Recruit an apprentice: uploading traineeship opportunities
Information to help training organisations upload traineeship opportunities to the new recruit an apprentice service..
Applies to England
Training organisations who are eligible to deliver traineeships will be able to advertise their traineeship opportunities on the new recruit an apprentice from August 2016. This document provides guidance on how to complete each section of the vacancy.
Inputting traineeship opportunities
Traineeship opportunities are put onto the system and approved in a similar way to an apprenticeship vacancy. The Skills Funding Agency are only able to advertise opportunities with a named employer offering work experience and can’t advertise generic opportunities.
Please note that each opportunity title should begin with the word TRAINEESHIPS in upper case.
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Updates to this page
Published 19 September 2014Last updated 23 September 2015 + show all updates
Updated guidance on uploading traineeship opportunities
Updated document.
First published.