
Information pack for British nationals arrested or detained in Bahrain

Updated 20 March 2025

Chapter 1: Key points


If you are a British national, and are arrested or detained in another country, consular staff will do what they can to help you. However, we cannot interfere with the local justice system, get you out of jail, or pay for services such as a lawyer.  Information about who we can help, including the circumstances in which we can assist dual nationals, is available at: Support for British nationals abroad. You can also request a paper copy from consular staff.         

This information pack aims to give you, and your family and friends, information about the local system in Bahrain and who can help. Consular staff can provide a printed copy to those in prison or in custody. We welcome feedback to help us improve the information we can provide to others.

Contacting us

If you are arrested or detained in another country:

  • the authorities should ask whether you want them to contact the British embassy, high commission or consulate (and must do so if you want them to)
  • if they do not ask, you can make the request yourself. You should do this if you are charged with a serious offence or need any kind of assistance
  • friends or family can also contact the local British embassy, high commission or consulate or the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) in London on +44 (0)20 7008 5000

In some countries, the authorities might notify the British embassy, high commission or consulate even if you do not want anyone to know that you have been arrested. This is because there may be an agreement in place with the British government which requires a mandatory notification to be made.

Who we are

Consular staff work in the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office in the UK, and in British embassies, high commissions and consulates overseas.

Who are the Consular representatives

Consular staff work in the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office in the UK, and in British embassies, high commissions and consulates overseas. 

British Embassy Bahrain: 00973 17574100 (Option 1 for English, then 2 for Consular)

Working Hours: 7:30am to 2:30pm Bahrain time (4:30am to 10:30am GMT), Sunday to Thursday


You can also contact us by phone 24/7 for help or advice from anywhere in the world by calling the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office on +44 (0)20 7008 5000.

What we can do

The FCDO can offer you impartial and non-judgemental help. When we are notified of your arrest or detention, we will aim to contact you as soon as possible, so that we can assess how we can help you. We then aim to provide assistance according to your individual circumstances and local conditions. Our priority is to provide assistance to those British nationals overseas that need our help the most.

In Bahrain, notification by the authorities to the consulate normally takes place within 48 hours after arrest.

We can also:

  • provide a list of local English-speaking lawyers and interpreters.  See also ‘Legal assistance: lawyers and legal aid’ section
  • provide general information about Bahrain, detention conditions, and the local legal system (including if legal aid is available)
  • provide general information about the local prison or remand system, including visiting arrangements, mail and censorship, privileges, and welfare services
  • keep in regular contact with you, either by visiting or by telephone/letter. The frequency of contact will depend on local conditions and your personal circumstances
  • tell the police or prison doctor, with your permission, about any medical or dental problems including medication
  • put you, or your family, in touch with a prisoners’ welfare charity called Prisoners Abroad
  • in some circumstances we may be able to help take up complaints with the police or prison authorities about ill treatment, personal safety, or discrimination, if you are not treated in line with internationally recognised standards
  • help to transfer money to you from your friends or family. In places where phone or postal services are not available we can also try to pass on messages and deliver letters to the prison (but generally we cannot arrange for delivery directly to you)
  • in some circumstances we may be able to help you apply for a transfer to a prison in the UK

What we cannot do

  • get you out of prison or detention
  • help you get special treatment because you are British
  • offer legal advice, start legal proceedings or investigate a crime
  • pay for any costs because you have been arrested
  • forward you packages sent by friends or family
  • prevent authorities from deporting you after release

First steps

Informing family members

If you want us to, we can tell your family or friends that you have been detained and provide them with information about how to contact you. With your consent, we can also keep them updated on your wellbeing. 

If you are not sure about informing your family, we can help you consider what the impact of not doing so might be. For example, it may cause them distress if they do not know where you are, or cannot contact you. It can also be a disadvantage to you if you need someone to send you money or act on your behalf while you are detained.

Informing the UK police

If you are accused of certain serious offences, such as sexual assault or drugs trafficking, we are obliged to share information about your arrest with UK police. Information about this may appear if a Criminal Records Bureau check were carried out by a prospective employer. There may be other circumstances when information about you may need to be shared with authorities in Bahrain.

