Policy paper

Annex A: rates and allowances

Published 22 November 2017

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Annex A - rates and allowances

This annex includes Autumn Budget 2017 announcements of the main rates and allowances. It also covers all announcements made at Autumn Statement 2016 and subsequently.

Personal Tax and Benefits

Powers to vary the tax rates and thresholds of Non-Savings, Non-Dividend income for Scottish taxpayers were devolved to the Scottish Parliament in April 2017. The income tax personal allowance and all other elements of the income tax system remain reserved.

Income Tax bands of taxable income (£ per year)

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Basic rate £1 - £33,500 £1 - £34,500
Higher rate £33,501 - £150,000 £34,501 - £150,000
Additional rate Over £150,000 Over £150,000

Income tax rates 2017 to 2018

Tax year 2017 to 2018
Main rates[footnote 1]  
Basic rate 20%
Higher rate 40%
Additional rate 45%
Savings rates[footnote 2]  
Starting rate for savings 0%
Savings basic rate 20%
Savings higher rate 40%
Savings additional rate 45%
Dividend rates[footnote 3]  
Dividend ordinary rate - for dividends otherwise taxable at the basic rate 7.5%
Dividend upper rate - for dividends otherwise taxable at the higher rate 32.5%
Dividend additional rate - for dividends otherwise taxable at the additional rate 38.1%
Default rates[footnote 4]  
Default basic rate 20%
Default higher rate 40%
Default additional rate 45%

Income tax rates 2018 to 2019

Tax year 2018 to 2019
Main rates[footnote 5]  
Basic rate 20%
Higher rate 40%
Additional rate 45%
Savings rates[footnote 6]  
Starting rate for savings 0%
Savings basic rate 20%
Savings higher rate 40%
Savings additional rate 45%
Dividend rates[footnote 7]  
Dividend ordinary rate - for dividends otherwise taxable at the basic rate 7.5%
Dividend upper rate - for dividends otherwise taxable at the higher rate 32.5%
Dividend additional rate - for dividends otherwise taxable at the additional rate 38.1%
Default rates[footnote 8]  
Default basic rate 20%
Default higher rate 40%
Default additional rate 45%

Starting rates for savings income

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Starting rate for savings 0% 0%
Starting rate limit for savings £5,000 £5,000

Special rates for trustees’ income

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018-19
Standard rate on first £1,000 of income which would otherwise be taxable at the special rates for trustees Up to 20%, depends on the type of income Up to 20%, depends on the type of income
Trust rate 45% 45%
Dividend trust rate 38.1% 38.1%

Income Tax allowances

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Personal allowance    
Personal allowance[footnote 9] £11,500 £11,850
Income limit for personal allowance £100,000 £100,000
Income limit for Married couple’s allowance[footnote 10] £28,000 £28,900
Marriage allowance    
Marriage allowance[footnote 11] £1,150 £1,190
Married couple’s allowance for those born before 6 April 1935    
Maximum amount of married couple’s allowance[footnote 12] £8,445 £8,695
Minimum amount of married couple’s allowance[footnote 12] £3,260 £3,360
Blind person’s allowance    
Blind person’s allowance £2,320 £2,390
Dividend allowance    
Dividend allowance £5,000 £2,000
Personal savings allowance    
Personal savings allowance for basic rate taxpayers £1,000 £1,000
Personal savings allowance for higher rate taxpayers £500 £500

Company car tax

2018 to 2019 CO2 emissions, g/km 2018 to 2019 Appropriate percentage of car list price taxed 2019 to 2020 CO2 emissions, g/km 2019 to 2020 Appropriate percentage of car list price taxed 2020 to 2021 CO2 emissions, g/km 2020 to 2021 Appropriate percentage of car list price taxed
0-50 13 0-50 16 0 2  
51-75 16 51-75 19 1-50 (split by zero emission miles) >130
76-94 19 76-94 22 51-54 15  
95-99 20 95-99 23 55-59 16  
100-104 21 100-104 24 60-64 17  
105-109 22 105-109 25 65-69 18  
110-114 23 110-114 26 70-74 19  
115-119 24 115-119 27 75-79 20  
120-124 25 120-124 28 80-84 21  
125-129 26 125-129 29 85-89 22  
130-134 27 130-134 30 90-94 23  
135-139 28 135-139 31 95-99 24  
140-144 29 140-144 32 100-104 25  
145-149 30 145-149 33 105-109 26  
150-154 31 150-154 34 110-114 27  
155-159 32 155-159 35 115-119 28  
160-164 33 160-164 36 120-124 29  
165-169 34 165+ 37 125-129 30  
170-174 35     130-134 31  
175-179 36     135-139 32  
180+ 37     140-144 33  
        145-149 34  
        150-154 35  
        155-159 36  
        160+ 37  

From 6 April 2018 drivers must add 4% (increased from 3% at Autumn Budget 2017) to their appropriate percentage if the car is propelled solely by diesel (up to a maximum of 37%). Cars that meet the Real Driving Emissions Step 2 (RDE2) standard are exempt from the diesel supplement.

