AS and A level changes: a summary
A summary of changes to AS and A levels from 2015.
Applies to England
The attached document shows the main features of reformed AS and A levels to be taught from 2015 onward. It details whether:
- has non-exam assessment
- there are any significant changes from the previous version of this subject
as well as:
- a link to the latest consultation on the subject
- links to conditions, guidance and subject specifications where available
General decisions for all reformed AS and A levels
We consulted on our general approach in June 2012, and published decisions in October 2013.
Key changes that will apply to all subjects are:
all subjects will have revised subject content which will be used for all AS and A level qualifications in that subject - n most instances this will be produced by DfE. Some subjects benefited from the advice of the A Level Content Advisory Board (ALCAB). These subjects were:
- modern foreign languages
- ancient languages
- mathematics
- geography
- AS level will now be a standalone qualification which cannot contribute towards an A level
- linear assessment - all exams at the end of the course (1 year for AS level, 2 years for A level)
- non-exam assessment will only be used where knowledge, skills and understanding cannot be tested validly in an exam - this means the proportion of non-exam assessment has been reduced in a number of subjects
- all exams will take place in the summer
Updates to this page
Pearson added as exam board for A level and AS Statistics.
Added subjects being reformed for first teaching from September 2018, specifications accredited for first teaching from September 2017
Added first accredited specifications for subjects taught from 2017
Updated 2017 subjects information.
First published.