
Apprenticeships: recognition of prior learning

What training providers need to do to assess apprentices' prior learning and experience. Including how to record prior learning and calculate price reductions.

Applies to England



This guidance is for apprenticeship training providers. It explains how to assess, recognise and record apprentices’ prior learning and experience.

It also includes information on functionality we have introduced to the apprenticeship service. This functionality helps you to calculate price reductions due to recognition of prior learning.

Updates to this page

Published 11 March 2019
Last updated 1 November 2023 show all updates
  1. Added information on the recognition of prior learning requirements for apprentices aged 16 to 18, reducing the price of the apprenticeship when you've identified prior learning and recording the recognition of prior learning on the apprenticeship service.

  2. Updated to reflect changes in the 2022 to 2033 funding rules, including specifying the steps that training providers must take in assessing an apprentice’s prior learning and experience.

  3. Added guides for employers and apprentices

  4. Updated the definition of an initial assessment. Provided more guidance on why an initial assessment needs to be conducted and how it relates to the apprenticeship funding rules. Defined the roles of the apprentice, training provider and employer when it comes to recognising prior learning. Added a specific example of what an initial assessment is.

  5. First published.

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