National Insurance Contributions (NICs)

Class 1 NICs: Employee and employer rates and thresholds and allowance (£ per week - except where stated)

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Weekly Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) 113 116
Weekly Primary Threshold (PT) 157 162
Weekly Secondary Threshold (ST)[footnote 15] 157 162
Upper Earnings Limit (UEL)[footnote 13] 866 892
Upper Secondary Threshold for under 21s 866 892
Apprentice Upper Secondary Threshold (AUST) for under 25s 866 892
Employment Allowance (per employer) 3,000 per year 3,000 per year
Employee’s (primary) Class 1 contribution rates Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Earnings band NIC rate (%) NIC rate (%)
Below LEL 0 0
LEL - PT[footnote 14] 0 0
PT- UEL 12 12
Above UEL 2 2
Married woman’s reduced rate for (primary) Class 1 contribution rates Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Weekly earnings from between the PT and UEL 5.85 5.85
Weekly earnings above the UEL 2 2
Employer’s (secondary) Class 1 contribution rates Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Earnings band[footnote 15]    
Below ST 0 0
Above ST 13.8 13.8
Employer’s (secondary) Class 1 contribution rates for employees under 21 Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Earnings band[footnote 16]    
Below UST 0 0
Above UST 13.8 13.8
Employer’s (secondary) Class 1 contribution rates for Apprentices under 25 Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Earnings band[footnote 17]    
Below AUST 0 0
Above AUST 13.8 13.8

Class 2 NICs: Self-employed rates and thresholds (£ per week)

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Small Profits Threshold (SPT) 6,025 per year 6,205 per year
Class 2 contribution rates Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
  £ per week £ per week
Below SPT[footnote 18] 0 0
Above SPT 2.85 2.95
Special Class 2 rate for share fishermen 3.50 3.60
Special Class 2 rate for volunteer development workers 5.65 5.80

Class 3 NICs: Other rates and thresholds (£ per week)

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Voluntary contributions[footnote 19] 14.25 14.65

Class 4 NICs: Self-employed rates and thresholds (£ per year)

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Lower Profits Limit (LPL) 8,164 8,424
Upper Profits Limit (UPL) 45,000 46,350
Class 4 contribution rates Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Annual profits band NIC rate (%) NIC rate (%)
Below LPL 0 0
LPL to UPL 9 9
Above UPL 2 2

Apprentice Levy

Apprenticeship levy: rates and allowances

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Apprenticeship Levy allowance (per employer) £15,000 £15,000
Apprenticeship Levy rate 0.5% 0.5%

Working and Child Tax Credits, Child Benefit and Guardians Allowance

Working tax credits

£ per year (unless stated) Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 2019
Basic element £1,960 £1,960
Couple and lone parent element £2,010 £2,010
30 hour element £810 £810
Disabled worker element £3,000 £3,090
Severe disability element £1,290 £1,330

Childcare element of the working tax credit

£ per year (unless stated) Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 2019
Maximum eligible cost for one child £175 per week £175 per week
Maximum eligible cost for two or more children £300 per week £300 per week
Percentage of eligible costs covered 70% 70%

Child tax credit

£ per year (unless stated) Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 2019
Family element £545 £545
Child element £2,780 £2,780
Disabled child element £3,175 £3,275
Severely disabled child element £4,465 £4,600

Income thresholds and withdrawal rates

£ per year (unless stated) Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 2019
Income threshold £6,420 £6,420
Withdrawal rate (%) 41% 41%
First threshold for those entitled to child tax credit only £16,105 £16,105
Income rise disregard £2,500 £2,500
Income fall disregard £2,500 £2,500

Child benefit (£ per week)

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Eldest/only child £20.70 £20.70
Other children £13.70 £13.70

Guardians allowance (£ per week)

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Guardians allowance £16.70 £17.20

Capital, assets and property

Pensions tax relief

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Lifetime Allowance limit £1 million £1,030,000
Annual Allowance limit £40,000 £40,000
Tapered Annual Allowance (applies to income over this amount) £150,000 (including pension contributions) £150,000 (including pension contributions)
Money Purchase Annual Allowance £4,000 £4,000

Tax free savings accounts

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Individual Savings Account (ISA) subscription limit £20,000, of which £4,000 can be saved into a Lifetime ISA £20,000, of which £4,000 can be saved into a Lifetime ISA
Junior ISA subscription limit £4,128 £4,260
Child Trust Fund (CTF) subscription limit £4,128 £4,260

Capital Gains Tax

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Main rates for individuals 10% / 20% 10% / 20%
Rates for individuals (for gains on residential property not eligible for Private Residence Relief, and carried interest) 18% / 28% 18% / 28%
Main rate for trustees and personal representatives 20% 20%
Rate for trustees and personal representatives (for gains on residential property not eligible for Private Residence Relief) 28% 28%
Annual exempt amount (AEA) for individuals and personal representatives £11,300 £11,700
AEA for most trustees £5,650 £5,850
Rate on gains subject to entrepreneurs’ relief 10% 10%
Rate on gains subject to investors’ relief 10% 10%
Entrepreneurs’ relief: lifetime limit on gains for entrepreneurs £10,000,000 £10,000,000
Investors’ relief: lifetime limit on gains for external investors £10,000,000 £10,000,000

Inheritance tax

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Rate (for estates) 40% 40%
Reduced rate (for estates leaving 10% or more to charity) 36% 36%
Rate (for chargeable lifetime transfers) 20% 20%
Nil rate band limit £325,000 £325,000
Residence nil rate band limit £100,000 £125,000

