Asylum claims in detention: caseworker guidance
Immigration staff guidance on managing individuals in detention who have claimed asylum and processing them into detention following an asylum claim.
UK Visas and Immigration guidance for staff around the circumstances in which asylum claimants may be detained and their claims routed for consideration and decision by the Detained Asylum Casework (DAC) team.
Updates to this page
Guidance updated with the following: examples of cases which may be considered by DAC under the arrangements set out in this instruction has been expanded, to make clear that it includes claims by those who have made journeys to the UK which are dangerous to themselves or others; the authorisation levels for detaining individuals whose claims will be considered in DAC have been aligned; ‘process improvement section’ deleted, in view of communication being possible via general contact information (above); links to inadmissibility processes added; broken links fixed and minor housekeeping.
Updated guidance.
First published.