
Achosion llys, ansolfedd a rhwymedigaeth treth: ceisiadau (CY43)

Cyngor ar gael gwybodaeth sydd yn nwylo Cofrestrfa Tir EF mewn perthynas ag achosion llys, ansolfedd a rhwymedigaeth treth (cyfarwyddyd ymarfer 43).

Yn berthnasol i England and Gymru



Fe’i bwriadwyd at ddefnydd y canlynol yn unig:

  • Erlynwyr y Goron
  • yr Heddlu
  • yr Asiantaeth Troseddau Cenedlaethol
  • Comisiynwyr Cyllid a Thollau Ei Fawrhydi
  • eraill gyda hawl i archwilio dogfennau yn unol â darpariaethau rheol 140, Rheolau Cofrestru Tir 2003

Dim ond gwybodaeth ffeithiol a chyngor diduedd ynghylch ein gweithdrefnau rydym yn eu darparu. Darllenwch ragor am y cyngor rydym yn ei roi.


Gallwch ymuno â’n gweminarau di-dâl i gael cyngor ar ystod o bynciau cofrestru tir a sut i baratoi ceisiadau o safon.

Hysbysiadau ebost

Tanysgrifiwch i hysbysiadau ebost i gael y newidiadau diweddaraf i’n cyfarwyddiadau ymarfer.

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 13 October 2003
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 7 May 2024 + show all updates
  1. Section 1 has been amended to reflect the reference in relation to qualifying applicants as per the Appendix to the guide.

  2. The appendix has been amended as an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State under section 15 of the Child Support Act 1991 is now a qualifying applicant under rule 140(1) of the Land Registration Rules 2003.

  3. Section 2 has been amended as a result of the latest Schedule 2 Notice 22 which changed the method of delivery of applications and their results.

  4. The appendix has been amended as an officer or non-commissioned officer within the Force Intelligence & Investigation Unit, Specialist Operations Regiment Royal Military Police is now a qualifying applicant under rule 140(1) of the Land Registration Rules 2003.

  5. The appendix has been amended as a local housing authority applying under the Housing Act 2004 is now a qualifying applicant under rule 140(1) of the Land Registration Rules 2003.

  6. The appendix has been amended as a local authority applying under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 is now a qualifying applicant under rule 140(1) of the Land Registration Rules 2003.

  7. Section 1.1 has been amended as a result of a change of contact details.

  8. The guide has been amended as certificate T cannot be used until the requirements of the Code of Practice provided under the Digital Economy Act 2017 are met.

  9. The appendix has been amended to add additional qualifying applicants and a certificate to take account of provisions in the Digital Services Act 2017 for combating fraud against the public sector, and to include additional qualifying applicants that have investigatory powers under the Proceeds and Crime Act 2002.

  10. The appendix has been changed to show the up-to-date list of persons/bodies qualifying under rule 140(1) of the Land Registration Rules 2003 following amendments made to rule 140 and Schedule 5 to those rules by the Land Registration (Amendment) Rules 2018, coming into force on 6 April 2018. Minor changes have been made to clarify our practice. The section on acceptable variations to form CIT has been removed from the guide as the form has now been updated.

  11. Section 9 has been amended. Certificate Q in form CIT has been amended by the Bank of England and Financial Services (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2017.

  12. Section 9 has been amended as a result of The Secretaries of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, for International Trade and for Exiting the European Union and the Transfer of Functions (Education and Skills) Order 2016 which transfers certain functions of the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

  13. Section 8 has been amended to reflect that we will no longer accept applications by fax.

  14. Link to the advice we offer added.

  15. Welsh translation added.

  16. First published.

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