Application for an environmental permit: part B2 new bespoke permit
Complete if you are applying for a new bespoke permit.
Applies to England
If you wish to apply for a new bespoke permit fill in part B2 together with part:
You also need to fill in part B3, B4, B5, B6 or B7. Which part you need to fill in depends on the activities you are applying for.
You will need to use an Adobe Acrobat product to complete the forms.
This is one part of the Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR) permit application form pack.
Applications we receive from 1 December 2023 must be on this updated version of the part B2 form. We will return any that are not.
Updates to this page
Update to both the application form and guidance to remove or amend various questions. Update to wording for waste production criterion for a low impact installation.
We have made these updates to the part B2 application form and guidance: removed section 6b climate change risk screening questions; revised guidance on waste activities we do not consider to be eligible for low impact installation approach; and administrative updates such as updated hyperlinks.
Edited the technical ability sections of the form and guidance. Edited the list of accredited management systems in the application form.
Amendment to the financial provision section in the application form.
UPDATED CHANGE NOTE: We have made these updates to the part B2 application form and guidance: added a new section (6b) with climate change risk screening questions and moved the date of birth information (if required) to a separate appendix. Applications we receive from 1st December 2019 must be on this updated version of the part B2 form.
We have made these updates to the part B3.5 application form and guidance: added a new section (6b) with climate change risk screening questions; moved the date of birth information (if required) to a separate appendix and included a revised privacy notice. Applications we receive from 1st December 2019 must be on this updated version of the part B3.5 form.
Updated application form for an environmental permit: part B2 new bespoke permit.
Removed form F2. You now need to complete form F1 to change a permit for a water discharge or point source groundwater discharge activity.
First published.