
Attendance Allowance claim form

Use the Attendance Allowance claim form to apply for financial help for your personal care if you're disabled and State Pension age or older.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales


Attendance Allowance claim form


If you live in Aberdeen City, Argyll and Bute, Highland, Orkney Islands or the Shetland Islands, you need to apply for Pension Age Disability Payment instead of Attendance Allowance.

Read the Attendance Allowance guidance before you apply.

Before you start this form

If you’re using a mobile phone or tablet

You cannot complete the form using a mobile phone or tablet. You have to either:

  • use a desktop or laptop computer
  • print the form and complete it by hand

Call the Attendance Allowance helpline to ask for a paper form.

If you’re using a desktop or laptop computer

Use a PDF reader to open and fill in this form. You can download a free PDF reader online.

If you are using screen reader software to access the form, we recommend that you review all of the notes and the questions on the form before you complete it. As you complete the form, you will be guided through the questions based on the responses you provide.

Do not use your computer’s browser or, if you are an Apple Macintosh user, the Preview application.

You can save data typed into this form if you use a PDF reader. This means that you do not have to fill in the form in one session.

There are reliability issues with some assistive software, which may mean the form will not save properly.

This form will only save if it is both:

  • saved onto your computer
  • opened in a recent version of PDF reader

The form will not save in:

  • versions of Acrobat Reader older than version XI
  • some other PDF readers, for example Preview on a Mac or Foxit on a PC

Help using this PDF claim form

For help and advice on the information you need to put on the form or about the benefit you want to claim, contact the Attendance Allowance helpline.

Contact the DWP Online Helpdesk, if you are having technical difficulties:

  • downloading the form
  • navigating around the form
  • printing the form

DWP online helpdesk


Telephone 0800 169 0154

Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Closed weekends and all public and bank holidays

Find out about call charges

Where to send the form

Send the completed form to:

Freepost DWP Attendance Allowance

Do not write anything except the freepost address on the envelope. You do not need a postcode or a stamp.

If you need this form in a different format

Contact the Attendance Allowance helpline to ask for:

  • a printed copy of the form
  • a different format, such as large print, braille or audio CD

Updates to this page

Published 1 April 2013
Last updated 6 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added Pension Age Disability Payment pilot areas in Scotland. If you live in Aberdeen City, Argyll and Bute, Highland, Orkney Islands or the Shetland Islands, you need to apply for Pension Age Disability Payment from the Scottish Government instead of Attendance Allowance.

  2. All 3 Welsh Attendance Allowance claim forms have been updated.

  3. Updated the English versions of the following forms: 'Attendance Allowance claim form (AA1A form)', 'Notes on how to fill in the Attendance Allowance claim form (AA1 notes)' and 'Notes on Attendance Allowance, Carer’s Allowance, Carer Support Payment and Carer’s Credit (AA5)'. The updated versions are dated 12/24.

  4. Updated to include 'Do not write anything except the freepost address on the envelope. You do not need a postcode or a stamp'.

  5. Updated Attendance Allowance claim form AA1 and AA1 notes - English and Welsh versions.

  6. Updated 'Notes on how to fill in the Attendance Allowance claim form' - English and Welsh versions (9/23).

  7. Updated Attendance Allowance claim form (AA1) and notes.

  8. Updated Attendance Allowance claim form (AA1) and notes (English interactive and Welsh fill in with a pen)

  9. Updated the phone numbers in the Welsh notes booklet "Nodiadau ar sut i lenwi'r ffurflen gais Lwfans Gweini".

  10. Replaced AA1 interactive form with new version.

  11. Replaced AA1 interactive form and AA1 claim form notes with new versions.

  12. Replaced the English version of the form with a more accessible version. An additional question for Swiss and EEA nationals has been incorporated into the claim form.

  13. Added interactive and print versions of the question form required for Swiss and European Economic Area nationals claiming Attendance Allowance from 1 January 2021 - English and Welsh. Updated claim form and notes as they now make reference to this question.

  14. Updated postage address.

  15. Replaced the Welsh claim forms and notes as the telephone numbers have been updated.

  16. Replaced the interactive version of the English claim form to correct a number of phone numbers.

  17. Added revised AA1 - Attendance Allowance claim form (interactive and print) and new Welsh interactive version.

  18. Added revised AA1A interactive form. Changed contact details for online helpdesk.

  19. Added updated versions of Attendance Allowance claim forms. Removed reference to AA1 and changed to AA1A.

  20. Added revised AA1A interactive and print forms.

  21. Added revised forms with new contact phone numbers.

  22. Published January 2014 versions of the Attendance Allowance claim form.

  23. First published.

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