We cannot give legal advice, start legal proceedings, or investigate a crime. However, we can provide information about the local legal system, including whether a legal aid scheme is available. We can also give you a list of local interpreters and a list of local English-speaking lawyers. You should consider the benefits of local legal representation and discuss all the costs beforehand with the legal representative. We cannot pay your legal or interpretation costs in any circumstance.

Consular assistance: fair treatment

We cannot get you out of prison or detention, or get you special treatment because you are British. If you are not treated in line with internationally accepted standards, we will consider whether to approach the local authorities. This may include if your trial does not follow internationally recognised standards or is unreasonably delayed compared to local cases.

Other organisations that can provide assistance

We can put you, or your family, in touch with Prisoners Abroad, a UK charity which supports British citizens detained overseas and their families.

Chapter 2: Detention conditions in Bahrain

Visits: friends and family

Who can visit and how to arrange visits

You should consult FCDO travel advice before you travel to Bahrain for the latest information on safety and security, entry requirements and travel warnings.

Only relatives are normally allowed to visit, however in the case of a foreign national with no relatives in Bahrain, then friends can visit. Inmates are allowed to have two visits every month. Family have to book visits through the prison by calling 00973-17844444 to make an appointment on the first visit.  After the first visit, the family need to book appointments in advance via the visiting desk at the prison. There is no set rule as to how many people can visit at the same time. Inmates can submit requests for visits by providing information about their visitors on a piece of paper.

Consular staff will try and arrange clearance for visits by family members and friends coming from abroad, though the prison authorities may refuse non-relatives. You should advise your visitors to give as much notice as possible, and to supply their passport number and personal details such as place and date of birth, addresses.

What to expect when you visit

All visitors must bring photographic identification and will be searched prior to any visit taking place. They will not be allowed to bring mobile phones and other electronic devices in on a visit.

In prisons where foreigners are held, “open” visits may be allowed. This means that although guards will be present, you can sit either side of a table. However, this tends to only happen when a member of the family has made an appointment and the visiting area is full. In most occasions you will be separated by a glass partition.

You should always bear in mind that regulations can vary from prison to prison and can also be subject to change at short notice.

What you can take on your visit

Visitors cannot take any parcels containing food or clothing. Inmates are allowed to buy all essentials from the canteen on a periodic basis. However, in an exceptional situation where, for example, a clothing size is unavailable in the canteen, a request has to be made in advance before clothing will be accepted from a family member. The rules are very strict on what type of clothing will be accepted. Clothes with metals or strings are not allowed. Visitors can leave books and these will be checked by the officers before being given to the inmate. This process is known to take a couple of weeks from the time a book is deposited until it is handed over to the inmate.

Visits: consular staff

Consular staff will keep in regular contact with you, either by visiting personally or by telephone. The frequency of the visits will depend on the local prison conditions and your personal circumstances. In general, you may expect a visit once every 6 months.

However, in exceptional circumstances, we may visit you earlier for example, if we are concerned about your health or welfare, including mistreatment.

You can call us at any time on matters that concern you but if it is urgent it may be quicker to ask prison authorities to contact us on your behalf.

Emergency trips outside of prison

We are not aware of any situation where an inmate is allowed a trip outside of prison in case of an emergency.

Police custody and initial arrival at prison

Arriving at the police station: your basic rights

You can only be arrested or imprisoned by order of a legally competent authority. You should be treated with dignity and should not be subjected to any physical or psychological harm.

If you are arrested you will be informed of the reasons for your arrest. You have the right to contact a lawyer and a relative to let them know you have been arrested.

The arresting officer should listen to your statements and if you are not acquitted, you should be sent to Public Prosecutions within 48 hours. The Public Prosecutor should question you within 24 hours, and decide on imprisonment or release.

You may request to call a lawyer, the British Embassy or anyone you wish to represent you. If you do not understand Arabic, you may ask for a translator.

Appearing at court

The Court should state the allegations against you and you must plead either guilty or not guilty. You should be given between 1-10 days’ notice in advance of a court hearing depending on the severity of the crime.

The summons to appear in court details the charge and provisions of the Law regarding the penalty. You may not be given a fixed date for your court appearance. If you ask for more time in order to prepare your defence, the court may grant you more time.

If you are accused of an indictable offence, you must be represented by a lawyer in Court. If you have not appointed a lawyer, the Court should appoint one for you.  The lawyer must inform the court that they are representing you at least four days before a hearing.

