
Access to Work holistic assessments live running memo 3

Updated 12 February 2025

To: Access to Work Holistic Assessments Providers

From: Access to Work Live Running Policy Team

Subject: Revisions to the Access to Work Holistic Assessments Provider Guidance

Action: For information and action

Timing: Immediate


This memo informs you of amendments that have been made to the Access to Work Holistic Assessments Provider Guidance Chapter 6.

Summary and action

You and your supply chain partners should familiarise yourself with the amendments to the Provider Guidance as soon as possible.

Chapter 6 paragraphs 6.18 and 6.21 have been updated to clarify commercials reporting times. See below:

6.18. You are required to report on the Social Value KPI (KPI 6 in the table below) on a 3-monthly basis to DWP via the eProcurement system, using the template provided.

6.21. As seen in the table below, for this Agreement the top three KPIs are KPIs 2, 3 and 4 and the performance data used will be monthly data. KPI 6 will be reported as the Social Value KPI and shall be reported quarterly.

Please note: the tables mentioned above haven’t been updated.

Further Information

All enquiries on this memo should be raised with your Performance Manager in the first instance. They will endeavour to provide you with an answer as soon as possible.

Queries relating to the Provider Guidance should be directed to the Access to Work Provider Guidance Policy inbox:

If your enquiry is of a Commercial nature, please use the messaging facility on Jaggaer.