
Apprenticeship funding bands

Sets out the funding bands that will apply for existing apprenticeship frameworks and apprenticeship standards.

This publication was withdrawn on

Apprenticeship standard class codes can now be found at Apprenticeship standard class codes.

Applies to England


Apprenticeship frameworks: funding bands

Apprenticeship standards: funding bands spreadsheet


The list of apprenticeship standards shows the apprenticeship standards that have an approved assessment plan and are ready for employers and training organisations to use. This is an excerpt taken from a downloadable spreadsheet of all standards both published and in development on the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education website (the Institute).

The frameworks spreadsheet sets out the funding bands that applied for apprenticeship frameworks.

For further information on apprenticeship standards please refer to the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education website.

Updates to this page

Published 25 October 2016
Last updated 29 February 2024 show all updates
  1. We have published an updated version of the apprenticeship standards class codes spreadsheet

  2. We've updated this to include the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet.

  3. Updated to include the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet.

  4. Updated to include the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet.

  5. Updated to include the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet.

  6. Updated to include the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet.

  7. Updated to include the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet.

  8. Updated to include the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet.

  9. Updated to include the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet.

  10. Updated the funding bands spreadsheet.

  11. The spreadsheet includes a duration reduction for standard 190 (HR Consultant Partner ST0238) from 36 months to 19 months.

  12. Updated the funding bands spreadsheet.

  13. Updated to include the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet.

  14. Updated the funding bands spreadsheet.

  15. Standard 34 received an increase in funding from £9000 to £10000.

  16. Updated the funding bands spreadsheet.

  17. Updated to include the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet.

  18. Updated the funding bands spreadsheet

  19. Updated the funding bands spreadsheet

  20. Updated the latest version of the funding bands spreadsheet

  21. Updated the funding bands spreadsheet

  22. The latest version of the apprenticeship standards funding bands has now been published

  23. Updated the funding bands spreadsheet

  24. Update to the apprenticeship standards: funding bands spreadsheet

  25. Updated the funding bands spreadsheet

  26. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet.

  27. Update to the apprenticeship funding bands

  28. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet.

  29. we have updated the apprenticeships standards funding bands spreadsheet.

  30. We have updated the funding bands spreadsheet including: - 3 new standards (LARS codes 637, 643 and 646) - 6 new standards that recently became available after securing an EPAO (LARs codes 554, 564, 596, 606, 621, 636) - funding band increase for standard 199 Civil Engineering Technician (from 12000 to 14000) - duration changes to standard 1 Network Engineer (from 24 to 30) and standard 240 Advanced Carpentry and Joinery (from 12 to 15) - title and integrated degree status for standards 603 Midwife (2019 NMC Standards) (integrated degree) and 318 Paramedic (integrated degree)

  31. We have updated the apprenticeships standards funding bands spreadsheet.

  32. We have updated the apprenticeships funding bands spreadsheet.

  33. We have updated the apprenticeships standards funding bands spreadsheet.

  34. New tool process design engineer standard added and funding rate reductions to standards 236 (senior leader) and 239 (carpentry and joinery)

  35. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet.

  36. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands spreadsheet

  37. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands spreadsheet.

  38. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands spreadsheet

  39. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands spreadsheet

  40. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards funding bands spreadsheet.

  41. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet to include, minor alterations to names, some new additions and we have added the new replacement website to the LARS front end – Find a learning aim.

  42. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards: Funding bands spreadsheet

  43. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands spreadsheet

  44. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands spreadsheet.

  45. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet

  46. Updated funding bands spreadsheet

  47. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet

  48. We have update the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet

  49. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet

  50. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet

  51. Apprenticeship standards funding bands spreadsheet has been updated

  52. We have updated the Apprenticeships funding bands spreadsheet for one provider

  53. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet for one provider

  54. We have updated the apprenticeships funding bands spreadsheet.

  55. The apprenticeships funding bands spreadsheet has been updated

  56. We have updated the Apprenticeships standards funding bands spreadsheet

  57. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands spreadsheet

  58. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet

  59. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet

  60. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet

  61. we have updated the apprenticeship funding bands spreadsheet

  62. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands spreadsheet

  63. The updated funding bands spreadsheet shows the Plasterer Standard has been changed from a Level 3 (was LARS ref 288) to a Level 2 (LARS ref 529).