Stamp Duty Land Tax - residential property

Property value Rate (on portion of value above threshold) Rate (on portion of value above threshold) on or after 1 April 2016 if purchase is of an additional residential property[footnote 20]
0 to £125k 0% 3%
£125k to £250k 2% 5%
£250k to £925k 5% 8%
£925k to £1.5m 10% 13%
£1.5m+ 12% 15%

Stamp Duty Land Tax - non-residential property

Purchase and Premium Transactions

Property Value Rate on or after 17 March 2016 (on portion of value above threshold)
0 to £150k Zero
£150k to £250k 2%
£250k+ 5%
Net Present Value (NPV) of the Lease Rate on or after 17 March 2016 (on portion of value above threshold)
0 to £150k Zero
£150K to £5m 1%
£5m+ 2%

Stamp Duty Land Tax - rates for first-time buyers purchasing properties worth £500,000 or less

Property value Rate (on portion of value above threshold) on or after 22 November 17 if purchase qualifies for first-time buyer relief
0 to £300k 0%
£300k to £500k 5%
£500k+ Standard rates above apply

Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings

Property value Charge for tax year 2017 to 2018 Charge for tax year 2018 to 2019
More than £500,000 but not more than £1m £3,500 £3,600
More than £1m but not more than £2m £7,050 £7,250
More than £2m but not more than £5m £23,550 £24,250
More than £5m but not more than £10m £54,950 £56,550
More than £10m but not more than £20m £110,100 £113,400
More than £20m £220,350 £226,950

Business and financial services

Corporation tax rates

Level of profits Financial year 2017 to 2018[footnote 21] Financial year 2018 to 2019 Financial year 2019 to 2020
Main rate 19% 19% 19%
North Sea oil and gas ring fence profits[footnote 22] See footnote See footnote See footnote

Corporation tax allowances and reliefs

Financial year 2017 to 2018 Financial year 2018 to 2019 Financial year 2019 to 2020
Plant and machinery: main rate expenditure 18% 18% 18%
Plant and machinery: special rate expenditure 8% 8% 8%
Annual investment allowance (AIA) £200,000 £200,000 £200,000
First year allowances (e.g. for certain energy-saving/water efficient products) 100% 100% 100%
Research and Developement (R&D) tax credits small and medium sized business (SME) scheme 230% 230% 230%
R&D SME payable credit 14.5% 14.5% 14.5%
R&D Expenditure Credit 11%[footnote 23] 12% 12%
Patent Box[footnote 24] 10% 10% 10%
Film tax relief 25% 25% 25%
High-end TV tax relief 25% 25% 25%
Videogames tax relief 25% 25% 25%
Open ended investment companies and authorised unit trusts[footnote 25] 20% 20% 20%

Bank levy

Chargeable equity and long-term chargeable liabilities Short-term chargeable liabilities
1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 0.09% 0.18%
1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 0.085% 0.17%
1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018 0.08% 0.16%
1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019 0.075% 0.15%
1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 0.07% 0.14%
1 January 2021 onwards 0.05% 0.10%

Bank Surcharge

1 January 2016 onwards 8% on profits

UK oil and gas taxes

Financial year 2017 to 2018 Financial year 2018 to 2019 Financial year 2019 to 2020
Petroleum revenue tax 0% 0% 0%
Ring fence corporation tax[footnote 26] 30% 30% 30%
Supplementary charge 10% 10% 10%

Business rates

Financial year 2017 to 2018 Financial year 2018 to 2019
England standard multiplier 47.9p 49.3p
England small business multiplier[footnote 27] 46.6p 48.0p

Indirect Tax

Autumn Budget 2017 confirmed that alcohol duty rates are frozen at the previous rates. These are shown in the table below.

Alcohol duty

Duty rate from 13 March 2017
Rate per litre of pure alcohol  
Spirits £28.74
Spirits-based RTDs £28.74
Wine and made-wine: exceeding 22% alcohol by volume (abv) £28.74
Rate per hectolitre %of alcohol in the beer  
Beer - lower strength: exceeding 1.2% - not exceeding 2.8% abv. £8.42
Beer - General Beer Duty: exceeding 2.8% - not exceeding 7.5% abv. £19.08
Beer - High strength: exceeding 7.5% - in addition to the General Beer Duty £19.08 + £5.69
Rate per hectolitre of product  
Still cider and perry: exceeding 1.2% - not exceeding 7.5% abv. £40.38
Still cider and perry: exceeding 7.5% - less than 8.5% abv. £61.04
Sparkling cider and perry: exceeding 1.2% - not exceeding 5.5% abv. £40.38
Sparkling cider and perry: exceeding 5.5% - less than 8.5% abv. £279.46
Wine and made-wine: exceeding 1.2% - not exceeding 4% abv. £88.93
Wine and made-wine: exceeding 4% - not exceeding 5.5% abv. £122.30
Still wine and made-wine: exceeding 5.5% - not exceeding 15% abv. £288.65
Wine and made-wine: exceeding 15% - not exceeding 22% abv. £384.82
Sparkling wine and made-wine: exceeding 5.5% - less than 8.5% abv. £279.46
Sparkling wine and made-wine: at least 8.5% - not exceeding 15% abv. £369.72

Tobacco duty

Autumn Budget 2017 announced that duty rates for all tobacco products will be increased by 2% above retail price index (RPI) inflation until the end of the Parliament. It was also announced that hand-rolling tobacco would rise by an additional 1% above this to 3% above RPI inflation this year, from 6.00 pm on 22 November 2017.

