Badgers: survey or research licence (A25)
Apply for a licence to kill, take, disturb or possess a badger for survey, research or conservation work, find out about references and how to report your actions.
Applies to England
Apply for licence A25 to carry out surveys, research for scientific or educational purposes, or conservation work. The licence allows you to:
- kill, take, sell or possess badgers
- disturb badgers in their setts or disturb their setts
To apply, you must complete application form A25 and provide a project plan.
The project plan must include:
- objectives of the project
- why the work is necessary
- any alternative methods you’ve considered
- a plan or map to show the project location
You usually need to provide references when you apply for this licence if:
- you haven’t held a licence for the species or a similar species for the last 3 years
- you want to use methods for which you haven’t previously been licensed
How to report your actions
You must report any actions you took using this licence on the report form. You must report no later than 2 weeks after your licence expires, even if you’ve taken no action. Send your completed form by post or email to Natural England using the details on the form.
If you’re using the report form to renew your licence, you must include an updated project plan and map.