Additional Procedure Code 6-Series: Transit
Updated 28 February 2025
This Appendix contains the specific completion rules instructions for the 6-series Additional Procedure Codes for Data Element 1/11 for Inventories Imports.
Use the index list and the Additional Procedure Codes completion notes to help you identify the correct code to use and for guidance on how to complete the declaration.
The completion notes in this Appendix are a supplement to the main CDS BIRDS Declarations and Customs Clearance Request completion instructions.
This Appendix only contains any additional completion notes for each 3-digit Additional Procedure Code and does not constitute full guidance on how the declaration should be completed.
Only one 4-digit Procedure Code can be declared against each goods item in DE 1/10, however, this may be tailored to the specific circumstances for the goods treatment by the use of multiple Additional Procedure Codes in DE 1/11.
These completion notes are a supplement to the DE 1/10 Procedure Code Notes and therefore any instructions relating to the requested or previous procedure included against the relevant DE 1/10 Procedure Code (see Appendix 1: DE 1/10: Requested and Previous Procedure Codes) must also be followed.
The DE 1/10 completion notes, including conditions and restrictions, are not repeated within or superseded by the DE 1/11 completion notes.
61T: TIR Carnets
Description of Procedure:
Customs Clearance Request (CCR) for goods arriving in the UK from a third country and being removed from the border under the TIR Carnet process.
Goods covered
This Additional Procedure Code should only be used to release goods on a TIR Carnet from the border location where a CCR is required by the inventory system.
Conditions for Use:
The goods must be covered by a TIR Carnet at the point of release from the border location.
The goods must be continuing their movement in duty suspense under the TIR Transit procedures.
This Additional Procedure Code should only be used where a positive notification of release, via a Customs Clearance Request (CCR), is required by the inventory system.
Restrictions on usage:
This Additional Procedure Code may only be used to release goods moving under a TIR Carnet.
It must not be used to declare goods where the TIR Carnet is being discharged.
A customs declaration is needed on NCTS for all goods to be moved under Union/Common transit or TIR unless transit simplified procedures for air, sea or rail are used.
Transit manual on Europa Website
HMRC Transit Manual supplement
Where the TIR goods are covered by an NCTS declaration, Additional Procedure Code 62T must also be declared in DE 1/11.
Where the TIR goods are covered by a movement under Transit simplification, Additional Procedure Code 63T must also be declared in DE 1/11.
Additional Procedure Code 61T can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure code (DE 1/10): 0006.
62T: New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) Movements
Description of Procedure:
Customs Clearance Request (CCR) for goods arriving in the UK from a third country and being removed from the border under NCTS Transit procedures.
Goods covered
This Additional Procedure Code should only be used to release goods on an NCTS movement from the border location where a CCR is required by the inventory system.
Conditions for Use:
The goods must be covered by an NCTS declaration at the point of release from the border location.
The goods must be continuing their movement in duty suspense under an NCTS Transit procedure.
This Additional Procedure Code should only be used where a positive notification of release, via a Customs Clearance Request (CCR), is required by the inventory system.
Restrictions on usage:
This Additional Procedure Code may only be used to release goods moving under an NCTS transit declaration.
It must not be used to declare goods where the transit movement is being discharged.
A customs declaration is needed on NCTS for all goods to be moved under Union/ Common transit or TIR unless transit simplified procedures for air, sea or rail are used.
Transit manual on Europa Website
HMRC Transit Manual supplement
Where the NCTS Transit goods are also covered by a TIR Carnet, Additional Procedure Code 61T must also be declared in DE 1/11.
Additional Procedure Code 62T can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure code (DE 1/10): 0006.
63T: Transit Simplifications
Description of Procedure:
Customs Clearance Request (CCR) for goods arriving in the UK from a third country and being removed from the border under a simplified transit procedure.
Goods covered
This Additional Procedure Code should only be used to release goods using transit simplifications from the border location where a CCR is required by the inventory system.
This Additional Procedure Code may be used to request release of goods already placed under transit simplification for:
- Air,
- Sea or
- Rail.
- Postal Transit — under UPU (Universal Postal Union) convention
Conditions for Use:
The goods must be covered by a transit simplified procedure at the point of release from the border location.
The goods must be continuing their movement in duty suspense under Transit simplified procedures.
This Additional Procedure Code should only be used where a positive notification of release, via a Customs Clearance Request (CCR), is required by the inventory system.
Restrictions on usage:
This Additional Procedure Code may only be used to release goods moving under to a transit simplified procedure.
It must not be used to declare goods where the transit movement is being discharged.
Transit manual on Europa Website
HMRC Transit Manual supplement
A customs declaration is needed on NCTS for all goods to be moved under Union/ Common transit or TIR where the goods have not been placed under a valid simplified procedure for air, sea or rail.
Where the TIR goods are covered by a movement under Transit simplification, Additional Procedure Code 61T must also be declared in DE 1/11.
Additional Procedure Code 63T can only be used with Requested and Previous Procedure code (DE 1/10): 0006.