Tobacco Products

From 8 March 2017 Ad valorem Element From 00:01am 20 May 2017 Ad valorem Element From 6pm 22 November 2017 Minimum Excise Tax
Cigarettes £207.99 per 1000 cigarettes 16.5% of the retail price £268.63 per 1000 cigarettes 16.5% of the retail price An amount equal to the higher of the following alternatives: either £217.23 per 1000 cigarettes plus 16.5% of retail price An amount equal to the higher of the following alternatives or £280.15 per 1000 cigarettes
Cigars £259.44/kg N/A £259.44/kg N/A £270.96/kg N/A
Hand-rolling tobacco £209.77/kg N/A £209.77/kg N/A £221.18/kg N/A
Other smoking tobacco and chewing tobacco £114.06/kg N/A £114.06/kg N/A £119.13/kg N/A

Gambling duties

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Bingo duty    
Percentage of bingo promotion profits 10% 10%
General betting duty    
Percentage of ‘net stake receipts’ for fixed odds bets and totalisator bets on horse or dog races 15% 15%
Percentage of ‘net stake receipts’ for financial spread bets 3% 3%
Percentage of ‘net stake receipts’ for all other spread bets 10% 10%
Pool betting duty    
Percentage of net pool betting receipts 15% 15%
Lottery duty    
Percentage of the price paid or payable on taking a ticket or chance in a lottery 12% 12%
Remote gaming duty    
Percentage of remote gaming profits 15% 15%
Machine games duty    
Percentage of the net takings from dutiable machine games with a maximum cost to play not more than 20p and a maximum cash prize not more than £10 (Type 1 machines) 5% 5%
Percentage of net takings from machines which are not Type 1 machines but where the cost to play cannot exceed £5 20% 20%
Percentage of net takings from dutiable machine games where the maximum cost to play can exceed £5 25% 25%

Gaming duty 2017 to 2018

Tax rate 15% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Gross gaming yield £2,423,500 £1,670,500 £2,925,500 £6,175,500 Remainder
Figures for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 April 2018          
Tax rate 15% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Gross gaming yield £2,423,500 £1,670,500 £2,925,500 £6,175,500 Remainder

Insurance Premium Tax

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Standard rate 10%
12% (from 1 June 2017)
Higher rate 20% 20%

Climate Change Levy

Budget 2016 announced that the main rates of Climate Change Levy (CCL) would increase in line with RPI in tax year 2017 to 2018 and tax year 2018 to 2019. It also announced above-RPI increases in tax year 2019 to 2020, with rebalancing of the rates and changes to the reduced rates payable by businesses in the Climate Change Agreement scheme.

Autumn Budget 2017 has announced that the government will set CCL main rates for the tax years 2020 to 2021 and 2021 and 2022 at Budget 2018, with the exception of the rate for liquefied petroleum gas. To ensure better consistency between portable fuels in the off-gas grid market, this rate will be frozen at the tax year 2019 to 2020 level in both tax years 2020 to 2021 and 2021 to 2022. The main and reduced rates of CCL across the period will be as follows.

Climate Change Levy main rates

Taxable commodity Rate from 1 April 2017 Rate from 1 April 2018 Rate from 1 April 2019 Rate from 1 April 2020
Electricity (£ per kilowatt hour) 0.00568 0.00583 0.00847 To be announced at Budget 2018
Natural gas (£ per kilowatt hour) 0.00198 0.00203 0.00339 To be announced at Budget 2018
Liquefied petroleum gas (£ per kilogram) 0.01272 0.01304 0.02175 0.02175
Any other taxable commodity (£ per kilogram) 0.01551 0.01591 0.02653 To be announced at Budget 2018

Climate Change Levy reduced rates

Taxable commodity Rate from 1 April 2017 Rate from 1 April 2018 Rate from 1 April 2019
Electricity 10% 10% 7%
Natural gas 35% 35% 22%
Liquefied petroleum gas 35% 35% 22%
Any other taxable commodity 35% 35% 22%

Carbon Price Support

Budgets 2014, 2015 and 2016 announced that the Carbon Price Support (CPS) rate per tonne of carbon dioxide would be capped at a maximum of £18 from tax year 2016 to 2017 until tax year 2019 to 2020, setting maximum rates at around tax year 2015 to 2016 levels for each of the individual taxable commodities across this period.

Budget 2016 also announced that the £18 per tonne of carbon dioxide cap would be uprated in line with RPI from tax year 2020 to 2021, and set out indicative CPS rates for tax year 2020 to 2021.

Spring Budget 2017 announced that, starting in tax year 2021 to 2022, the government intended to target a total carbon price and set the specific CPS rates at a later date, giving businesses greater clarity on the total price they pay. It also announced that further details on carbon prices for the 2020s would be set out at Autumn Budget 2017.

Autumn Budget 2017 has announced revised indicative CPS rates for the tax year 2020 to 2021.

