
Appendix A: Wildfire management plan – minimum requirements

Updated 13 March 2019

Applies to England

Toolkits required For EIA Screening For EIA Environmental Statement See FC Practice Guide FCPG022 below
Wildfire Risk Assessment (WRA) A Wildfire Risk Assessment (WRA) is required to identify: Present hazards; Post proposal hazards (no mitigation or control measures, or; Post proposal hazards (with mitigation and control measures). The WRA will define the level of risk and will ensure mitigation and control measures avoid significant negative impacts to Environmental Factors. As for EIA Screening, and in addition: (Minimum requirement) The WRA will be reviewed and updated at least every 5 years, or after further land use change, operational activity or a wildfire incident. See Appendix 1 – p37
Wildfire Management Zones (WMZ) (Minimum requirement). A completed WMZ plan and WRP to be agreed, and for it to be updated at least every 5 years, or after land use change or significant operational activity. To be provided in a format suitable for the relevant Fire and Rescue Authority use. (Minimum requirement). A completed WMZ plan and WRP to be agreed, and for it to be updated at least every 5 years, or after land use change or significant operational activity. To be provided in a format suitable for the relevant Fire and Rescue Authority use. See Appendix 2 –p39
Wildfire Response Plan (WRP) (Minimum requirement). A completed WMZ plan and WRP to be agreed, and for it to be updated at least every 5 years, or after land use change or significant operational activity. To be provided in a format suitable for the relevant Fire and Rescue Authority use. (Minimum requirement). A completed WMZ plan and WRP to be agreed, and for it to be updated at least every 5 years, or after land use change or significant operational activity. To be provided in a format suitable for the relevant Fire and Rescue Authority use. See Appendix 3 – p41
Wildfire management techniques To be provided as part of an Environmental Statement. This will identify and clearly state management techniques for wildfire mitigation and adaptation. Management techniques should be integrated within wider site management practices. To be provided as part of an Environmental Statement. This will identify and clearly state management techniques for wildfire mitigation and adaptation. Management techniques should be integrated within wider site management practices. Pages 19 to 34

2. FC Practice Guide FCPG022

FC Practice Guide FCPG022