Initial arrival at the prison

On arrival at the prison, you may undergo medical checks with a doctor.  When a woman is arrested, she will be given a pregnancy test. If she is pregnant, she should be entitled to emergency care to ensure that she and the baby are safe. She should then attend weekly appointments with a doctor and ultrasound tests may be performed as required.

The prison officers should call the family and the Embassy to inform them of the case against you. You should be given the opportunity to contact a lawyer.

Prison: conditions and daily life

Conditions can vary significantly both between prisons and between different blocks in the same prison. Mosquitoes and cockroaches are common in cooler months. The prison cells are regularly sprayed against bug infestation.

There is a shop (called “the canteen”) within all prisons where prisoners can buy clothes, toiletries and food.

Women who give birth in prison are transferred to a maternity ward for the birth, and may keep the child with them until he/she is four years of age. Whenever possible, they are allowed to live in a cell separate from other prisoners.


Prisoners sleep on bunk beds and there can be up to 10 prisoners in a cell. In some cases, there can be more prisoners and they may have to sleep on a mattress on the floor for a short period of time. Blankets and sheets are supplied. Bedding is changed by the prison officials once a month but prisoners are allowed to wash their own sheets whenever they wish. Some prisoners choose to pay another prisoner to do their washing for them. 

A television is available in most cells with channels of different languages. Prisoners usually agree on a rota for selecting the TV channel.  All cells are air conditioned.

All blocks have natural light and a small yard where prisoners spend their outdoor time and exercise (known as “fence time”). Outdoor time is allowed for up to 2 hours depending on the block where a prisoner is held.

Food and diet

Food is made on-site, is plentiful and served warm. Three meals are provided. Typical meals for breakfast includes eggs, croissant and za’atar rolls. Lunch is usually served with salad, vegetables, a large portion of rice and chicken/goat/beef/fish. Dinner can include burgers/ kofta.

Diet meals can be offered, provided that the prison doctor supports your request for this in writing.

Clean drinking water is available.


Sanitation is a tap and a hole-in-the-ground toilet inside each cell with one Western style toilet in the prisoner’s lounge. Daily hot showers are usually available. Prisoners can purchase toiletries from the canteen. The toilets are generally clean.

You are allowed to wear your own clothes whilst in the prison cell but prisoners must wear prison uniform when out of their cells. Prisoners are allowed 2 sets of personal clothing which can be hand-washed by themselves or they can pay another prisoner to wash them. It is important to have both light and warm clothing.

Work and study

Prisoners skilled in the area of woodwork/metalwork can apply to work in the workshop within Jau Reform & Rehabilitation Centre. Successful candidates will be given a salary and will receive a percentage of the money that is made by selling the items that are created in the workshop.

Jobs in the kitchen and other areas are not available to prisoners and are managed by the prison authorities.

Contact and languages

There is no restriction in communicating with other prisoners within the block. Guards usually speak English. Prisoners who are bilingual can help with translation if needed. Prisoners have up to 40 minutes of telephone calls per week. See section “Telephone calls” below.

Prisoners will have access to the library which includes English books. Efforts are in progress to increase the number of English books.

You can request local language materials through the post from Prisoners Abroad (including language textbooks and dictionaries).


Prisoners can play sport in their exercise areas, including football, volleyball and basketball. In reality, this probably depends on a number of factors including what other prisoners feel like doing. They can also play chess, cards and other games. Depending on the block that the prisoners are held in, they will receive fence time of 2 hours or more every day. There is a workshop where prisoners can make wooden handicrafts


The climate is very different to that of the UK. It is very hot and humid in summer and cold in winter. Appropriate clothing is available for purchase in the prison canteen.


Islam influences all aspects of Bahraini life. Islamic rituals and prayer are part of daily life in prisons in Bahrain. For Muslims in prison there is a communal prayer up to five times a day, and a make-shift mosque on Fridays. During Ramadan both prisoners and guards go all day without eating, drinking or smoking. Tempers can be short, so be careful not to get drawn into any disagreements.

Rules and regulations (including drugs)

Alternative sentencing: After serving half of the sentence in prison, prisoners with a record of good conduct may be eligible for the Reform and Rehabilitation Centre to apply to the Executive Judge to substitute the original sanction with one of the alternative sanctions. The Judge will assess and make a decision.