  64. We have updated the apprenticeship funding bands standards spreadsheet

  65. The apprenticeship standards funding bands data has been updated

  66. We have replaced the funding bands spreadsheet, so that it includes the 2 new standards.

  67. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands document.

  68. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands

  69. We have reverted to a previous version of the funding bands spreadsheet to correct an error in the new file

  70. The apprenticeship standards funding bands have been updated

  71. The apprenticeship standards funding bands has been updated.

  72. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards: funding bands document

  73. Apprenticeship standards funding bands updated

  74. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards: funding bands document

  75. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards: funding bands document

  76. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards: funding bands document

  77. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards: funding bands document

  78. We have removed out of date content.

  79. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  80. We have added the latest funding band updates.

  81. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  82. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  83. We've updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands.

  84. We have updated the Apprenticeship standards: funding bands list.

  85. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  86. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  87. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands document.

  88. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  89. We have added details of a further 4 apprenticeship standards that have had their funding bands changed following review.

  90. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  91. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  92. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  93. We have updated the apprenticeship frameworks: funding bands document and the apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  94. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  95. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  96. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  97. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  98. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  99. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  100. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  101. We have updated the information on the review of apprenticeship funding bands.

  102. We have updated the apprenticeship standards funding bands.

  103. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands document.

  104. We've updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands and the apprenticeship frameworks: funding bands.

  105. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  106. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  107. We have published information about the updated funding bands.

  108. We have updated the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  109. We have updated both the apprenticeship standards: funding bands and apprenticeship frameworks: funding bands documents.

  110. We have updated the list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  111. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  112. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  113. Updated list of apprenticeship standards funding bands.

  114. Updated list of apprenticeship standards funding bands

  115. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  116. Updated list of apprenticeship standards funding bands

  117. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards

  118. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  119. Updated list of apprenticeship standards: funding bands

  120. Updated list of apprenticeship standards funding bands.

  121. Publish the updated version of apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  122. Published an updated version of the apprenticeship standards: funding bands

  123. Updated information about the apprenticeship funding band structure from August 2018.

  124. Published an updated version of the apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  125. Updated list of funding bands for standards.

  126. Published apprenticeship standards funding bands.

  127. Updated: Apprenticeship standards funding bands

  128. Apprenticeship standards funding bands document has been updated.

  129. Apprenticeship standards funding bands document has been updated.

  130. Added information about the review of apprenticeship funding bands.

  131. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  132. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship frameworks.

  133. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  134. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  135. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  136. Updated list of funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  137. Updated list of apprenticeship standard funding bands.

  138. We've updated the list of apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  139. Updated apprenticeship standards: funding bands spreadsheet.

  140. Updated apprenticeship frameworks funding bands from May 2017.

  141. Updated funding bands for apprenticeship standards.

  142. Updated list of funding bands for approved apprenticeship standards.

  143. Updated list of apprenticeship funding bands.

  144. Updated list of apprenticeship funding bands.

  145. Updated: apprenticeship standards funding bands.

  146. Updated list of apprenticeship standards that are approved for delivery.

  147. Updated list of apprenticeship standards approved for delivery.

  148. Updated list of apprenticeship standards that are approved for delivery.

  149. Updated list of apprenticeship frameworks funding bands from May 2017.

  150. Updated list of apprenticeship standard funding bands.

  151. Updated list of apprenticeship standards funding bands.

  152. New version of Apprenticeship frameworks funding bands from May 2017 uploaded on 10 February 2017.

  153. Updated list of apprenticeship standards: funding bands.

  154. Updated the apprenticeship frameworks: funding bands from 1 May 2017 spreadsheet.

  155. First published.

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