How lump sum payments affect some Countryside Stewardship options
Updated 30 November 2022
Applies to England
To enter into a new Countryside Stewardship (CS) agreement or add land to an existing agreement, you will need to repay any lump sum you’ve received.
The lump sum payment affects the following CS options because they are mainly on agricultural land.
CS option code | CS option description |
AB1 | Nectar flower mix |
AB2 | Basic overwinter stubble |
AB3 | Beetle banks |
AB4 | Skylark plots |
AB5 | Nesting plots for lapwing and stone curlew |
AB6 | Enhanced overwinter stubble |
AB7 | Whole crop cereals |
AB8 | Flower-rich margins and plots |
AB9 | Winter bird food |
AB10 | Unharvested cereal headland |
AB11 | Cultivated areas for arable plants |
AB12 | Supplementary winter feeding for farmland |
AB13 | Brassica fodder crop |
AB14 | Harvested low input cereal |
AB15 | Two year sown legume fallow |
AB16 | Autumn sown bumblebird mix |
BE1 | Protection of in-field trees on arable land |
BE2 | Protection of in-field trees on intensive grassland |
BE3 | Management of hedgerows |
BE4 | Management of traditional orchard |
BE5 | Creation of traditional orchards |
CT3 | Management of coastal saltmarsh |
ED1 | Educational access |
GS1 | Take field corners out of management |
GS2 | Permanent grassland with very low inputs (outside severely disadvantaged areas (SDAs)) |
GS3 | Ryegrass seed-set as winter food for birds |
GS4 | Legume and herb-rich swards |
GS5 | Permanent grassland with very low inputs in SDAs |
GS6 | Management of species-rich grassland |
GS7 | Restoration towards species rich grassland |
GS8 | Creation of species-rich grassland |
GS9 | Management of wet grassland for breeding waders |
GS10 | Management of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl |
GS11 | Creation of wet grassland for breeding waders |
GS12 | Creation of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl |
GS13 | Management of grassland for target features |
GS14 | Creation of grassland for target features |
HS1 | Maintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings |
HS2 | Take historic and archaeological features out of cultivation |
HS3 | Reduced-depth, non-inversion cultivation on historic and archaeological features |
HS4 | Scrub control on historic and archaeological features |
HS5 | Management of historic and archaeological features on grassland |
HS6 | Maintenance of designed / engineered water bodies |
HS7 | Management of historic water meadows through traditional irrigation |
HS8 | Maintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings in remote areas |
HS9 | Restricted depth crop establishment to protect archaeology under an arable rotation |
LH1 | Management of lowland heathland |
LH3 | Creation of heathland from arable or improved grassland |
OP1 | Overwintered stubble |
OP2 | Wild bird seed mixture |
OP3 | Supplementary feeding for farmland birds |
OP4 | Multi species ley |
OP5 | Undersown cereal |
OR1 | Organic conversion – improved permanent grassland |
OR2 | Organic conversion – unimproved permanent grassland |
OR3 | Organic conversion – rotational land |
OR4 | Organic conversion – horticulture |
OR5 | Organic conversion – top fruit |
OT1 | Organic land management – improved permanent grassland |
OT2 | Organic land management – unimproved permanent grassland |
OT3 | Organic land management – rotational land |
OT4 | Organic land management – horticulture |
OT5 | Organic land management – top fruit |
OT6 | Organic land management – enclosed rough grazing |
SW1 | 4-6m buffer strip on cultivated land |
SW2 | Z4-6m buffer strip on intensive grassland |
SW3 | In-field grass strips |
SW4 | 2-24m watercourse buffer strip on cultivated land |
SW5 | Enhanced management of maize crops |
SW6 | Winter cover crops |
SW7 | Arable reversion to grassland with low fertiliser input |
SW8 | Management of intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse |
SW9 | Seasonal livestock removal on intensive grassland |
SW10 | Seasonal livestock removal on grassland in SDAs next to streams, rivers and lakes |
SW11 | Riparian management strip |
SW12 | Making space for water |
SW13 | Very low nitrogen inputs to groundwaters |
SW15 | Flood mitigation on arable land |
SW16 | Flood mitigation on permanent grassland |
UP1 | Enclosed rough grazing |
UP2 | Management of rough grazing for birds |
UP3 | Management of moorland |
WD3 | Woodland edges on arable land |
WD4 | Management of wood pasture and parkland Lowland payment rate (outside the SDA) |
WD5 | Restoration of wood pasture and parkland Lowland payment rate (outside the SDA) £244 per hectare Upland payment rate (inside the SDA) |
WD6 | Creation of wood pasture Lowland payment rate (outside the SDA) |
WD10 | Management of upland wood pasture and parkland |
WD11 | Restoration of upland wood pasture and parkland |
WD12 | Creation of upland wood pasture |
WT1 | Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in improved grassland |
WT2 | Buffering in-field ponds and ditches on arable land |
For more details on these options, enter the option code into the search field on the CS grants page.