Any convicted person sentenced to imprisonment of not more than one year or physical coercion may request the execution judge to substitute the imprisonment sentence or physical coercion by one or more of the alternative sanctions listed below. The execution judge shall decide upon such request after hearing the statements of the Public Prosecution.

The alternative sanctions are:

  • community service
  • house arrest, confinement within a particular place
  • refraining from entering a particular place or places
  • undertaking to refrain from menacing or communicating with particular persons or entities
  • submitting to electronic surveillance
  • attending rehabilitation and training programs
  • remedying the damage that resulted from the crime

A written application should be submitted to the execution judge requesting to substitute the imprisonment sentence by one or more of the alternative sanctions.

Use of drugs even in traces is strictly prohibited within the prison and in Bahrain.

Misbehaving or causing disruption in the prison can be punishable which might include revoking outdoor time.

Care is taken to ensure that infectious diseases are well managed within the prison.

Prison: access to help and services

Receiving money

There are 2 ways you may be able to receive financial assistance while in prison:

  • private funds: deposited to you by your family or friends
  • Prisoners Abroad: depending on the country where you are detained, if your family cannot support you financially, Prisoners Abroad may be able to send you a small grant every quarter for essentials (enough for one hot meal a day)

The UK government does not provide financial assistance to prisoners.

Private funds

While the FCDO does not provide financial assistance to prisoners, we may be able, within certain limits, to send you money from your family or friends. Please note that you cannot have cash sent to you in the post.

Hidd Prison

Prisoners are normally able to access their own personal cash or card in order to make purchases and phone calls. 

Jau Prison

Prisoners are assigned a Credimax card and account number on arrival at the prison. There are two ways of transferring money to this card:

  1. visit any BBK branch in Bahrain and deposit cash by quoting the Credimax card number
  2. anyone who has a BBK debit card can access BBK’s mobile app, click on ‘Payment’> ‘Credimax Card’> ‘Other Credimax Card’ > Enter the card number and pay the required amount

Please note that people outside Bahrain cannot deposit money into this card.

Alternatively, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) operates a system for money transfers whereby family and friends can pay funds to the FCDO in the UK and we will pay out in local currency to prisoners detained in Bahrain. Ask your family or friends to get in touch with the FCDO to arrange this but be aware that the process can take some time.  Payment can be made to the FCDO by electronic bank transfer, personal cheque, Building Society Cheque, Bankers Draft or Postal Order.  We cannot receive payment by credit or debit card, or by cash.

Women’s detention centre

Detainees may receive money from family members via Western Union.

Prisoners Abroad

Prisoners Abroad may be able to assist you with funding for prison essentials and some medical care if you are not receiving regular funding from other sources.

Medical and dental treatment

While you are detained, Bahrain is responsible for ensuring your basic medical needs are met. Bahrain has all the required resources to provide adequate health care to all prisoners.

All prisoners who need healthcare are treated as regular patients by the prison clinic. Medical records start from pre-trial phase. The doctors ensure that the prisoner is physically and mentally stable on arrival at the prison. If the prisoner is found to be unstable then they will be referred to secondary care hospital for the allocated speciality.

If a prisoner has chronic medical conditions that they were being treated for before being arrested, their medical records from Ministry of Health will be transferred to the prison. The prison has labs to test for communicable diseases. They have dental, X-ray and psychiatric facilities within the prison.

A prisoner can request an appointment with a doctor by speaking to a guard or filling out a form. An appointment is granted based on the severity of the prisoner’s health issue. If you have an urgent request to see a doctor and you have been unable to do so, contact the British Embassy with this request and the consular staff may be able to help you see the doctor.

Medical care within the prison is not chargeable. Prisoners cannot access private healthcare while in prison.

For emergency situations, prisoners are taken to one of the government hospitals in Bahrain which are Salmaniya Medical Complex, King Hamad Hospital or Military Hospital.

With your permission, we can make sure that any medical or dental problems you might have are brought to the attention of any police or prison doctor. We can also contact your GP in the UK, if the police or prison doctor requests previous medical records.

Letters and parcels

Prisoners cannot receive parcels. However, they are allowed to receive letters.  Photographs on photographic paper are not permitted, although photographs printed on standard paper have been accepted. 

