
Cais i bleidleisio drwy ddirprwy yng Nghymru oherwydd anabledd

Os na allwch bleidleisio'n bersonol, gall rhywun bleidleisio ar eich rhan. Gallwch ddweud wrtho dros bwy y dylai bleidleisio. Gelwir hyn yn bleidlais drwy ddirprwy.

Yn berthnasol i England, Gymru and Scotland



Cyn gwneud cais

Gallwch ofyn i unrhyw un weithredu fel eich dirprwy, ar yr amod ei fod wedi’i gofrestru i bleidleisio a’i fod yn fath o etholiad y caniateir iddo bleidleisio ynddo.

Sut i wneud cais i bleidleisio drwy ddirprwy

Mae ffurflenni gwahanol, yn dibynnu ar y rheswm pam na allwch fynd i’r orsaf bleidleisio. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn cwblhau’r un gywir.

Efallai y gallwch wneud cais i bleidleisio drwy ddirprwy mewn argyfwng os bydd y dyddiad cau i wneud cais i bleidleisio drwy ddirprwy wedi mynd heibio.

Ble i anfon eich ffurflen

Anfonwch y ffurflen wedi’i chwblhau i’ch Swyddfa Cofrestru Etholiadol leol.

Ffyrdd eraill o wneud cais

Gallwch wneud cais i bleidleisio drwy ddirprwy.

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 1 March 2017
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 31 October 2023 + show all updates
  1. You can now apply online to vote by proxy. The law has changed regarding people who can be proxies. The paper forms have been updated by the Electoral Commission.

  2. If you are registered to vote and want to vote by proxy in the 5 May 2022 elections, you must submit a proxy vote application form that is received by your local Electoral Registration Office before 5pm on Tuesday 26 April 2022.

  3. You can no longer apply to register to vote by proxy for the polls on 6 May 2021. You can still apply for an emergency proxy subject to certain criteria.

  4. Updated to include new forms.

  5. If you are registered to vote and want to vote by proxy in the 6 May 2021 elections, you must submit a proxy vote application form that is received by your local Electoral Registration Office before 5pm on Tuesday 27 April.

  6. Attachments updated.

  7. Forms updated with new data protection guidance.

  8. Information added to explain that it's now too late to apply by poxy for the 3 May elections.

  9. First published.

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