Extend your stay in the UK as a member of HM Forces or their dependant: form FLR(AF)
Form to apply for further leave to remain in the UK as a member of HM Forces or their dependant.
Use this form to apply online if you are already in the UK and are a member of HM Forces (or their partner or child).
You should read the guidance notes before you apply.
Get help to apply online
You can get help with completing the online form if you:
- do not feel confident using a computer or mobile device
- do not have internet access
You can only use this service if you’re making an application in the UK.
You cannot get immigration advice through this service.
Updates to this page
Updated guidance.
Paper application form withdrawn, you must now apply online.
Application form updated with GDPR policy.
Updated form for use on or after 6 April 2018.
Updated application form for use on or after 6 April 2017.
Updated form for use on or after 24 November.
Updated form for use on or after 18 April.
Updated form and guidance for use on or after 18 March.
Updated application form: Immigration Health Surcharge number added
New versions published for use on or after 6 April 2015.
New version published for use on or after 6 November 2014.
Updated guidance.
6 April changes.
First published.