Telephone calls

Prisoners have up to 40 minutes of telephone calls per week, with a maximum of 10 minutes per day, but the rules are subject to change. The system is operated by telephone cards purchased by the prisoners. If the prisoner has no money then they should make a request to use the telephone to arrange for money to be deposited. In special circumstances, a prisoner can request additional phone time and this will be considered.  Prisoners may be allowed video calls in case they do not have family/ friends in Bahrain.

It is best to give family and friends a range of dates and times when you will try to ring. Hundreds of prisoners often all want to make calls at the same time, so be prepared for a long wait and the likelihood of disappointment.

Prisoners can add up to 5 numbers to their list of registered numbers. Ensure that you add the Embassy and lawyer’s numbers to your list of registered numbers.

Making a complaint about mistreatment

If you have been mistreated, you should inform consular staff as soon as it is safe for you to do so. We will then do our best to visit you, check on your welfare, discuss the allegations, and explain any local complaints procedures and supportive organisations that you may wish to consider. With your permission, and where appropriate, we will consider approaching the local authorities if you have not been treated in line with internationally-accepted standards. If you have been mistreated, try to see a doctor, obtain a medical report and if possible take photos of your injuries.

Family members can directly raise their concerns with the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) or the Ombudsman in Bahrain.

Chapter 3: Bahrain’s judicial system


The judicial system is not the same as the UK. Islam is the state religion and Bahrain has a dual legal system: secular, partly inherited from the French/Egyptian inquisitorial system and Islamic law, which settles family and inheritance matters for Bahraini Muslims. Personal matters relating to foreigners are settled by Bahrain Civil Courts, Most offences for which non-Muslims from outside Bahrain are accused are dealt with under the secular penal code. The onus of proof of guilt always lies with the Prosecution.

Although Bahrain is a signatory to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, allegations of mistreatment and torture against Bahrainis in places of detention continue. New legislation and the creation of the Ministry of Interior Ombudsman’s Office, the National Institute of Human Rights and the Prisoners and Detainees’ Rights Commission mean there are three independent bodies the Embassy can contact if you feel you have been treated incorrectly at any time during your detention. The Criminal Procedure Code introduced habeas corpus (the presumption of innocence) and states that confessions “obtained under duress” (made under pressure or by use of force or threats) are not acceptable as evidence.

Despite allegations in individual cases, there is no evidence of widespread judicial corruption.

Remember that you should never sign anything you cannot read. If you find yourself under pressure to sign, ask to speak to the British Embassy.

The FCDO cannot interfere with the judicial system. We cannot ask for your case to be judged more quickly just because you are British, or ask the authorities to waive any penalties.

First steps

What should happen after you are arrested

You have the right to see a lawyer and should be informed of this right, but it does not always happen. Bahraini law requires that you be charged by the Prosecutor General and you may be asked to confess in front of a judge within 24 hours of being detained. This can be extended to 48 hours on approval by the Prosecutor, and up to a maximum of 12 days in cases of national security and 60 days for terrorism related charges. You should normally be taken from the police station to court where the Prosecutor should read the charges. The Examining Magistrate may provisionally remand you into custody. He should take police reports into account and a signed statement should also influence whether you are remanded.

Generally arrest leads to detention in police cells. You should be charged within 24 hours, but allegations of being held without charge for a few days persist. You are entitled to legal trial and to contact a lawyer whilst you are in police custody. The standard practice is for passports to be kept by the Clerk of the Court until your release.

If you have any questions on the legal aspects of your arrest, contact your lawyer. See here for a list of local English-speaking lawyers .

How long you can be remanded in custody

In Bahraini law, the period of remand should not exceed 60 days. In practice, it can be just a few days and it may be extended up to five times. You have the right to challenge each extension. Any time served on remand will count as part of your sentence. Certain restrictions can be imposed on prisoners on remand, such as no contact with family or other detainees. You should be able to wear your own clothes and should not be expected to work. Prisoners on remand are not segregated from prisoners serving sentences.

After you are charged

At the hearing before the Prosecutor General or a tribunal (court) you should be notified of your rights. In theory these are:

  • the right to an interpreter
  • the right to consult a lawyer
  • the right to appeal against the charge(s)
  • the right to be examined by a doctor, if unwell
  • the right to be visited - at a reasonable time - by British Consular staff, and by members of your immediate family

It is likely that a few days after the first hearing you will be taken to the Court of the First Instance. If you have appointed a lawyer, he can ask for an adjournment to prepare your case. If you do not have a lawyer your case will be heard almost immediately.

