Automatic enrolment review 2017: analytical report
This report sets out the analysis and findings used to inform the Automatic enrolment review 2017: Maintaining the momentum.
Automatic enrolment, where employers are required to automatically enrol eligible jobholders into a qualifying workplace pension scheme, was a response to the issue that millions of individuals in the UK were not saving enough for their retirement.
The automatic enrolment policy was first introduced in 2012 alongside a commitment to review the policy in 2017. This report is the analytical companion to the Automatic enrolment review 2017: Maintaining the momentum which meets the commitment for a review of the policy in 2017. It sets out in more detail the analysis conducted to inform the review, including methodological approaches. The report also addresses the government commitment to publish an annual evaluation of the effects of workplace pension reforms and the delivery of those reforms, as set out in the Workplace pension reforms evaluation strategy and the Automatic enrolment evaluation strategy 2017.
Authors: DWP’s Private Pensions Analysis Team.