CPS rates of CCL and fuel duty

Indicative capped rate from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 Indicative rate from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
Carbon price equivalent (£ per tonne of carbon dioxide) 18.00 18.52
Supplies of commodity used in electricity generation    
Natural gas (£ per kilowatt hour) 0.00331 0.00341
LPG (£ per kilogram) 0.05280 0.05432
Coal and other taxable solid fossil fuels (£ per gross gigajoule) 1.54790 1.59259
Gas oil; rebated bio blend; and kerosene (£ per litre) 0.04916 0.05058
Fuel oil; other heavy oil and rebated light oil (£ per litre) 0.05711 0.05876

Aggregates Levy

Budget 2016 announced that the rate of Aggregates Levy would remain at £2 per tonne in 2017 to 2018. Autumn Budget 2017 has announced that the rate of Aggregates Levy will be frozen in 2018 to 2019. The levy rate has been frozen since 2009 and the government intends to return to index linking the levy in the longer term.

Rate from 1 April 2017 Rate from 1 April 2018
Commercially exploited taxable aggregate £2 per tonne £2 per tonne

Landfill Tax

Budget 2016 announced that both the standard and lower rates of Landfill Tax will increase in line with RPI, rounded to the nearest 5 pence, in 2017 to 2018 and 2018 to 2019.

Autumn Budget 2017 has announced that both rates will increase in line with RPI in 2019 to 2020, rounded to the nearest 5 pence.

Landfill Tax was devolved to the Scottish Parliament in April 2015 and will be devolved to the Welsh Assembly from 1 April 2018.

Waste sent to landfill Rate from 1 April 2017 Rate from 1 April 2018 Rate from 1 April 2019
Coverage England, Wales and Northern Ireland England and Northern Ireland England and Northern Ireland
Standard rated (per tonne) £86.10 £88.95 £91.35
Lower rated (per tonne) £2.70 £2.80 £2.90

Air Passenger Duty

Air Passenger Duty rates (APD) for 2018 to 2019 were set out at Spring Budget 2017. The APD rates for 2019 to 2020 are set out below:

Air Passenger Duty rates[footnote 28][footnote 29]

(approximate distance in miles from London)
Reduced rate
(lowest class of travel)
Standard rate[footnote 30]
(other than the lowest class of travel)
Higher rate[footnote 31]
Band A
(0 - 2,000 miles)
From 1 April 2017
From 1 April 2018
From 1 April 2019
From 1 April 2017
From 1 April 2018
From 1 April 2019
From 1 April 2017
From 1 April 2018
From 1 April 2019
Band B
(over 2,000 miles)
From 1 April 2017
From 1 April 2018
From 1 April 2019
From 1 April 2017
From 1 April 2018
From 1 April 2019
From 1 April 2017
From 1 April 2018
From 1 April 2019

Fuel duty - pound per litre unless stated

  Rates on and after 6pm on 23 March 2011
Light oils  
Unleaded petrol 0.5795
Light oil (other than unleaded petrol or aviation gasoline) 0.6767
Aviation gasoline (Avgas) 0.3770
Light oil delivered to an approved person for use as furnace fuel 0.1070
Heavy oils  
Heavy oil (diesel) 0.5795
Marked gas oil 0.1114
Fuel oil 0.1070
Heavy oil other than fuel oil, gas oil or kerosene used as fuel 0.1070
Kerosene to be used as motor fuel off road or in an excepted vehicle 0.1114
Bio-ethanol 0.5795
Bio-diesel 0.5795
Bio-diesel for non-road use 0.1114
Bio-diesel blended with gas oil not for road fuel use 0.1114
Road fuel gases  
Liquefied petroleum gas (£ per kilogram) 0.3161
Road fuel natural gas including biogas (£ per kilogram) 0.2470
Other fuel
  Rate on and after 1 October 2016
Aqua-methanol set aside for road use 0.07900

Vehicle Excise Duty (VED)

The changes to VED rates to take effect from 1 April 2018 are set out in the tables below:

VED bands and rates for cars first registered on or after 1 April 2017

Tax year 2017 to 2018
CO2 emissions (g/km) First Year Rate
0 £0
1-50 £10
51-75 £25
76-90 £100
91-100 £120
101-110 £140
111-130 £160
131-150 £200
151-170 £500
171-190 £800
191-225 £1200
226-255 £1700
Over 255 £2000
Tax year 2018 to 2019
CO2 emissions (g/km) Standard rate[footnote 32] First Year Rate First Year Rate
Diesel vehicles[footnote 33]
0 £0 £0 £0
1-50 £140 £10 £25
51-75 £140 £25 £105
76-90 £140 £105 £125
91-100 £140 £125 £145
101-110 £140 £145 £165
111-130 £140 £165 £205
131-150 £140 £205 £515
151-170 £140 £515 £830
171-190 £140 £830 £1240
191-225 £140 £1240 £1760
226-255 £140 £1760 £2070
Over 255 £140 £2070 £2070

Autumn Budget 2017 announced that new diesel vehicles registered after 1 April 2018 that do not meet the RDE2 standard will be charged a supplement on their First Year Rate to the effect of moving up by one VED band.

