Assess relevance of Geospatial Data
A method for assessing geospatial data publishers and their datasets to determine the levels of trust and authority of geospatial data and improve confidence.

This summary report sets out key findings, recommendations and benefits from the Geospatial Commission’s data discoverability project which looked at helping users to find appropriate geospatial data from trusted providers and build their confidence when using geospatial data.
As a result of this work, the Geospatial Commission and its Partner Bodies have produced a Geospatial glossary and an authoritative Geospatial data assessment process and tool (ods, 186 KB)
Updates to this page
Replaced XLS format with ODS format. Included email address in README sheet for feedback and suggestions. Additional clarity on purpose of assessment in README sheet. Additional note on ‘Quality Assessment’.
First published.