
Apply to vote by proxy due to employment - paper form

If your employment or your spouse or civil partner’s employment means that you cannot vote in person, then you can apply to vote by proxy.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales



Deadline for voting in the local elections in England

If you’re applying for a proxy vote to vote in the local elections being held in England on 1 May 2025, you must apply by 5pm on 23 April 2025.

You and your proxy must be registered to vote in the UK before you can apply.

This form should only be used if you are registered to vote in England, Scotland or Wales.

If you are registered to vote in Northern Ireland

The rules are different if you want to apply for a proxy vote in Northern Ireland for all elections.

Before you apply

Ask your proxy’s permission before you apply.

You’ll need:

  • your National Insurance number or any other identity document, for example a birth certificate
  • the address where your proxy is registered to vote
  • contact details for your proxy

Who is allowed to be your proxy

For all elections, your proxy must be:

  • registered to vote and
  • allowed to vote in the relevant election

If you are registered to vote in England

Your proxy can vote for no more than 4 people - no more than 2 of those people can be domestic electors (voters who are neither overseas voters nor service voters).

If you are registered to vote in Scotland or Wales

For Senedd, Scottish Parliament and local council elections, your proxy can vote for close relatives and up to 2 other people at an election. The definition of close relatives is the applicant’s spouse, civil partner, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child or grandchild.

For UK Parliament and Welsh Police and Crime Commissioner elections, your proxy can vote for a maximum of 4 people. No more than 2 of those people can be domestic electors. Domestic electors are voters who are neither overseas voters nor service voters.

UK Parliament elections include UK Parliamentary general elections, by-elections, and recall petitions.

How to apply for a proxy vote

Complete and return the form.

You may be able to apply for an emergency proxy vote if the deadline to apply for a proxy vote has passed.

If you live abroad

If you want to vote by proxy and you live abroad, apply for a proxy vote as soon as possible.

Where to send your form

Send the completed form to your electoral registration office.

Change or update your proxy vote

To change or update who acts as your proxy or to start voting in person, contact your electoral registration office. You must contact your electoral registration office no later than 11 working days before the election and by 5pm on that day.

Stop voting by proxy

If you no longer want to vote by proxy and want to vote by post instead, apply for a postal vote. You must apply no later than 11 working days before the election and by 5pm on that day.

If you want to vote in person instead, contact your electoral registration office. You must contact your electoral registration office no later than 11 working days before the election and by 5pm on that day.

Change from a postal vote to a proxy vote

If you no longer want to vote by post and want to vote by proxy instead, apply for a proxy vote. You must apply no later than 11 working days before the election and by 5pm on that day. 

Other ways to apply 

You can apply online to vote by proxy.

Updates to this page

Published 1 March 2017
Last updated 31 October 2023 show all updates
  1. You can now apply online to vote by proxy. The law has changed regarding people who can be proxies. The paper forms have been updated by the Electoral Commission.

  2. If you are registered to vote and want to vote by proxy in the 5 May 2022 elections, you must submit a proxy vote application form that is received by your local Electoral Registration Office before 5pm on Tuesday 26 April 2022.

  3. You can no longer apply to register to vote by proxy for the polls on 6 May 2021. You can still apply for an emergency proxy subject to certain criteria.

  4. Updated to include new forms.

  5. If you are registered to vote and want to vote by proxy in the 6 May 2021 elections, you must submit a proxy vote application form that is received by your local Electoral Registration Office before 5pm on Tuesday 27 April.

  6. Attachments updated.

  7. Forms updated with new data protection guidance.

  8. Information added to explain that it's now too late to apply by poxy for the 3 May elections.

  9. First published.

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