VED bands and rates for cars registered on or after 1 March 2001 but before 1 April 2017

Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
CO2 emissions (g/km) Standard rate Standard rate
Up to 100 £0 £0
101-110 £20 £20
111-120 £30 £30
121-130 £115 £120
131-140 £135 £140
141-150 £150 £155
151-165 £190 £195
166-175 £220 £230
176-185 £240 £250
186-200 £280 £290
201-225 £305 £315
226-255 £520 £540
Over 255 £535 £555

VED bands and rates for cars and vans registered before 1 March 2001

Engine size Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
1549cc and below £150 £155
Above 1549cc £245 £255

VED bands and rates for vans registered on or after 1 March 2001

Vehicle registration date Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Early Euro 4 and Euro 5 compliant vans £140 £140
All other vans £240 £250

VED bands and rates for motorcycles

Engine size Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Not over 150cc £18 £19
151cc and 400cc £41 £42
401cc to 600c £62 £64
Over 600cc £85 £88

VED bands and rates for motor tricycles

Engine size Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Not over 150cc £18 £19
All other tricycles £85 £88

VED bands and rates for trade licences

Vehicle type Tax year 2017 to 2018 Tax year 2018 to 2019
Available for all vehicles £165 £165
Available only for bicycles and tricycles (weighing no more than 450kg without a sidecar) £85 £88

The following VED and HGV road user levy rates will apply to HGVs of 12 tonnes or more, from 1 April 2018. The band and rate payable can be calculated by using the look-up tables that follow the rates tables:

VED and levy bands and rates for articulated vehicles and rigid vehicles without trailers

VED band (letter and rate number) Total VED and levy
12 months
Total VED and levy
6 months
VED rates
12 months
VED rates
6 months
Levy bands Levy rates
12 months
Levy rates
6 months
A0 £165 £90.75 £165 £90.75 n/a £0 £0
B0 £200 £110 £200 £110 n/a £0 £0
A1 £165 £91 £80 £40 A £85 £51
A2 £169 £93 £84 £42 A £85 £51
A3 £185 £101 £100 £50 A £85 £51
A4 £231 £124 £146 £73 A £85 £51
A5 £236 £126.50 £151 £75.50 A £85 £51
B1 £200 £110.50 £95 £47.50 B £105 £63
B2 £210 £115.50 £105 £52.50 B £105 £63
B3 £230 £125.50 £125 £62.50 B £105 £63
C1 £450 £249 £210 £105 C £240 £144
C2 £505 £276.50 £265 £132.50 C £240 £144
C3 £529 £288.50 £289 £144.50 C £240 £144
D1 £650 £360 £300 £150 D £350 £210
E1 £1,200 £664 £560 £280 E £640 £384
E2 £1,249 £688.50 £609 £304.50 E £640 £384
F £1,500 £831 £690 £345 F £810 £486
G £1,850 £1,025 £850 £425 G £1,000 £600

VED and levy amounts payable for rigid vehicles with trailers (vehicles with Road Friendly Suspension)

HGV axles Levy band Trailer weight category Total weight of HGV and trailer, not over VED band (letter) and rate (number) VED rates
12 months
VED rates
6 months
Levy rates
12 months
Levy rates
6 months
2 B(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 27,000kg B(T)1 £230 £115 £135 £81
2 B(T) Over 12,000kg 33,000kg B(T)3 £295 £147.50 £135 £81
2 B(T) Over 12,000kg 36,000kg B(T)6 £401 £200.50 £135 £81
2 B(T) Over 12,000kg 38,000kg B(T)4 £319 £159.50 £135 £81
2 B(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg B(T)7 £444 £222 £135 £81
2 D(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 30,000kg D(T)1 £365 £182.50 £450 £270
2 D(T) Over 12,000kg 38,000kg D(T)4 £430 £215 £450 £270
2 D(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg D(T)5 £444 £222 £450 £270
3 B(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 33,000kg B(T)1 £230 £115 £135 £81
3 B(T) Over 12,000kg 38,000kg B(T)3 £295 £147.50 £135 £81
3 B(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg B(T)5 £392 £196 £135 £81
3 B(T) Over 12,000kg 44,000kg B(T)3 £295 £147.50 £135 £81
3 C(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 35,000kg C(T)1 £305 £152.50 £310 £186
3 C(T) Over 12,000kg 38,000kg C(T)2 £370 £185 £310 £186
3 C(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg C(T)3 £392 £196 £310 £186
3 C(T) Over 12,000kg 44,000kg C(T)2 £370 £185 £310 £186
3 D(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 33,000kg D(T)1 £365 £182.50 £450 £270
3 D(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 36,000kg D(T)3 £401 £200.50 £450 £270
3 D(T) 10,001 - 12,000kg 38,000kg D(T)1 £365 £182.50 £450 £270
3 D(T) Over 12,000kg 44,000kg D(T)4 £430 £215 £450 £270
4 B(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 35,000kg B(T)1 £230 £115 £135 £81
4 B(T) Over 12,000kg 44,000kg B(T)3 £295 £147.50 £135 £81
4 C(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 37,000kg C(T)1 £305 £152.50 £310 £186
4 C(T) Over 12,000kg 44,000kg C(T)2 £370 £185 £310 £186
4 D(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 39,000kg D(T)1 £365 £182.50 £450 £270
4 D(T) Over 12,000kg 44,000kg D(T)4 £430 £215 £450 £270
4 E(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 44,000kg E(T)1 £535 £267.50 £830 £498
4 E(T) Over 12,000kg 44,000kg E(T)2 £600 £300 £830 £498

VED and levy amounts payable for rigid vehicles with trailers (vehicles without Road Friendly Suspension)

