Application to register designs divided from an earlier application
Use this form to apply to register one or more designs divided from an earlier application.
- single application: £60 for 1 design
- multiple application: £60 for first and £40 for any subsequent design included in the application
All Intellectual Property Office fee bearing forms should be filed with the appropriate fee.
Updates to this page
A new end page has been added. This contains a checklist and sending instructions. Supporting text added to questions that required further clarification.
Form DF2B fee sheet updated.
Fee sheet added to form DF2B and text 'All Intellectual Property Office fee bearing forms should be filed with the appropriate fee' added.
Forms DF2B replaced.
Forms replaced in relation to The Hague Agreement.
DF2B: data privacy added.
Amended in light of 1 October 2016 fee changes.
First published.