Becoming A Public Service Mutual Toolkit
A toolkit to support those considering becoming a Public Service Mutual.
This toolkit is designed to support services considering becoming a public service mutual and is applicable to all service areas. It provides a high level explanation of the process, considerations and key steps to be undertaken by aspiring mutuals. It includes a brief overview of possible alternative delivery models available to the public sector and the potential advantages/disadvantages of these. The toolkit also includes a step by step guide on how to establish a mutual from undertaking a pre-options appraisal to going live.
It was developed by Mutual Ventures in collaboration with the Mutuals Team at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport based on their experiences of supporting public sector organisations through the consideration and implementation of mutuals.
We hope you will find it a helpful resource for understanding the steps required to become a Public Service Mutual and enable you to become fully prepared to embark on your journey.