HGV axles Levy band Trailer weight category Total weight of HGV and trailer, not over VED band (letter) and rate (number) VED rates
12 months
VED rates
6 months
Levy rates
12 months
Levy rates
6 months
2 B(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 27,000kg B(T)1 £230 £115 £135 £81
2 B(T) Over 12,000kg 31,000kg B(T)3 £295 £147.50 £135 £81
2 B(T) Over 12,000kg 33,000kg B(T)6 £401 £200.50 £135 £81
2 B(T) Over 12,000kg 36,000kg B(T)10 £609 £304.50 £135 £81
2 B(T) Over 12,000kg 38,000kg B(T)7 £444 £222 £135 £81
2 B(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg B(T)9 £604 £302 £135 £81
2 D(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 30,000kg D(T)1 £365 £182.50 £450 £270
2 D(T) Over 12,000kg 33,000kg D(T)4 £430 £215 £450 £270
2 D(T) Over 12,000kg 36,000kg D(T)8 £609 £304.50 £450 £270
2 D(T) Over 12,000kg 38,000kg D(T)5 £444 £222 £450 £270
2 D(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg D(T)7 £604 £302 £450 £270
3 B(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 29,000kg B(T)1 £230 £115 £135 £81
3 B(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 31,000kg B(T)2 £289 £144.50 £135 £81
3 B(T) 10,001 - 12,000kg 33,000kg B(T)1 £230 £115 £135 £81
3 B(T) Over 12,000kg 36,000kg B(T)3 £295 £147.50 £135 £81
3 B(T) Over 12,000kg 38,000kg B(T)5 £392 £196 £135 £81
3 B(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg B(T)8 £542 £271 £135 £81
3 C(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 31,000kg C(T)1 £305 £152.50 £310 £186
3 C(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 33,000kg C(T)4 £401 £200.50 £310 £186
3 C(T) 10,001 - 12,000kg 35,000kg C(T)1 £305 £152.50 £310 £186
3 C(T) Over 12,000kg 36,000kg C(T)2 £370 £185 £310 £186
3 C(T) Over 12,000kg 38,000kg C(T)3 £392 £196 £310 £186
3 C(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg C(T)5 £542 £271 £310 £186
3 D(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 31,000kg D(T)1 £365 £182.50 £450 £270
3 D(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 33,000kg D(T)3 £401 £200.50 £450 £270
3 D(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 35,000kg D(T)8 £609 £304.50 £450 £270
3 D(T) 10,001 - 12,000kg 36,000kg D(T)1 £365 £182.50 £450 £270
3 D(T) 10,001 - 12,000kg 37,000kg D(T)2 £392 £196 £450 £270
3 D(T) Over 12,000kg 38,000kg D(T)4 £430 £215 £450 £270
3 D(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg D(T)6 £542 £271 £450 £270
4 B(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 35,000kg B(T)1 £230 £115 £135 £81
4 B(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg B(T)3 £295 £147.50 £135 £81
4 C(T) 4,001 - 12,000kg 37,000kg C(T)1 £305 £152.50 £310 £186
4 C(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg C(T)2 £370 £185 £310 £186
4 D(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 36,000kg D(T)1 £365 £182.50 £450 £270
4 D(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 37,000kg D(T)5 £444 £222 £450 £270
4 D(T) 10,001 - 12,000kg 39,000kg D(T)1 £365 £182.50 £450 £270
4 D(T) Over 12,000kg 40,000kg D(T)4 £430 £215 £450 £270
4 E(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 38,000kg E(T)1 £535 £267.50 £830 £498
4 E(T) 4,001 - 10,000kg 40,000kg E(T)3 £604 £302 £830 £498
4 E(T) 10,001 - 12,000kg 40,000kg E(T)1 £535 £267.50 £830 £498

The band and rate payable can be calculated by using the following look-up tables. Note that in all the tables below the letter indicates the VED and levy band the vehicle is in, and the number indicates the rate that is payable as part of that band (for example B2 would refer to VED and levy band B, and rate 2 as determined by the weight and axle configuration of the vehicle). For vehicles with trailers, the rate paid depends on whether the vehicle has road-friendly suspension. There are separate tables for with and without RFS.

Rigid goods vehicle - without trailer

Revenue weight of vehicle, kg
Revenue weight of vehicle, kg
not over
2 axles 3 axles 4 or more axles
3,500 7,500 A0 A0 A0
7,500 11,999 B0 B0 B0
11,999 14,000 B1 B1 B1
14,000 15,000 B2 B1 B1
15,000 19,000 D1 B1 B1
19,000 21,000 D1 B3 B1
21,000 23,000 D1 C1 B1
23,000 25,000 D1 D1 C1
25,000 27,000 D1 D1 D1
27,000 44,000 D1 D1 E1

Rigid goods vehicle - with trailer

Revenue weight of vehicle, kg
Revenue weight of vehicle, kg
not over
Two-axled rigid Three-axled rigid Four-axled rigid
11,999 15,000 B(T) B(T) BB(T)
15,000 21,000 D(T) D(T) D(T)
21,000 23,000 E(T) C(T) C(T)
23,000 25,000 E(T) D(T) C(T)
25,000 27,000 E(T) D(T) D(T)
27,000 44,000 E(T) E(T) E(T)

Articulated vehicles - Tractive unit with three or more axles

Revenue weight of vehicle, kg
Revenue weight of vehicle, kg
not over
1 or more semi-trailer axles 2 or more semi-trailer axles 3 or more semi-trailer axles
3,500 11,999 A0 A0 A0
11,999 25,000 A1 A1 A1
25,000 26,000 A3 A1 A1
26,000 28,000 A4 A1 A1
28,000 29,000 C1 A1 A1
29,000 31,000 C3 A1 A1
31,000 33,000 E1 C1 A1
33,000 34,000 E2 D1 A1
34,000 36,000 E2 D1 C1
36,000 38,000 F E1 D1
38,000 44,000 G G E1

