Apply for PIP Digital Self-Serve: Evaluation Summary
This report summarises the key findings from the Apply for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Digital Self-Serve evaluation to date.
The report includes evaluation of the impact of self-serve on registration, assessment referral and award volumes in the rollout areas alongside the findings from qualitative research with Personal Independence Payment (PIP) customers to understand the experience of using the new application route.
Research background
This research was undertaken as part of the evaluation of the Health Transformation Programme (HTP). HTP is developing a new Health Assessment Service and transforming the PIP service, including introducing a new channel for customers to apply online.
Contribution to the evidence base
This report provides a summary of the evaluation to date following initial launch of Digital Self-Serve on GOV.UK. The full evaluation will be published once completed.
Research value
DWP will use these findings, alongside insights from the wider evidence base on PIP processes to inform decisions relating to the further rollout of the digital service. Any decisions on further rollout will take into account deliverability and financial implications.