Appointments to Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC): call for expressions of interest
We're seeking expressions of interests to fill up to 12 roles in the Trade and Agriculture Commission. The closing date is 23:55 on 4 July 2021 (closing date extended).
The Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC) is a new body, reflecting the change in how the United Kingdom trades with the world. It is an independent Expert Committee comprising trade and agriculture specialists. It has an important role to play in independent scrutiny of new free trade agreements (FTA).
The new Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC) will provide independent, expert advice on whether measures in FTA treaty text – per each member’s area of expertise – may have an impact on UK domestic statutory protections, reporting to the Chair. Members are appointed for their individual knowledge and expertise, and do not represent an organisation.
How to apply
You should clearly set out your motivation and detail how you meet the required experience and attributes. The essential and desirable criteria list for these roles is set out in the information pack.
Applicants will be asked to complete declare any potential conflicts of interest and these will be considered in assessing an applicants’ suitability for appointment.
Due diligence will be carried out at the shortlisting stage, this will include checks on financial probity social media, internet checks and character reference.
Completed expressions of interest should include a:
- CV, maximum 2 pages
- statement of motivation, maximum 2 pages
- diversity monitoring form
- candidate declaration form
These should be sent to by 23:55 on 4 July 2021.