporarily exported goods must be produced to Customs and re-imported within the time limit allowed by customs. The officer at the port or airport must forward the detached exportation voucher or re-exportation voucher from the ATA carnet promptly to the:

National Carnet Unit
5th Floor
Manchester Regional Centre
Three New Bailey
New Bailey Street
M3 5FS

Telephone: 0300 322 7064


Additional Procedure Code 11A can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure code (DE 1/10): 0014; 0015.

12A: ATA Carnets (Licensable Goods)

Description of Procedure:

Customs Clearance Request for goods exported or re-exported under an ATA carnet that are subject to licensing or other export documentary controls.

Goods covered

Goods liable to licensing or export documentary controls, exported or re-exported, on an ATA carnet where inventory clearance is requested.

Conditions for Use:

This Additional Procedure Code should only be used for declaration purposes where documentary controls are required on licences or certificates for goods covered under an ATA Carnet (for example live animals, prohibited or restricted goods).

The ATA Carnet reference number must be entered in DE 2/1 as a previous document, using document category ‘Z’ and previous document type ‘955’.

For non-EU issued ATA carnets, where the carnet holder is not established in the EU, an EORI number is not required in DE 3/2.

Restrictions on usage:

This Additional Procedure Code may not be used for goods exported or re-exported:

  • using a CPD Carnet
  • using a TIR carnet
  • on an ATA Carnet that are not subject to licencing or export documentary controls

For non-EU issued ATA carnets, where the carnet holder is established in the EU, the exporters EORI, where known should be declared in DE 3/2.


Apply for an ATA Carnet.
Apply for a CPD Carnet.

Specific fields in the declaration/notes on completion

Additional Information (DE 2/2)

Where the third country ATA Carnet holder is not the exporter declared in DE 3/2, enter:

Coverage AI statement code Details to be declared
Non-EU issued ATA carnets.
Note: this is only required where the Carnet holder is not the exporter declared in DE 3/2
NEATA Enter the non-EU country code of the exporter followed by their name and address.

Documents produced, certificates and authorisations, additional references (DE 2/3):

Certificates and Licences

DE 2/3 must be completed with the relevant document codes from Appendix 5A for the certificate or licence requiring endorsement.

These document codes are only required where a document, licence or admissibility certificate has to be endorsed using the C21i.

A list of the applicable licence types and the document code to be used for each type may be found in Appendix 5C: DE 2/3: Documents and Other Reference Codes: Licence Types.

The completion rules for the specific licence or certificate which may be used for imports can be found in Appendix 5A: DE 2/3: Documents and Other Reference Codes.

ATA Carnets:

This document code is only required where the ATA carnet requires endorsement. Enter:

Document code Document identifier Document status
N955 Enter the reference number of the ATA carnet.
Where a sequentially numbered range of carnets cover the goods enter, the lowest to the highest reference numbers of the carnets concerned for example document code + 0054037-0054047: status code.
Where Carnets are not sequentially numbered, enter the reference number of each carnet concerned.
Use status code AC (see Appendix 5B: DE 2/3 Document Status Codes for harmonised declarations for definition).

Country of Origin (DE 5/15)

This data element is only mandatory for goods subject to an electronic licence.

The country of origin declared in DE 5/15 must match the country of origin shown on the electronic licence.

Commodity Code — Combined Nomenclature Code (DE 6/14)

Enter the Combined Nomenclature code number corresponding to the goods described in DE 6/8.

Additional documents needed

The ATA Carnet must be presented.

Security needed

Security is provided for under the ATA carnet by the issuing association and international chain of Guaranteeing associations.

Post clearance action

Temporarily exported goods must be produced to Customs and re-imported within the time limit allowed by customs. The officer at the port or airport must forward the detached exportation voucher or re-exportation voucher from the ATA carnet promptly to the:

National Carnet Unit
5th Floor
Manchester Regional Centre
Three New Bailey
New Bailey Street
M3 5FS

Telephone: 0300 322 7064


Additional Procedure Code 12A can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure code (DE 1/10): 0014; 0015.

13C: CPD Carnets

Customs Clearance Request for goods exported or re-exported under an CPD carnet.

Goods covered

Goods exported or re-exported, on an CPD carnet, where inventory clearance is requested.

Conditions for Use:

This Additional Procedure Code should only be used for goods exported or re-exported under an CPD Carnet (for example private motor vehicles).

The CPD Carnet reference number must be entered in DE 2/1 as a previous document, using document category ‘Z’ and previous document type ‘CPD’.

Restrictions on usage:

This Additional Procedure Code may not be used for goods exported or re-exported:

  • using an ATA Carnet
  • using a TIR carnet


Apply for an ATA Carnet.
Apply for a CPD Carnet.

Specific fields in the declaration/notes on completion

Documents produced, certificates and authorisations, additional references (DE 2/3):

This document code is only required where the CPD carnet requires endorsement. Enter:

Document code Document identifier Document status
9CPD Enter the reference number of the CPD carnet.
Where a sequentially numbered range of carnets cover the goods enter, the lowest to the highest reference numbers of the carnets concerned for example document code + 0054037-0054047: status code.
Where Carnets are not sequentially numbered, enter the reference number of each carnet concerned.
Use status code AC (see Appendix 5B: DE 2/3 Document Status Codes for harmonised declarations for definition).

Additional documents needed

The CPD Carnet must be presented.

Security needed

Security is provided for under the CPD carnet by the issuing association and international chain of Guaranteeing associations.

