
Access to Work Holistic Assessments live running memo 6

Updated 30 January 2025

To: Access to Work Holistic Assessments Providers

From: Access to Work Live Running Policy Team

Subject: Revisions to the Access to Work Holistic Assessments Provider Guidance

Action: For information and action

Timing: Immediate


This memo informs you of amendments that have been made to the Access to Work Holistic Assessment (HA) Provider Guidance.

  • Annex C 

A note has been added to the employer section to clarify that existing support delivered by the employer such as supervision etc. should be detailed in terms of hours the employer provides.

  • Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview 

Paragraph 1.12 has been updated to reflect the new HA Upper Grant limit. As of 8 April 2024, this is set at £69,260. per customer, per annum.  

  • Chapter 4: Standards 

Chapter 4 details the circumstances where a Holistic Assessment Report may be deemed not to be to the required standard and therefore rejected. Paragraph 4.06, bullet 14 has been updated to include - where human support is recommended but there is no indication of support required in (for example, hours, etc) and/or there is no full justification for why that human support is recommended. 

  • Chapter 5: Provider Referrals and Payment System (PRaP

Paragraph 5.14 has been amended and Paragraph 5.15 has been added to clarify that Providers should wait to receive the PRaP referral before commencing engagement activities with customers.  

Paragraphs 5.06 and 5.27 have been updated with the new name of the PRaP team which now is called the PRaP Operational, Digital and Database Support (PODDS) team.

Summary and action 

You and your supply chain partners must familiarise yourself with the amendment to the Provider Guidance as soon as possible.

Further Information 

All enquiries on this memo should be raised with your Performance Manager in the first instance. They will endeavour to provide you with an answer as soon as possible. 

Queries relating to the Provider Guidance should be directed to the Access to Work Provider Guidance Policy inbox: 

If your enquiry is of a Commercial nature, please use the messaging facility on JAGGAER.