If you are found guilty of the charges against you, regardless of whether or not you have a lawyer, your case will automatically go to the Court of Appeal. You can then expect to wait at least another seven more days before your second court hearing. At the second court hearing you will be given the chance to defend the charges against you before the Judge, or for your lawyer to speak on your behalf. You may once again find yourself put under pressure to confess, or to sign an official report, before having access to a lawyer. You should not sign any documents that you do not understand.


Bail can only be granted with the agreement of the Public Prosecutor and the Examining Magistrate. Foreign nationals generally find it almost impossible to get bail because their temporary status in the country poses a threat that they might abscond.

The FCDO cannot transfer bail funds.

If you wish to hire a private lawyer, see here for a list of English-speaking lawyers . Prisoners Abroad can also supply general (non-country specific) information on legal aid, court proceedings and can advise on appointing a lawyer.

Consular staff cannot give legal advice, but they will provide you with a list of English speaking lawyers.

There are some non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Bahrain who have lawyers amongst their members, some of whom are prepared to work for free. However, they tend to focus on human rights issues.


Your trial will be heard in Arabic and the court must appoint an interpreter. Using the French/Egyptian model means there is no jury system in Bahrain. Instead, trials are heard by a judge or up to three judges per sitting, per case. Evidence is largely, and sometimes solely, based on police reports and there is no guarantee your plea(s) will be discussed.


  • minor offences: misdemeanours carry the lowest penalties, which may include fines. There are three types of fines: the administrative (court) fine, the tobacco tax and customs fines. Court costs are usually small amounts and are paid at same time as the court fine. If your sentence includes a fine, it must be paid before you are eligible for release
  • serious offences: terrorism, firearms and drugs offences are the most serious in Bahrain and you will be punished harshly if convicted of related charges. Anyone caught with a gun receives a guaranteed twenty year sentence, while a drug conviction will generally carry a sentence of anywhere between six months and life imprisonment. For drugs cases the length of sentence usually depends of the type of drugs and the quantity involved, although there have been reports of sentences which contradict this. The death penalty is only given for terrorist offences or murder and is often commuted

Suspended sentences are not given to foreign nationals.


Appeals must be lodged within 30 days of conviction and sentencing. You may appeal against the actual conviction or against the length of sentence. The Prosecution can also appeal for an increased sentence. If you do decide to appeal, you should bear in mind the additional costs. If your appeal is rejected you may apply to the Court of Cassation. The further appeal will not re-examine the case on the grounds of evidence or the conviction but on points of law. Cassation can be a long process and you may find your release date comes first.

Reaching the end of your sentence

Reduction of sentence (remission)

There is no system for granting remission (time off your sentence) for foreign nationals, except by a Royal Decree from the King.

Early release

There is no parole for foreign nationals.

Clemency or pardon

Royal Pardons are granted under a royal decree issued by His Majesty The King. This differs from the ‘special amnesty’ that may be applied for by the competent authorities. If you receive a Royal Pardon and your sentence included a fine, the Royal Pardon will not come into effect until the fine has been paid, unless the Pardon clearly states it includes the fine.

Royal Pardon

  1. General or Universal Amnesty: the prisoners are determined based on the criteria set out in the Royal Decree. The prisoner is not required to apply for it.

  2. Private pardon: the prisoner or his or her relatives can apply for a special pardon in accordance with the legal procedure which usually requires:

  • the prisoner to serve half of their sentence or the legally prescribed period (it may vary depending on the sentences issues and the type of crime)
  • good behaviour during the execution of the sentence
  • having not committed serious crimes such as terrorist crimes or crimes against public security (except in exceptional cases specified by the decree)

Procedures for requesting a special pardon

An official application shall be submitted by the prisoner or his lawyer to the competent authorities such as the:

  • Public Prosecution
  • Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs; or
  • the Royal Court

The application should be accompanied by the reasons for seeking a pardon, such as the prisoner’s good character, conduct or health conditions. The application is thereafter studied by the concerned authorities and submitted to His Majesty the King for his final decision.

Royal Pardons are traditionally granted on important Islamic or Bahraini anniversaries, including Ramadan (Aïd es-Fitr), Aïd El Adha, El Maoulid E Nabawi (The Prophet’s Birthday) and Bahraini National Day. Any request for a Royal Pardon should be sent 1-2 months before the date of the anniversary that you hope to benefit from.

