
Application for Government Social Research Profession Membership

New Government Social Research Membership Forms and Guidance


GSR Badging Route Membership Application Form

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GSR Example Knowledge Test

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The Government Social Research Profession opens a number of recruitment schemes every year, such as the Fast Stream and Main Stream, to recruit new social researchers into government.

Furthermore, some job openings contain a GSR assessment process (Knowledge Test and GSR interview), which means that successful candidates will be automatically badged into GSR.

However, civil servants working in analytical roles in a core government department, who were not recruited through a GSR-assessed job opening, can be badged into GSR if they meet all the requirements.

Badging rounds are organised periodically by departments. Civil servants who meet all the requirements set out in the Membership Guidance below can reach out to their department’s GSR Head of Profession for information about the badging rounds. They will be asked to complete the application form below and, if they meet all the requirements, will have to pass a Knowledge Test and an interview. You can see an example GSR Knowledge Test above.

Details about the skills tested at each grade can be found in the GSR Technical Framework. Contact if you don’t know who your department’s GSR Head of Profession is.

Badged GSR Members who move to another analytical role in another department will not need to be badged again. In case of promotion, a badging process will be necessary at the new grade.

Updates to this page

Published 13 September 2018
Last updated 1 February 2024 show all updates
  1. the GSR Example Knowledge Test document was updated.

  2. GSR Badging Route Membership Application Form - file attachment, has been updated.

  3. The Government Social Research Membership and Eligibility Guidance (HTML attachment) has been updated.

  4. Frequently Asked Questions have been updated with new information. Introduction has been lengthened with additional information.

  5. An additional question has been added to the Q&A

  6. Updated membership document

  7. Version 5 GSR membership guidance uploaded old version removed

  8. Membership application forms removed as this will be done via members website. Badging application form updated.

  9. Updated to include an extra ethnicity category and how members can amend their data on the website should they prefer to do so that way.

  10. Forms and guidance updated in Jan 2021 to include degree description under eligibility criteria

  11. Guidance updated May 2020

  12. Documents updated in July

  13. First published.

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