Promotional material

Scampton: information leaflet

Updated 10 September 2024

Updated May 2024

Please note this is the final edition of the Scampton information leaflet. For the latest information on the site, please see our factsheet and newsletter.


This information sheet has been designed by the Home Office and sets out our plans for the former RAF airfield in Scampton.

Scampton is a former Ministry of Defence (MoD) site located in Lincolnshire.  Until early 2023, it was the home of the RAF Aerobatic Team, the Red Arrows, who have moved to nearby RAF Waddington.  

The Home Office continues to engage with local stakeholders, councils and MPs to understand their views and act upon them as the site developed since spring 2023, when the decision was first made to use the site for asylum accommodation, and since the subsequent decision to seek a further period of planning permission.  

The Home Office is working closely with stakeholders and engaging with statutory partners including West Lindsey District Council, Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolnshire Police. to assess risks and the mitigating actions. This includes local authorities, representatives from police, health, and Serco to ensure that accommodation provided for those seeking asylum is suitable. This has been done by a variety of routes, including multi-agency forums (MAF), set up by the Home Office and involving all key local public agencies.

Why Scampton?

Scampton was identified as a surplus military site that is suitable to accommodate asylum seekers and can be brought back into beneficial use. The site at Scampton will provide safe accommodation for asylum seekers and is designed to be as self-sufficient as possible.

Until early 2023 it was the home of the Red Arrows, who have now moved to nearby RAF Waddington.

The Home Office recognises the importance of Scampton’s rich heritage and is committed to preserving and enhancing the site. We have been working closely with the Ministry of Defence and recognise Scampton’s place in history, most notably for its contribution in the Second World War. The Home Office has also consulted with Historic England and has engaged specialist consultants to develop a Heritage Asset Management Plan for Scampton to ensure the safeguarding and preservation of Scampton’s historically important structures such as the Type C Hangers, Officers’ Mess, and the memorial to Wing Commander Guy Gibson’s Labrador.

To this effect the Home Office will not be using any of the listed heritage buildings on the site. Furthermore, it is policy that all historic assets, for which central government is responsible, meet appropriate standards of care and use. Scampton will be no different.

What has happened so far?

The Home Office has worked hard to ensure the site is suitable to provide accommodation for asylum seekers. We will continue to ensure local residents are updated as proposals to use the site progress.

The first asylum seekers will arrive in small numbers, starting with no more than about 60 individuals. This will then be increased sustainably over time using a phased approach.

Following a review of occupancy capacity at Scampton site, the Home Office has made a decision to cap the regular occupancy.

The regular occupancy numbers at Scampton will be a maximum of 800 asylum seekers (reduced from 2,000).

During normal operation of the site, the population will not exceed 800. However, if capacity is required to deal with unexpected higher than forecast small boat arrivals, a decision may be taken to utilise additional bedspaces (about 300) for short and defined periods of time. If this is the case, there will be a detailed schedule of activity to return the site to a maximum population of 800 as soon as operationally possible.

It is important that we are reducing hotel costs and delivering our asylum accommodation sites in a safe and orderly manner. Implementing a cap on occupation demonstrates that our priority is listening to local concerns, mitigating impacts, and managing the site safely.

The capacity cap allows us to maintain absolute focus on service delivery.


The Home Office initially obtained planning permission utilising emergency powers under Class Q of part 19 Schedule 2 to the Crown and Country Planning Order 2015. Under Class Q, the Home Office was permitted to develop and use the site for non-detained asylum accommodation for a 12-month period expiring on 16th April 2024.  

In October 2023, the Home Office informed local stakeholders for Scampton of its intention to seek planning permission through a Special Development Order (SDO).

An SDO is a Statutory Instrument, a form of secondary legislation. An SDO was laid before parliament on 21 March 2024 to extend the use of Scampton for a further three years, with up to six months’ decommissioning.

In line with parliamentary convention, the Order came into effect 21 days later, on Thursday 11 April 2024.

The permission ensures that the Home Secretary can continue to fulfil his statutory duties to accommodate asylum seekers who would otherwise be destitute in a manner which reduces the use of hotels.

The Home Office remains committed to working with key stakeholders to facilitate its vision for the site.

Site operation

The site will accommodate single adult male asylum seekers between the ages of 18 and 65. The site will be staffed 24/7.  

Most asylum seekers accommodated at Scampton will be new arrivals to the UK. They will have had initial health check and checks against police and immigration databases before arriving at Scampton.  Further health screening will be undertaken after they first arrive on the site.

The asylum seekers will be accommodated in refurbished existing buildings and modular accommodation.

The first asylum seekers will arrive in small numbers, starting with approximately 60 individuals. This will then be increased sustainably over time using a phased approach.   

The maximum length of stay for asylum seekers is nine months, except when the Home Secretary is unable to find suitable onward dispersal accommodation despite reasonable efforts to do so.

Relevant health and safety policies apply to ensure the site continues to be fit for purpose.  

The Scampton site will be operated by Serco, an experienced and specialist asylum accommodation provider under the supervision of the Home Office.

Serco has a strong track record of providing asylum seeker accommodation and supporting services. Serco has worked closely and successfully with local authorities and other public and voluntary organisations across the UK. The Home Office remains committed to working with key stakeholders to facilitate their vision for the site. This will ensure that the Home Secretary can continue to fulfil his statutory obligations to accommodate the large number of asylum seekers who would otherwise be destitute in a manner which reduces the use of inappropriate hotels.

Further information

You can find additional information regarding asylum accommodation at Scampton on the:

We understand the community may have further questions regarding the Scampton site itself. We endeavour to keep you updated through the factsheets and newsletters however, if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:

Home Office
Direct Communications Unit
2 Marsham Street