Consular Staff will discuss the Royal Pardon process in more detail with you if you are considering applying.

Financial penalties

You should expect to pay all your fines before you are released from prison, unless you have been granted a Royal Pardon that also excuses the paying of your fine(s). You can also be released without paying the court fine if:

  • you have applied for cassation and reached your expected date of release before the date has been set for the cassation
  • no arrest warrant has been issued against you by the court for non-payment of either fine, and imprisonment for non-payment has not been specified in your sentence

Transfer to another prison within Bahrain

Transfer between prisons is not allowed.

Transfer to a prison in the UK

A Prisoner Transfer Agreement does not exist between the UK and Bahrain.

Release and deportation

It is common practice for foreigners who have committed major offences to be deported at the end of their sentence. In such cases, prisoners will be detained at the Immigration Detention Centre until they book a flight for themselves. If the prisoner was a registered resident in Bahrain, then the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) may help with purchasing a ticket.

Sometimes people find that they face difficulties adjusting to life in the UK once they have left prison. You may find yourself ready for life on the outside but not prepared for living in the UK. You may not have lived in the UK before and have no connections there, or perhaps you have lost touch with friends and family. You may want to talk to another person who understands what you have been through, to help you consider what to do next.

Chapter 4: Additional information

If you are registered with Prisoners Abroad, you can arrange an appointment with their Resettlement Team when you first arrive back in UK. They can help with advice, temporary luggage storage, make essential phone calls or use a computer. If you have no belongings Prisoners Abroad may be able to help with basic toiletries and finding suitable clothing. If you know your release date in advance you should tell the Prisoner and Family Team when you are likely to arrive and what help you think you might need. If you have no money and nowhere to go, Prisoners Abroad’s Resettlement Service can help with:

  • advice on finding emergency accommodation in the London area
  • claiming welfare benefits, including emergency benefit payments if you are destitute
  • making appointments with doctors and dentists
  • putting you in touch with local agencies if you are not returning to the London area

Later on you may want advice on housing, looking for work, applying for training or getting counselling. Prisoners Abroad can refer you to the right agency.

Other sources of practical help back in the UK are:

The Salvation Army

UK Helpline +44 (0)20 7367 4888

Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm, or contact your local Salvation Army branch

The Prison Fellowship

UK Helpline +44 (0)20 7799 2500

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Your criminal record in the UK

We will not normally pass on information about your case to a third party without your consent. However, if you are arrested for certain serious offences, such as child sex abuse or drugs crimes, our staff must tell other relevant UK authorities. It is possible that information about this may appear if a Criminal Records Bureau check is carried out by a prospective employer.

Prisoners Abroad

Since 1978 the charity Prisoners Abroad has offered practical support and advice to British citizens imprisoned abroad. It is the only UK charity providing this service. It is available to all, whether guilty or innocent, convicted or awaiting charge or trial. Prisoners Abroad supports your health and welfare during your imprisonment. It can also provide support on your return to the UK, through their resettlement service (if you have registered whilst in prison). They can also provide support and advice to your family when you are in prison. To access any services, you must first register with Prisoners Abroad by signing and returning their authorisation form.

Once you seek help from Prisoners Abroad, the Prisoner & Family Support Service will be your point of contact for advice and information. The type of assistance they can offer varies from country to country, but generally they can provide you with information, in English, on:

  • your rights as a prisoner
  • issues that may affect you such as health or transfer to the UK
  • getting magazines, newspapers, books and the regular Prisoners Abroad newsletter
  • learning the language of your country of imprisonment
  • translating documents
  • grants for food if you are in a developing country and do not have funds from other sources
  • grants for essential medicines and toiletries if you do not have funds from other sources
  • preparing for release
  • help for your loved ones, including information, family support groups and, in a few cases, assistance with the cost of visiting
  • Freepost envelopes to help you stay in touch with others

Prisoners Abroad

UK Helpline +44 (0)20 7561 6820 or 0808 172 0098

Mondays to Fridays 9:30am to 4:30pm (UK time)

89 – 93 Fonthill Road
London N4 3JH

Glossary of terms

“Inquisitorial” means the use of intensive questioning, as the system has tended to rely heavily on confessions. Along with police reports, they make up the bulk of evidence in most cases.