
Application to extend a supplementary protection certificate

Use this form to apply for grant of an extension to a supplementary protection certificate.





Documents relating to an application for a certificate will normally be open to public inspection. If you want us to keep copies of any documents such as marketing authorizations (or parts of them) confidential, you must ask for this on filing or sending the document. You must give reasons for your request.



All Intellectual Property Office fee bearing forms should be filed with the appropriate fee

Updates to this page

Published 29 April 2014
Last updated 26 April 2023 show all updates
  1. A new end page has been added. This contains a checklist and sending instructions. Supporting text added to questions that required further clarification.

  2. Form SP4 fee sheet updated.

  3. Fee sheet added to form SP4 and text 'All Intellectual Property Office fee bearing forms should be filed with the appropriate fee' added.

  4. Form SP4 Data Privacy added.

  5. First published.

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