Promotional material

Scampton: factsheet

Updated 10 September 2024

September 2024

Home Office will not use RAF Scampton for asylum accommodation

On 5 September 2024, Home Office minister Angela Eagle made a written ministerial statement which – among other things – updated Parliament on plans for the future of RAF Scampton, the former Ministry of Defence site in Lincolnshire. Her full statement can be read on the Parliament website, but the key extracts relating to RAF Scampton are below:

The latest review of the proposed Scampton accommodation site has concluded that costs have risen significantly, compared to the initial estimates. Costs of £60m have already been incurred on the site at Scampton as a result of work done and commitments made by the previous government.

In addition, the estimated costs of opening the site and running it from this Autumn until the end of planned occupancy in March 2027 has now risen to a further £122m – taking the total cost for using this single site for a short time as asylum accommodation to at least £180m.

This is an unacceptable cost. Taking into account these additional costs and projected occupancy levels, this clearly fails to deliver value for money for the taxpayer. […] We have also listened to community feedback highlighting the concerns about the history of the site and alternative development plans.

Although my officials have investigated other potential uses for the site, it is now better value for money to exit the site and avoid all future service provision costs where these have not yet been committed. We will dispose of this site within the rules laid down for Crown land. Although there will be some additional costs of holding and managing the site while this takes place, this still represents a better financial decision.

The government’s intention is to return to using long-standing dispersed asylum accommodation and will do so as soon as is practicable, once we have made progress on clearing the backlog. Any decision regarding the use of accommodation sites will be fully considered, with a firm focus on value for money and ensuring proper standards are in place.

When was the decision taken?

A review of the accounting officer (AO) tests including value for money was undertaken in August as part of the department’s ongoing commitment to keeping this programme under regular review. At this point, it was concluded that the site failed the value for money test, and no further work to ready the site for opening took place after that point.

How much money will the Scampton closure cost?

The total cost for the decommissioning of Scampton will be reported in the usual way, at the end of the financial year in the departmental accounts which will be submitted to Parliament.

What does this mean for the development of the site?

Work will begin as soon as possible to decommission the site before it is sold in line with due process for disposing of Crown land. Work to ensure the security and protection of the heritage assets on the site including the Officers’ Mess and hangars will continue until disposal of the site. During this period, security and any other required personnel will remain to protect and maintain the assets and the heritage on the site.

How does this decision fit into the government’s wider asylum policy?

The government is determined to restore order to the asylum system so that it operates swiftly, firmly and fairly; and ensures the rules are properly enforced. By transforming the asylum system, we will start to clear the backlog of claims and appeals, and reduce the cost of asylum accommodation – including the use of hotels – as soon as possible.

What does this decision mean for dual use of the site?

The Home Office will continue to engage with the local authority on the impact of this decision on the ‘in principle’ agreement for dual use, as it works through the next steps set out above. 

Where will the asylum seekers meant to be housed in Scampton be moved to?

A variety of accommodation is used to support asylum seekers, but the government is committed to clear the backlog and reduce the cost of accommodation as soon as possible.

Does the planning permission in the Special Development Order (SDO) still apply?

Planning permission was granted through an SDO, a type of Statutory Instrument, laid by the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). The Home Office will continue to engage with MHCLG on any action that may be required with respect to the SDO.


We understand the community may have various questions and concerns relating to the closure at Scampton. We endeavour to keep you updated however, if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us: 

Home Office  
Direct Communications Unit  
2 Marsham Street 
