Confined establishments: approval conditions for ungulates
Published 3 August 2022
You must get your premises approved as a confined establishment if you’re exporting ungulates to the EU and Northern Ireland. Read this guidance to find out what conditions your premises must meet to get approved and the species of ungulates not covered by national rules.
Disease surveillance and control measures
Your disease surveillance and control measures for your confined establishment must include:
- include control measures against zoonosis
- the number and species of animals in the confined establishment
the epidemiological situation in and around the confined establishment for listed diseases and emerging diseases
- vaccination and treatment of ungulates against transmissible diseases
- clinical examinations, laboratory tests or post-mortem examinations for ungulates suspected of being infected or contaminated by disease agents
Facilities and equipment
The confined establishment must:
- have a clear boundary and be separated from its surroundings
- be able to catch, confine and isolate injured or sick animals
- have adequate quarantine facilities available
- use approved standard operating procedures for new incoming animals
- either have suitable arrangements or on-site facilities and equipment to dispose of the bodies of ungulates which die of a disease or are euthanised
The animal accommodation areas within the confined establishment must:
- stop animals from coming into contact with animals outside the confined establishment
- allow for easy access to inspect and treat animals
- allow for floors, walls and all other material or equipment to be cleaned and disinfected easily
Record keeping
You must keep up-to-date records for at least 3 years.
Full inventory
Keep a record of every ungulate in the confined establishment. Record the estimated age, sex, species and individual identification code.
Movement records
Keep records of the number of ungulates, their estimated age, sex, species and individual identification code of ungulates that arrive at or leave the confined establishment.
- the dates that ungulates arrive and where they came from
- the date that ungulates leave and their destination
- how they are transported
- whether the ungulates are free from disease, known as health status
Record the results of:
- the disease surveillance and control programme
- clinical examinations, laboratory tests and post-mortem examinations
Keep records of vaccinations and the treatment provided.
Isolation and quarantine observations
Keep records of instructions or observations from the competent authority of the third country or territory of origin made during any period of isolation or quarantine.
The operator must use a confined establishment veterinarian to:
- supervise the confined establishment and make sure it complies with all regulations
- review the disease surveillance programme at least once a year
Health status
The confined establishment must be:
- free from the diseases listed in part A of Annex XII
- an area free from diseases listed in part B of Annex XII
Ungulates that must use a confined establishment
Ungulates not listed are covered by national rules.
Antilocapridae family:
- Antilocapra ssp.
Bovidae family:
- Addax ssp.
- Aepyceros ssp.
- Alcelaphus ssp.
- Ammodorcas ssp.
- Ammotragus ssp.
- Antidorcas ssp.
- Antilope ssp.
- Bison ssp.
- Bos ssp. (including Bibos, Novibos, Poephagus)
- Boselaphus ssp.
- Bubalus ssp. (including Anoa)
- Budorcas ssp.
- Capra ssp.
- Cephalophus ssp.
- Connochaetes ssp.
- Damaliscus ssp. (including Beatragus)
- Dorcatragus ssp.
- Gazella ssp.
- Hemitragus ssp.
- Hippotragus ssp.
- Kobus ssp.
- Litocranius ssp.
- Madoqua ssp.
- Naemorhedus ssp. (including Nemorhaedus and Capricornis)
- Neotragus ssp.
- Oreamnos ssp.
- Oreotragus ssp.
- Oryx ssp.
- Ourebia ssp.
- Ovibos ssp.
- Ovis ssp.
- Patholops ssp.
- Pelea ssp.
- Procapra ssp.
- Pseudois ssp.
- Pseudoryx ssp.
- Raphicerus ssp.
- Redunca ssp.
- Rupicapra ssp.
- Saiga ssp.
- Sigmoceros-Alecelaphus ssp.
- Sylvicapra ssp.
- Syncerus ssp.
- Taurotragus ssp.
- Tetracerus ssp.
- Tragelaphus ssp. (including Boocerus)
Camelidae family:
- Camelus ssp.
- Lama ssp.
- Vicugna ssp.
Cervidae family:
- Alces ssp.
- Axis-Hyelaphus ssp.
- Blastocerus ssp.
- Capreolus ssp.
- Cervus-Rucervus ssp.
- Dama ssp.
- Elaphurus ssp.
- Hippocamelus ssp.
- Hydropotes ssp.
- Mazama ssp.
- Megamuntiacus ssp.
- Muntiacus ssp.
- Odocoileus ssp.
- Ozotoceros ssp.
- Pudu ssp.
- Rangifer ssp.
Giraffidae family:
- Giraffidae – Giraffa ssp.
- Giraffidae – Okapia ssp.
Hippopotamidae family:
- all species
Moschidae family:
- Moschus ssp.
Tragulidae family:
- Tragulidae – Hyemoschus ssp.
- Tragulidae – Tragulus-Moschiola ssp.
Suidae family:
- Babyrousa ssp.
- Hylochoerus ssp.
- Phacochoerus ssp.
- Potamochoerus ssp.
- Sus ssp.
Tayassuidae family:
- TayasCatagonus ssp.
- TayasPecari-Tayassu ssp.
Tapiridae family:
- Tapirus ssp.
Rhinocerotidae family:
- Ceratotherium ssp.
- Dicerorhinus ssp.
- Diceros ssp.
- Rhinoceros ssp.
Elephantidae family:
- Elephas ssp.
- Loxodonta ssp.
For support, contact APHA’s animal exports team.