Badgers: licence to interfere with setts and to prevent damage (A01 and LR01)
Apply for a licence to interfere with badger setts for agriculture, forestry and drainage purposes and to prevent damage and find out how to report your actions.
Applies to England
Apply for a licence to interfere with badger setts for the purposes of:
- carrying out agricultural, forestry and drainage activities
- preventing badgers from damaging land, crops, poultry or any other form of property
Send your completed application form (A01) to Natural England at the address on the form.
How to report your actions
You must report any actions you took using this licence on the report form (LR01) on this page. You must report no later than 2 weeks after your licence expires, even if you’ve taken no action. Send your completed form by post or email to Natural England using the details on the form.
You can also use the report form to renew your licence.