Attending an inland border facility
Information for heavy goods vehicle hauliers or drivers who attend an inland border facility, where customs and document checks can take place away from ports.
Inland border facilities are UK government sites where customs and document checks can take place away from port locations.
The facilities will act as a government office of departure (for outbound journeys) and a government office of destination (for inbound journeys), where hauliers can start and end journeys when moving goods in and out of the UK, under the Common Transit Convention (CTC — also referred to as Transit). They can also be used for ATA Carnets, TIR Carnets and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) checks.
Updates to this page
Dover Western Docks has been removed from the list of inland border facilities. Information updated to confirm vehicles that are excluded from Sevington for being oversized or for containing hazardous goods can only be processed at Stop 24 from 17 January 2025.
Opening times for Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025 for inland border facilities have been added.
Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) checks have been added to the functions carried out at Sevington border control post.
Links to the service to check for delays at inland border facilities and to book your vehicle into an inland border facility have been removed as these services are no longer available.
The 'Common transit convention movements' section of the 'What to do when attending an inland border facility' attachment has been amended. This is to make it clear how traders and drivers should use an office of destination at an inland border facility.
Information for the Sevington inland border facility has been updated to include a link to information about the new Sevington border control post (BCP).
Welsh translation has been added for the Sevington inland border facility.
The locations of inland border facilities table has been updated to confirm that from 1 January 2024 Stop 24 will not offer stamping of ATA Carnets and Dover Western Docks will only give ATA endorsement through commercial operations.
Opening times for Christmas and New Year 2023 for inland border facilities have been added.
What to do when attending an inland border facility has been updated with information on when you may need to attend an inspection. The functions of 2 inland border facilities have also been updated.
More information added around which docks take in vehicles that are excluded from Sevington inland border facility including oversized vehicles.
Restrictions at Holyhead inland border facility, on tankers carrying over 3,000 litres of contaminant liquid, have been added.
The inland border facility at Ebbsfleet closed on 27 November 2022.
The inland border facility at Warrington closed on 13 November 2022.
Information about the permanent closures of Ebbsfleet inland border facility and Warrington inland border facility has been added.
North Weald inland border facility closed permanently on Sunday 11 September 2022.
Ebbsfleet and Warrington inland border facilities are closed from 12:01am on Tuesday 13 September until 11:59pm on Friday 16 September 2022. If you need to attend an inland border facility during these periods, you must attend either Sevington or Holyhead inland border facilities.
Information about the closure of Ebbsfleet, North Weald and Warrington inland border facilities has been removed. All sites have now reopened.
Ebbsfleet, North Weald and Warrington inland border facilities will be closed from 11:59pm on 15 August 2022 to 11:59pm on 19 August 2022. If you need to attend an inland border facility during this time, you must use either Sevington or Holyhead inland border facilities.
The guidance in 'Attending an inland border facility' has been updated to explain what documents you'll need to start a Common Transit Convention movement out of Great Britain. Birmingham Airport IBF has also been removed.
North Weald inland border facility will close permanently at 11:59pm on Sunday 11 September 2022.
We have reminded drivers to check that their goods or vehicles are not excluded from an inland border facility before arriving at one. Birmingham Airport facility closed permanently on 30 June 2022.
Ebbsfleet inland border facility is no longer restricted to the Prioritisation of Goods process between 11pm and 7am.
Birmingham inland border facility will permanently close on Thursday 30 June 2022.
You can no longer get Defra prioritisation for seafood and day old chicks at Ebbsfleet inland border facility.
Information about Holyhead (inbound and outbound) has been added to locations of inland border facilities and guidance for attending Holyhead inland border facility has been added.
Guidance about checking if you need to report for an inspection if you’re arriving at the Port of Dover, Eurotunnel or Holyhead from 1 January 2022 has been added.
Information on Christmas opening times has been added.
Attending an inland border facility (IBF) has been updated with information for traders and drivers using Office of Destinations at Inland Border Facilities.
The address for Holyhead Interim Border Facility has been updated.
Tankers and HGVs can attend the Ebbsfleet site again.
The post code of the Birmingham Airport inland border facility has been changed to B26 3RQ.
Information added to Sevington, Ebbsfleet, Warrington, North Weald and Birmingham IBF to say that you only need to attend an inland border facility if you're travelling through certain ports and moving goods under specified criteria.
Guidance added to show where live animals can and cannot be accepted. Sevington and North Weald facilities cannot accept live animals and Ebbsfleet facility can only accept seafood and day-old chicks.
Guidance updated to explain that tankers or heavy goods vehicles with bulk liquid of any type are now permitted to use the Birmingham inland border facility.
Guidance updated to explain that tankers or heavy goods vehicles with bulk liquid of any type are temporarily not permitted on to the Ebbsfleet inland border facility until further notice.
Guidance updated to explain that tankers or heavy goods vehicles with bulk liquid of any type are temporarily not permitted on to the Birmingham inland border facility until further notice.
The 'Attending an inland border facility (IBF)' page has been updated as Sevington inland border facility is now fully operational.
Welsh version of the guide has been added.
The North Weald inland border facility address has changed to 'HMRC inland border facility North Weald, Rayley Lane, Epping CM16 6AR'.
Information for Holyhead Interim Inland Border Facility Service (for Port of Holyhead only) has been updated.
Updated with information about Holyhead Interim Inland Border Facility Service.
Ashford, Waterbrook inland border facility is closing. It will only open to serve as a contingency site for Sevington site when this site is closed.
North Weald, Sevington and Birmingham inland border facility addresses have been updated.
The 'Attending an inland border facility' guidance has been updated with information about required documentation and coronavirus (COVID-19) testing.
Added details that certain inland border facilities will carry out TIR Carnet stamp checks.
The address for Sevington inland border facility has been changed as you cannot currently use it's postcode for satellite navigation.
Sevington inland border facility will be used for traffic Management only during January and February 2021.
Vehicles containing Class 6.1 substances (insecticides) and vehicles subject to Special Types General Order (STGO) 2003 have been added to the excluded vehicle section.
Addresses for inland border facilities have been updated.
The site addresses for North Weald, Dover Western Docks, Stop 24 and Manston have been updated.
First published.