Post clearance action

Temporarily exported goods must be produced to Customs and re-imported within the time limit allowed by customs. The officer at the port or airport must forward the detached exportation voucher or re-exportation voucher from the CPD carnet promptly to the:

National Carnet Unit
5th Floor
Manchester Regional Centre
Three New Bailey
New Bailey Street
M3 5FS

Telephone: 0300 322 7064


Additional Procedure Code 13C can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure code (DE 1/10): 0014; 0015.

14C: Continental Shelf

Description of Procedure:

Customs Clearance Request in respect of goods exported or re-exported to the Continental Shelf (CS).

Goods covered

Goods to be released from an inventory that are exported or re-exported to the CS where a written customs declaration is not required.

Conditions for Use:

This Additional Procedure Code may only be used where the goods are being exported or re-exported to a qualifying location, listed as one of the CS country codes.

Please refer to the country codes for the CS in the Country Codes for the Customs Declaration Service.

The goods must be eligible to be released from customs control, to a customs procedure or use, using an oral declaration or declaration by any other act.

Restrictions on usage:

Goods for which the correct classification is necessary to apply tariff measures, such as those subject to prohibitions or restrictions, are excluded from this Additional Procedure Code. A written customs declaration must be submitted in respect of those goods.


Information on Export Procedures can be found on GOV.UK:

Import, export and customs for businesses: detailed information.
Check if you need to declare goods you bring into or take out of the UK.


Additional Procedure Code 14C can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure codes (DE 1/10): 0012; 0014; 0015.

15F: Trade with Special Fiscal Territories and territories with which the EU has formed a Customs Union

Description of Procedure:

Customs Clearance Request for goods being exported or re-exported to a Special Fiscal Territory or territory with which the EU has formed a Customs Union (Article 1 (3) of EU Reg. No. 952/2013 (Union Customs Code)).

Goods covered

This Additional Procedure Code must be used when exporting or re-exporting goods from a Special Fiscal Territory or territory with which the EU has formed a Customs Union.

Conditions for use:

This Additional Procedure Code may only be used where:

  • the goods are being exported or re-exported from a Special Fiscal Territory or territory with which the EU has formed a Customs Union
  • they are eligible to be declared using an oral declaration or declaration by any other act
  • the goods have Union Status (are in free circulation)

Please refer to the country codes to be used for the Special Fiscal Territories in the Country Codes for the Customs Declaration Service.

Restrictions on usage:

This Additional Procedure Code may not be used:

  • where the goods are subject to prohibitions, restrictions or export controls on leaving the UK (for example, subject to licencing or certificates)
  • for goods being exported to a Special Fiscal Territory or territory with which the EU has formed a Customs Union that do not have Union Status


Additional Procedure Code 15F can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure codes (DE 1/10): 0012; 0015; 0016; 0017; 0018.

17X: Exit Safety and Security Summary Declaration (EXS)

Description of Procedure:

Customs Clearance Request for exported or re-exported goods requiring the submission of an EXS.

Goods covered

This Additional Procedure Code must be used to request clearance of goods for export purposes where the Customs Clearance Request is also being used to submit the exit safety and security declaration.

Conditions for Use:

This Additional Procedure Code may only be used for goods declared using an oral declaration or declaration by any other act.

The data set tables in Appendix 23: Declaration Category Data Sets indicate which additional data elements must be included when an export safety and security summary declaration is being made.

Restrictions on usage:

This Additional Procedure Code may not be used where the Exit Summary and Safety declaration requirements are waived.


Information on Export Procedures may be found on GOV.UK:

Import, export and customs for businesses: detailed information.
Check if you need to declare goods you bring into or take out of the UK.

Specific fields in the declaration/notes on completion

Additional Information (DE 2/2):


Coverage AI statement code Details to be declared
The number of days the goods have been held in the Free Zone.
Note where the goods have been held in the free zone for longer than 14 days, Additional Procedure Code 17X must be declared in DE 1/11
FZPER Enter the number of days the goods have been held in the Free Zone prior to this movement
The number of days the goods have already been held in Temporary Storage
Exports only:
Note where the goods have been held in Temporary Storage for longer than 14 days, Additional Procedure Code 17X must be declared in DE 1/11
TSPER Enter the number of days the goods have been held in Temporary Storage prior to this movement


Additional Procedure Code 17X can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure code (DE 1/10): 0012; 0014; 0015; 0017.

18I: Indirect Exports

Description of Procedure:

Customs Clearance Request (CCR) for exported or re-exported goods using an oral declaration or declaration by any other act where the goods are exiting the EU via a Member State.

Goods covered

This Additional Procedure Code may be used to declare goods for indirect exportation where no written customs declaration is required.

Conditions for Use:

This Additional Procedure Code may only be used for goods declared using an oral declaration or declaration by any other act.

Customs Clearance Requests using this Additional Procedure Code must be submitted as pre-lodged Customs Clearance Requests with Additional Declaration Type code K.

Restrictions on usage:

This Additional Procedure Code may not be used for goods being exported from the EU direct from the UK.

A Customs Clearance Request using this Additional Procedure Code must not be submitted as an arrived Customs Clearance Request.


Information on Export Procedures may be found on GOV.UK:

Import, export and customs for businesses: detailed information.
Check if you need to declare goods you bring into or take out of the UK.


Additional Procedure Code 18I can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure code (DE 1/10): 0012; 0014; 0015; 0017.