Promotional material

Bees’ Needs champion awards: 2023 to 2024

Updated 10 July 2024

Applies to England

The Bees’ Needs champion awards recognise and celebrate exceptional things that local authorities, community groups, farmers and businesses have done to support pollinators.  

Defra gives these awards to people or organisations that have done inspiring things to help pollinators thrive. For example: 

  • creating a wildflower patch 
  • educating the local community
  • doing special things to help pollinators on your farm or around your workplace 

You can nominate yourself for an award, or you can nominate someone else. 

The Bees’ Needs champion awards are part of government’s:

Award categories

There are 2 award categories. You can enter under either:

  • communities 
  • farming   

The communities category is for things that local authorities, schools and community groups do to help pollinators.

The farming category is for things that farmers do to help pollinators.

Application form

Bees Needs’ champion awards: application form

Closing date for entries

Entries closed on 12 May 2024.

Privacy notice

Find out how Defra will use your personal information when you submit a nomination for a Bees’ Needs champion award.