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AGO Ministers meetings (January to March 2024)

Published 30 August 2024

Applies to England and Wales

Minister Date Name of Individual or Organisation Purpose of Meeting
Victoria Prentis 08/01/2024 James Wild MP and constituents Meeting with victim’s family in relation to a Unduly Lenient Sentence case
Victoria Prentis 09/01/2024 Sam Townend KC Attend inaugural address of the Chair of the Bar
Victoria Prentis 15/01/2024 Jason McCue Discussion on accountability for Ukraine
Victoria Prentis 16/01/2024 Cranworth Law Society Discussion on legal careers in the Government Legal Department
Victoria Prentis 17/01/2024 Bar Council Regular engagement with the Bar Council discussing their work and relationship with the Attorney Gerneral’s Office
Victoria Prentis 30/01/2024 Philippe Sands Learning and development talk with Philippe Sands on Holocaust Memorial Day
Victoria Prentis 02/01/2024 Alison Macdonald KC, Baroness Kennedy, Tim Otty KC, Dapo Akande, Tetyana Nesterchuk, Ibrahim Olabi Discussion on accountability for Ukraine
Victoria Prentis 27/02/2024 Breaking Down Barriers to Law Event celebrating UK legal services and increasing access to the legal profession
Victoria Prentis 27/02/2024 Tim Otty Discussion on accountability for Ukraine
Victoria Prentis 29/02/2024 Cambridge University Law Society Discussion about the work of the Attorney General and legal profession
Victoria Prentis 06/03/2024 Bar Standards Board Meeting with the Chair of the Bar Standards Board to discuss their work and relationship with the Attorney General’s Office
Victoria Prentis 06/03/2024 Gareth Minty To discuss the work of the Private Prosecutions Association
Victoria Prentis 07/03/2024 Clifford Chance Trade and investment discussion with Trade Panel firm
Victoria Prentis 13/03/2024 Markiyan Kliuchkovskyi Discussion on the opening of the Registry of Damages for Ukraine
Victoria Prentis 25/03/2024 Law Society Law Society round table discussing ongoing work and priorities in the legal sector
Robert Courts 30/01/2024 Philippe Sands Host learning and development talk with Philippe Sands on Holocaust Memorial Day
Robert Courts 05/02/2024 The Law Society - Solicitor Apprentice Event To give key-note speech to welcome Solicitor Apprentices into the City.
Robert Courts 21/02/2024 Toby Brown Discussion on pro bono legal work in England and Wales
Robert Courts 26/02/2024 Southampton Legal Clinic To open Southampton’s Legal Clinic and visit the local Crown Court
Robert Courts 28/02/2024 City Law Society Meeting to hear the work of the City Law Society, and disclosure.
Robert Courts 06/03/2024 Gareth Minty To discuss the work of the Private Prosecutors Association.
Robert Courts 14/03/2024 End Violence Against Women Coalition To discuss the government response to tackling violence against women and girls
Robert Courts 20/03/2024 Pro Bono Committee Chaired the Attorney General’s Pro Bono Committee to discuss and share best practice across the sector.