Our governance

Management boards and decision-making groups at HM Land Registry.

HM Land Registry is part of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Chief Executive and Chief Land Registrar Simon Hayes is responsible to Secretary of State Angela Rayner.

The remit of the HM Land Registry Board is mainly supervisory, while day-to-day management is the responsibility of the Senior Executive Team.

HM Land Registry Board

The purpose of the board is to support, constructively challenge and provide guidance to the Senior Executive Team, to supervise the development and delivery of the agreed business strategy and to ensure appropriate governance of the activities of HM Land Registry.

Its main objectives are to:

  • advise and agree on the long-term vision, the medium-term business strategy, the annual budget and key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • review financial and operational performance
  • monitor market developments for opportunities and consider any strategic risks faced by the organisation, ensuring adequate systems and controls are in place
  • ensure compliance with all statutory requirements
  • ensure the organisation employs best practice in respect of corporate governance
  • ensure that effective relationships are maintained with shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and government departments

HM Land Registry Board terms of reference


The HM Land Registry Board is led by an independent non-executive Chair supported by a majority of non-executive members, currently:

Audit and Risk Committee

The role of the Audit and Risk Committee is to monitor and review the effectiveness of risk, assurance and audit activity. On behalf of the board, the committee examines the effectiveness of our:

  • systems of internal control and risk management systems
  • management of risk
  • action taken or to be taken to manage critical risks or to remedy any control failings or weaknesses identified

The committee is made up of non-executive and executive directors. They are independent of management and of any activity that might affect their objectivity. The Head of Internal Audit also attends committee meetings.

The Audit and Risk Committee is a sub-committee of the HM Land Registry Board.

Audit and Risk Committee terms of reference


The members of the Audit and Risk Committee are:

Remuneration and Nominations Committee

The Remuneration and Nominations Committee ensures that remuneration and nomination arrangements support HM Land Registry’s aims and oversees the recruitment, retention and performance of the executive team.

The Remuneration and Nominations Committee is a sub-committee of the HM Land Registry Board.


The members of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee are:

Change Committee

The Change Committee supports the board in ensuring that the organisation’s transformation plans remain aligned to its strategic ambitions and can be delivered effectively.

The Change Committee is a sub-committee of the HM Land Registry Board.

Change Committee terms of reference


The members of the Change Committee are:

Customer Care Review Committee

The Customer Care Review Committee was established to conduct an independent review of customer handling procedures and customer experiences at HM Land Registry.

The Customer Care Review Committee is a sub-committee of the HM Land Registry Board.

Customer Care Review Committee terms of reference


The members of the Customer Care Review Committee are:

Senior Executive Team

The Senior Executive Team brings together around 20 of HM Land Registry’s senior leaders with accountability across a number of Senior Executive Committees:

  • Corporate Services
  • Service Delivery
  • Strategy and Delivery

The Senior Executive Team, through these Senior Executive Committees, handles the day-to-day running of HM Land Registry, including:

  • monitoring our key performance indicators and overall budget
  • managing risks to the organisation
  • taking financial decisions
  • dealing with customer issues
  • escalating important issues and decisions to the HM Land Registry Board for review

The Senior Executive Committees are further supported by a number of sub-committees.