Be Clear on Cancer: first national 'Cervical Screening Saves Lives' campaign
Evaluation of the first national Cervical Screening Saves Lives campaign, which ran in 2019.
Applies to England
The first national ‘Cervical Screening Saves Lives’ campaign ran from 5 March 2019 to 30 April 2019 in England, as part of the wider Be Clear on Cancer initiative.
Campaign messages
The core campaign messages were:
- cervical screening can stop cancer before it starts
- don’t ignore your cervical screening invite. If you missed your last cervical screening, book an appointment with your GP practice now
This is a series of summaries produced for the campaign, each focusing on a different evaluation measure (referred to as a metric) which reflects an important point in the patient pathway. Please refer to the considerations when interpreting these results. To determine the impact of the campaign, we evaluated metrics on:
- GP attendances – screening tests
- GP attendances – symptoms
- cervical screening uptake
- testing of overdue participants
- cervical screening samples received and reported
- cervical screening coverage
- result letters delivered within 14 days
- colposcopy referrals
- urgent GP referrals
- cancer diagnoses resulting from an urgent referral for suspected cancer
- cancer diagnoses recorded in the cancer waiting times database
- PHE screening helpdesk enquiries
- cancers diagnosed in the National Cancer Data Repository
- early stage at diagnosis
Get advice on the signs and symptoms of cancer from the NHS website. You can also find out more about the evaluation of Be Clear on Cancer campaigns.