Articulated vehicles - Tractive unit with two axles

Revenue weight of vehicle, kg
Revenue weight of vehicle, kg
not over
1 or more semi-trailer axles 2 or more semi-trailer axles 3 or more semi-trailer axles
3,500 11,999 A0 A0 A0
11,999 22,000 A1 A1 A1
22,000 23,000 A2 A1 A1
23,000 25,000 A5 A1 A1
25,000 26,000 C2 A3 A1
26,000 28,000 C2 A4 A1
28,000 31,000 D1 D1 A1
31,000 33,000 E1 E1 C1
33,000 34,000 E1 E2 C1
34,000 38,000 F F E1
38,000 44,000 G G G


April 2017 to 2018 April 2018 to 2019
Standard rate 20% 20%
Reduced rate 5% 5%
Zero rate 0% 0%
Exempt N/A N/A

VAT registration and deregistration thresholds

From April 2017 From April 2018
VAT registration thresholds £85,000 £85,000
VAT deregistration threshold £83,000 £83,000
  1. Apply to non-savings, non-dividend income, including earnings from employment, self-employment, pension income, foreign income, taxable benefits and income from property. 

  2. Apply to savings income. 

  3. Apply to dividend income above the £5,000 tax-free Dividend Allowance. 

  4. Apply to non-savings, non-dividend income. 

  5. Apply to non-savings, non-dividend income 

  6. Apply to savings income. 

  7. Apply to dividend income above the £2,000 tax-free Dividend Allowance. 

  8. Apply to non-savings, non-dividend income. 

  9. The Personal Allowance reduces where the income is above £100,000 - by £1 for every £2 of income above the £100,000 limit. This reduction applies irrespective of date of birth. 

  10. This age-related allowance is reduced by £1 for every £2 of income over this limit. 

  11. This transferable allowance is available to married couples and civil partners who are not in receipt of married couple’s allowance. A spouse or civil partner who is not liable to income tax; or not liable at the higher or additional rates, can transfer this amount of their unused personal allowance to their spouse or civil partner. The recipient must not be liable to income tax at the higher or additional rates. 

  12. The relief for this allowance is given at 10%.  2

  13. Employers begin paying Employer’s National Insurance Contributions above the Secondary Threshold. They pay a zero rate up to this point.  2

  14. This threshold is uprated in line with the Income Tax Higher Rate Threshold to maintain alignment. 

  15. No National Insurance contributions (NICs) are actually payable but a notional Class 1 NIC is deemed to have been paid in respect of earnings between the LEL and PT to protect contributory benefit entitlement. 

  16. Employers begin paying Employer’s National Insurance Contributions above the Upper Secondary Threshold for U21s. They pay a zero rate up to this point. 

  17. Employers begin paying Employer’s National Insurance Contributions with respect to certain apprentices who are under 25 above the Apprentice Secondary Threshold. They pay a zero rate up to this point. 

  18. Class 2 NICs are liable to be paid by all self-employed persons with profits above the Small Profits Threshold (SPT). The self-employed may choose to pay Class 2 if their profits are below the SPT

  19. Class 3 NICs can be paid by any contributor (employed or non-employed) to make the year a qualifying year for the basic State Pension (new State Pension from 6 April 2016) and Bereavement Benefit purposes. 

  20. See HMRC guidance note on whether the higher rate applies. 

  21. From 1 April 2015, for all profits except North Sea oil and gas ring fence profits, corporation tax is paid at a single rate. For 2017 to 2018 the rate is 19%. 

  22. For North Sea oil and gas ring fence profits the main rate is 30% and the small profits rate is 19%. The marginal relief ring fence fraction is 11/400ths. 

  23. From 1st January 2018, the rate of the R&D Expenditure Credit (RDEC) will increase from 11% to 12%. 

  24. The Patent Box has been phased in from April 2013, with companies being able to claim 60% of the benefit in 2013 to 2014, 70% in 2014 to 2015, 80% in 2015 to 2016, 90% in 2016 to 2017 and 100% in 2017 to 2018. 

  25. For open ended investment companies and authorised unit trusts the applicable corporation tax rate is 20%. 

  26. For North Sea oil and gas ring fence profits the main rate is 30% and the small profits rate is 19%. The marginal relief ring fence fraction is 11/400ths. 

  27. Small business multiplier applies to properties with a rateable value of less than £51,000. 

  28. APD applies to all flights aboard aircraft 5.7 tonnes and above. 

  29. Rates for direct long-haul flights from Northern Ireland are devolved and set at £0. Direct long haul journeys are those where the first leg of the journey is to a destination outside Band A. 

  30. Where a class of travel provides a seat pitch in excess of 1.016 metres (40 inches), the standard rate is the minimum rate that applies. 

  31. The higher rate applies to flights on aircraft of 20 tonnes and above, with fewer than 19 seats. 

  32. Cars with a list price of over £40,000 when new pay an additional rate of £310 per year on top of the standard rate, for five years. 

  33. This rate applies to diesel vehicles that do not meet the real driving emissions step 2 (RDE2) standard.